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Current Team Killing Policy


BlueBeta gave Miss_Behaven a warning for this post
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ONCE AGAIN .. some idixt - started shooting at my tank at spawn point. I'm getting ANGRY and ANNOYED every time this happens. NOW I am starting to shoot back .. and continue until they have learned not to mess with me. I'm NEVER the one who starts an internal fight and I JUST HAD ENOUGH of these idixts.


WHY are those players joining a battle, if all they want - is to contribute with harassment and team-killing behaviour ???? 


I don't understand WHY Gaijin allows this behaviour at all ? Therefore I will shoot back, crash into their tank and even push them into the water .. because I did not start the internal fight .. and I NEVER starts internal fights .. and because NOTHING HAPPENS from Gaijin - I WILL DO MY BEST to stop this idixts players myselves. 


I have looked at the replay - and this player turned his tank and started shooting directly at me .. not once .. but continued to shoot at me .. and then he started shooting at other players too ?.. Should I just report him - and then smile and be happy ? NO WAY ! .. The one who starts internal fightings - are the one, who should be punished and who should get banned from the game for days. DON'T START .. if you cannot handle the consequences. I simply need to steam-off somehow because of this kind of players.

shot 2018.02.16 16.29.14_2.jpg

Edited by Miss_Behaven

BlueBeta (Posted )

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My dear friend has been team killed by this malignant guy, I am not a party but this evidence presented to him on behalf of him.It seems that he has done this behavior for some time, often we meet again. :-/

Why do people who do such a nuisance acts later...



Edited by Exe2623
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I think it's a little counterproductive to even have the option to team kill and then punish players for doing so... How about take that feature off? Oh wait, developers can't be too brilliant, they still can't even get naval battles done right and it's been over a year lmao. 

_Catweazle_63 (Posted )

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NO! Team kills should definetly be possible since in Simulation it is part of the immersion but the punishment of a few thousand credits is irrelevant. It should be punished by locking the account for an hour and more if there is a pattern. 

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I was flying a Lagg and got shot down by a Yak on my tail - presumably because the pilot was trying to get an Antimech award or something. There were three (in total) on my team and one on the Allies team left. There was no reason for him to be behind me and I'd not been near him all battle. I hit the Report button but see little point. This is completely ruining the game, yet it seems to be a regular occurrence. I reckon every second battle has a teamkill.


Could it be set up so that players could "block" teamkillers in order to avoid meeting them in future battles? Maybe when they stopped getting into games they'd take notice.

Edited by druidh58

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The competing company’s ship game has the best TK feature.  


The team killer gets 2x reflective damage. And, he gets more negative credit for killing himself.  


When you TK enough, more than accidental, you have to play 5 games or so with reduced statistics. 


It is way more satisfying to see the TKer get killed by his own TKing. 



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I just got TK'ed for "stealing" a ground target kill in Arcade AB.


By someone complaining that the team didn't do enough to destroy ground targets.


I had the most ground targets killed on my team.


No, I'm not making this up.

Edited by krise_madsen
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While we can likely all agree that the Teamkilling penalty system isn't perfect, I reckon it's pretty hard to come up with something a lot better that doesn't overly penalise the honest mistake. However, would it be possible to negate any Awards to players who took out a friendly vehicle during the game? I've had this a couple of times where a friendly aircraft has deliberately take me out near the end of a game when we are both going for something like Antimech.  

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9 hours ago, druidh58 said:

While we can likely all agree that the Teamkilling penalty system isn't perfect, I reckon it's pretty hard to come up with something a lot better that doesn't overly penalise the honest mistake. However, would it be possible to negate any Awards to players who took out a friendly vehicle during the game? I've had this a couple of times where a friendly aircraft has deliberately take me out near the end of a game when we are both going for something like Antimech.  


It boils down to differentiating between accidental and deliberate teamkills: Mild penalties for accidents, harsh (very harsh if you ask me) penalties for deliberate teamkills. That's a lot easier said than done, unless you have the time and money to have people sift through replays and make the call.


In lieu of that, I'd go for some sort of penalty that's sufficiently annoying to make people stop and think before pulling the trigger, whether they do it for fun, out of frustration or for retaliation (there's a depressingly large number of players who think that "self-policing" retaliatory teamkills are a great idea). That is, a penalty that's invoked whether the TK is on purpose or not.

