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  1. 1. Do you want to see these vehicles?

    • Yes
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    • Yes,but only MK20
    • Yes,but only TOW
    • Yes,but only HOT
    • Yes,but only RMK-30
    • Yes,but only MK.20 and TOW (versions in active service)
    • All except RMK-30
    • All except HOT

On 6.3.2018 at 5:06 PM, dotEXCEL said:

yes... but which one...
2, 2A or 2B

In 2006 the heavy company of my battlaion still used the BGM-71D on Wiesel 1. The other variant in Service was 71C on Jaguar 2 which went out if service in the early 90`s.
Oh...and the series version of the Wiesel started with the D while preproduction models still used the C. Asked someone who spend a little more time in the mudzone than me.

Edited by A3nur
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40 minutes ago, A3nur said:

In 2006 the heavy company of my battlaion still used the BGM-71D on Wiesel 1. The other variant in Service was 71C on Jaguar 2 which went out if service in the early 90`s.
Oh...and the series version of the Wiesel started with the D while preproduction models still used the C. Asked someone who spend a little more time in the mudzone than me.

Thanks for the info!

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1 hour ago, A3nur said:

In 2006 the heavy company of my battlaion still used the BGM-71D on Wiesel 1. The other variant in Service was 71C on Jaguar 2 which went out if service in the early 90`s.
Oh...and the series version of the Wiesel started with the D while preproduction models still used the C. Asked someone who spend a little more time in the mudzone than me.

Thanks for the Information,had a bit of a hard time finding anything on the version used by this.Will add info to OP.


Also,here is a possible idea for a alternative implementation of these vehicles:Giving them relatively multiple spawns (2-3) and reduced SP cost compared to lighttanks.This would compensate for the relatively low ammunition count and allow for implementing even the Rh202-armed variant at a relatively high BR,basically turning the Wiesel into a cheap "Spam unit" that can scout,distract and take out light armor in some cases.

Edited by swpixy
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12 hours ago, A3nur said:

In 2006 the heavy company of my battlaion still used the BGM-71D on Wiesel 1. The other variant in Service was 71C on Jaguar 2 which went out if service in the early 90`s.
Oh...and the series version of the Wiesel started with the D while preproduction models still used the C. Asked someone who spend a little more time in the mudzone than me.

thx m8 :salute:

Edited by dotEXCEL
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On ‎19‎.‎02‎.‎2017 at 7:20 PM, Mercedes4321 said:

The T-64 has been given at best a maybe, no solid confirmation has ever come out for it.

i think its quite hillarious that this is the first post when i loaded the page

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8 hours ago, Querulous1 said:

I do think these sorts of vehicles need lots of testing

I dont think so.We already have vehicles like this (Ontos,Type 60,M56,Striker)-infact those vehicles have more ammunition than the Wiesel,and with exeption of the M56,more armour aswell-though they are also somewhat bigger.Literally anything with a roof-mounted .50 can oneshot the Wiesel thanks to the near-nonexistant armor and 2-man crew.And seeing as the vehicles named above do not cause any problems,i dont see why this here would.That said:

8 hours ago, Querulous1 said:

very annoying to play against

Is basically the point of vehicles like this (or the examples named above):If played correctly,very annoying.If not,freekills that you generally wont even need more than your Machineguns for.

8 hours ago, Querulous1 said:

 could change the meta

Seeing as the German Techtree at T5 and T6 is (with exception of the Maus and,to a degree,KPz-70) all about mobility and firepower in exchange for sacrificing protection,i dont think so-this thing works on the same principle.

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Heres a bit on the Prototype of the Wiesel:


Mostly identical to the production,but had a 100hp engine giving it a whopping 38hp/ton P/W ratio.Coupled with a extremely low groundpressure of merely 3.5N/cm²,this is pretty much a Gokart on tracks.

The version the WTS has is the Rh202 armed variant:


Note the lack of rounded edges on the sides and the different shape of the hull infront of the driver´s position.A version with TOW was also made at this point.

This is the 1976 version of the Wiesel:3 years before it was cancelled due to cost (in 1979).However,the project was revived by the BWB (Bundesamt für Wehrtechnik und Beschaffung) in 1984

(after it became clear that the aging LKW 0.75t KraKa had to be replaced).The Prototype with TOW would be limited to the first iteration of the TOW,it could potentially be used as a T5 Premium or Event vehicle.The Rh.202 armed version would probably not have too much use however,since it would not have access to the DM63 APDS (which came around in 89).

Edited by swpixy
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  • 3 weeks later...

@SAUBER_KH7 maybe a move to Further Discussions? if we get Leo 2's this thing needs to be there as well

SAUBER_KH7 (Posted )

Done. o7
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  • 5 months later...

Soooo, apparently, there's a TOW-2 variant of the Wiesel with 8 TOWs (one in the tube) :D
I want it even more now.....especially seeing how it's lower profile than the leo 2 hull with the launcher just sticking over it, combine that with the TOW traversing 45° left and right, that's quite nasty in CQB.

The 20mm version also has quite the substantial ammo capacity considering the tiny size, 400 rounds total.

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