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Do you want to see these vehicles?  

388 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you want to see these vehicles?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Yes,but only MK20
    • Yes,but only TOW
    • Yes,but only HOT
    • Yes,but only RMK-30
    • Yes,but only MK.20 and TOW (versions in active service)
    • All except RMK-30
    • All except HOT


Mind you,if the T-64 comes (and it will eventually,it has been confirmed after all),the whole timeline for every other nation will probably jump up to mid-late 80s anyway.

This seems to be the basis of most of the points so I'll correct this:

No.  Gaijin has not confirmed the T-64 at all.  That is an urban myth that needs to stop spreading.


IF Gaijin were to Era-6 it and add an Abrams/Leo2/Challie/T-64/T-72/T-80 meta, then the Wiesel would be close enough to be implemented without a fuss (most likely premium, as the 20mm doesn't pack enough punch to be anywhere other than low tier.).  With only the T-62/Leo1/Type74/M60/Chieftain meta, not so much.

Edited by Retry
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16 minutes ago, Mercedes4321 said:

The T-64 has been given at best a maybe, no solid confirmation has ever come out for it.

is7: it will never be in the game... today: it will come as for example a promotion vehiecle

atgms: NEVER............................ today: added to the game

T64/ composite armor: Never.......

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15 minutes ago, dotEXCEL said:

is7: it will never be in the game... today: it will come as for example a promotion vehiecle

atgms: NEVER............................ today: added to the game

T64/ composite armor: Never.......

You have two maybes in there, they are still only considering the IS-7. No confirmation on that one.

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4 minutes ago, Mercedes4321 said:

You have two maybes in there, they are still only considering the IS-7. No confirmation on that one.

the is7 i coming. they just dont know how to implement it. event, tournament, promotion, techtree... all the options. i bet on tournament

Edited by dotEXCEL
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8 minutes ago, dotEXCEL said:

is7: it will never be in the game... today: it will come as for example a promotion vehiecle

Official Q&A translation said no to the IS-7 being a researchable vehicle and it might be an event vehicle, which is not nearly "Yes IS-7".


atgms: NEVER............................ today: added to the game

They never said no to MCLOS and SACLOS missiles.


T64/ composite armor: Never.......

Composite armour is on the Type 87 but it's not stopping large-caliber rounds fortunately.  T-64 is still a no.

1 minute ago, dotEXCEL said:

the is7 i coming. they just dont know hoe to implement it. event, tournament, promotion, techtree... all the options

Seriously, this isn't funny.  Stop spreading rumors.

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6 minutes ago, Retry said:

Official Q&A translation said no to the IS-7 being a researchable vehicle and it might be an event vehicle, which is not nearly "Yes IS-7".

They never said no to MCLOS and SACLOS missiles.

Composite armour is on the Type 87 but it's not stopping large-caliber rounds fortunately.  T-64 is still a no.

Seriously, this isn't funny.  Stop spreading rumors.

believe what you want m8. remember this very day when your dreams get crushed.

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1 minute ago, dotEXCEL said:

believe what you want m8. remember this very day when your dreams get crushed.

If you believe I dream about you being wrong and the T-64/IS-7 never making it to WT, you're an even bigger narcissist than me.


Enough BS myths circulate through this forum, we don't need people doing it intentionally.

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5 minutes ago, Retry said:

If you believe I dream about you being wrong and the T-64/IS-7 never making it to WT, you're an even bigger narcissist than me.


Enough BS myths circulate through this forum, we don't need people doing it intentionally.

again if you think that way np.

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  • 1 month later...

Where's my popcorn?


I am enjoying the schadenfreude too much... but of course yes, I would love to derp all the things with the Wiesel in WT, it was hilarious in AW for its maneuverability, damage output and low detect-ability, especially against Artillery vehicles and low-tier cold war equipment. 


Now imagine it with a bush on top and killing the poor naysayers of this thread, enjoying the salt of their tears and anger by its addition. 



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  • 2 weeks later...

@Retry Gaijin are going to make a move on AW's crowd, and they are going to make it soon. Prepare yourself for it now. It won't be the end of WT either. 


As for the Wiesel, I think it would fit into war thunder, seeing as the devs are still trying to et a light tank line going for the Germans, or so I've heard.

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On 19.02.2017 at 7:17 PM, swpixy said:

if the T-64 comes (and it will eventually,it has been confirmed after all),the whole timeline for every other nation will probably jump up to mid-late 80s anyway.

Wow wow slow down, One full of technical problems, primitive soviet tank won't cause the game to jump so ahead.

T-64s reputation has grown on this forum to a colossal size.... It's an excuse to add anything now.


As for the Wiesel, I always loved those cute little thingies.

It's not and argument against it but

Firstly, it was introduced in 90'

Secondly, compared to Jaguar 2 (Raketenjagdpanzer 4 TOW) it has significantly less ammo, less armour.

I wouldn't mind it in game, I won't brake the game as well as introduce anything new to the table.

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1 hour ago, Wilhuff_Tarkin_ said:

full of technical problems


Technical complexity is not modeled apart from autoloaders continuing to reload while extinguishing fires.


1 hour ago, Wilhuff_Tarkin_ said:

It's an excuse to add anything now.


The real point is, that Gaijin is going to do whatever brings them in the most amount of money. If enough people want something to be implemented, then it probably will be sooner or later. Gaijin

a company after all, and a companie's sole purpose is to make money as fast as possible, with as little work needed.


1 hour ago, Wilhuff_Tarkin_ said:

compared to Jaguar 2 (Raketenjagdpanzer 4 TOW)


Interesting to note: The Jaguar 2 would have a tracking interface for enemy vehicles, the HOT missile is basically the TOW with a different designation, and the composite plates aren't going to stop anything past a 57mm AP shell. 

Would be interesting to see, what Gaijin would do for FC systems, if they ever get around to be bothered to implement a comletely new mechanic.

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  • 4 months later...

bump, sry @P8triot

Edited by dotEXCEL

P8triot (Posted )

Please lets not do 'bumps' The suggestion mods do not like them and they are technically spam which is against the rules.
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40 minutes ago, Nope said:

why the hype for a mere munitions carrier

mere munitions carrier ?!?
well, those wiesels are the nightmare of every MBT crew during training-ops. small, agile and have enough punch to kill MBT's. they are modern days ''waffenträger''

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1 hour ago, dotEXCEL said:

mere munitions carrier ?!?
well, those wiesels are the nightmare of every MBT crew during training-ops. small, agile and have enough punch to kill MBT's. they are modern days ''waffenträger''


but they are munitions carriers yes


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26 minutes ago, Nope said:


but they are munitions carriers yes


AWC = Armoured Weapon Carrier....

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  • 3 months later...

OMG! that platform is a war racing vehicle (Death Race XD). So awesome. plenty of options vs ground, vs air... :good:


I would like to see it in battle. I'll work perfectly as scout and flanker, I think german nation will benefit a lot from it. but let's not forget this vehicle is only for highly skilled tankers.. 

Edited by CoMurey2

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