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Becharita gave Miss_Behaven a warning for this post
Reason: Verbal Warning Only · Points: 0 ·
On 24/2/2018 at 7:55 AM, Exe2623 said:

My dear friend has been team killed by this malignant guy, I am not a party but this evidence presented to him on behalf of him.It seems that he has done this behavior for some time, often we meet again. :-/

Why do people who do such a nuisance acts later...




How interesting .. I have received a warning for the exact same kind of posting... but then again, why tread players equally :016:  

Becharita (Posted )

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Team killing should be prevented as realistically as it can be across all settings. As it stands now, you can't put a round into a friendly tank in Arcade, which is how it should be. As for pushing friendlies into the water, how would that even be stopped? At most you can send a clip to mods in order to get someone temporarily banned or something, but clips only tell part of the story (maybe YOU were the actual troublemaker and they were putting an end to it?) and I really doubt mods want to sit and watch the entire round just for context. 


Personally though, I don't think we should be penalized as much as we currently are for killing teammates with artillery. It's not my fault the idiot drove into it in order to get in an enemy tanks face.....

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I would like to put in an example of teamkilling in this thread, some kind of new thing without any consequences for the teamkiller himself. I was not involved in this specific situation, but one member of a community I'm in. I will describe as good as possible. First of all, here are 4 replays; each of these rounds where High Tier air RB, but the teamkiller himself always flew a rank 1:







In this 4 games there is one player who always teamkilled one teammate at the beginning of the round. But what will it bring if you ban or even delete his account? If you watch his stats you will see that this account is only made for fun- or, for the other players, for anger. 


I post this for one reason: banning this teamkiller will not have any effect. If his account is banned, he will create a new one. In my opinion, there is another suspect in this matters: his teammate who made it even possible to get in a High Tier match with a rank 1. No one who plays high tier will expect many help from his teammate when he is starting in a rank 1 biplane- and even if, he would kick him out of the squad after the first teamkill. This player did not: he accepted every single teamkill of his squadmember.


If I now look at the stats of the teamkiller-supporter, we can quickly find out one thing: this player is pretty pissed. Purchased an IS-6 for a lot of bucks, successful? No. Bought an Ru251, his stats are even worse (K/D of 0,5 is not very good for an Ru251). T29? Great tank, but not in the hands of this player. And there are more examples. Which brings me to one conclusion: both accounts, teamkiller and teamkiller-supporter, belong to the same person. And he can continue his 'vendetta' without expecting any consequences.




Edited by PeetvanHell
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6 hours ago, PeetvanHell said:

If his account is banned, he will create a new one.


And then he will either have to crunch through the garage again to get decent vehicles, or buy GE to get back up the tiers.


In the latter case you're hitting the guy directly in the wallet by reporting him and seeing the account banned. Report them!  Getting a TKer banned means you caused Gaijin to make either days/weeks of time or, dunno, $50 of his disappear.


When TKing means yanking out a $20 bill and lighting it on fire, it means something.

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On 10/26/2017 at 12:16 AM, Hardmoor said:

don't shoot if you can't properly identify your target, it's that easy.

In my opinion teamkills should cost 50.000 SL and could lead to permanent Simulator bans if accumulated.

yh tell that to the guys team killing japanese tanks and vehicles especially Type 94 in sim mode or the germans using t34 because they think they can confuse the enemy only to get team killed because they get confused for the enemy by amateur players not looking for distinction marks


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On 12/12/2017 at 2:41 PM, *memnoch1911 said:

Report them.


What good it does,I hav'nt the slightest clue...but it must have an effect,else it would not be an option.


There should be an automatic week ban for a player that exceeds "X" number of teamkills.


A permanent IP ban for players who have over 5 teamkills in two days time.


It shows intent to kill that many teammates and intention is the real question where teamkilling is concerned.



Everyone has accidents,but to purposely ruin your teams chances is reprehensible.


These players seek to undermine the integrity of the game and should be treated accordingly.


tell that to the jet that shot my prop plane down because he thought it was funny even making other jet allies laughing


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Im guilty of team killing but its usually when i play american planes which i rarely do because those guys dont know how to fly they all go after the same target regardless of you being the first person on target and they constantly steal kills they dont help you they just get themselves shot down flying behind you trying to shoot the guy in front of you

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I have a question. when i logged on today it said i have been reported by players 6 times for team killing but i have only killed 1 freindly in the last few days that i can remember and after that 1 time i got kicked from the game, and the reason i teamkilled him was because he bombed my squadmate so i got revenge for him. Is this something i should be concerned about? considering i have spent quiet a lot of money on this game and dont want to be permanently banned or anything. 

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21 hours ago, SasquatchFox360 said:

tell that to the jet that shot my prop plane down because he thought it was funny even making other jet allies laughing

Did you report him?


2 hours ago, Kugelblitz18 said:

the reason i teamkilled him was because he bombed my squadmate so i got revenge for him.

Have you considered reporting him instead of getting revenge? Because...

2 hours ago, Kugelblitz18 said:

I have a question. when i logged on today it said i have been reported by players 6 times for team killing but i have only killed 1 freindly in the last few days

That could have resulted in 6 players in that one game reporting your TK, players that perhaps didn't notice the other guy bombing your buddy.

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Yes, if I see a team member killing another, although not directly involved I tend to report him. Remember the saying "While seeking revenge, dig two graves- one for yourself".

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I’ve submitted a fair few reports but only for deliberate kills, do we ever get feedback on action taken? I’ve never heard anything,does anything ever happen? Fair enough if it’s friendly fire both going for same target ( annoying but understandable) but deliberate tk should be looked at surely?

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I trust that reports are investigated. However, it would help to cement player confidence, and surely not too difficult to implement, for the reporter to receive one of two standard replies: "Thank you for your report which, having been investigated, will result in no further action" or "Thank you for your report which, having been investigated, will result in further action. The nature of that action will remain confidential".

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On 2/16/2018 at 8:18 AM, Miss_Behaven said:

ONCE AGAIN .. some idixt - started shooting at my tank at spawn point. I'm getting ANGRY and ANNOYED every time this happens. NOW I am starting to shoot back .. and continue until they have learned not to mess with me. I'm NEVER the one who starts an internal fight and I JUST HAD ENOUGH of these idixts.


WHY are those players joining a battle, if all they want - is to contribute with harassment and team-killing behaviour ???? 


I don't understand WHY Gaijin allows this behaviour at all ? Therefore I will shoot back, crash into their tank and even push them into the water .. because I did not start the internal fight .. and I NEVER starts internal fights .. and because NOTHING HAPPENS from Gaijin - I WILL DO MY BEST to stop this idixts players myselves. 


I have looked at the replay - and this player turned his tank and started shooting directly at me .. not once .. but continued to shoot at me .. and then he started shooting at other players too ?.. Should I just report him - and then smile and be happy ? NO WAY ! .. The one who starts internal fightings - are the one, who should be punished and who should get banned from the game for days. DON'T START .. if you cannot handle the consequences. I simply need to steam-off somehow because of this kind of players.

shot 2018.02.16 16.29.14_2.jpg

So what if he's shooting you?  Teammates can't damage you unless you're in SB GF.  Also, pushing friendly players into water is a violation of the in-game rules...

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8 hours ago, Light_Flight said:

I trust that reports are investigated. However, it would help to cement player confidence, and surely not too difficult to implement, for the reporter to receive one of two standard replies: "Thank you for your report which, having been investigated, will result in no further action" or "Thank you for your report which, having been investigated, will result in further action. The nature of that action will remain confidential".


I seriously doubt there are people on the payroll watching hours of replays (on reported TK's) to catch deliberate teamkillers. I'm guessing a complaint just flags the player and when passing some TK threshold some form of temp ban is initiated. Plus, according to Gaijin, some algorithm that looks for deliberate TK's that can be detected without having to actually watch a replay (such as TK's within the first minute or so, before any opposing vehicles are within range of each other).


I think some of the problems could be mitigated by increasing the penalty for any TK, accidental or otherwise: Instant kick from the match and crew lock. Yes there would be a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth for a while, but any semi-conscious player would learn trigger discipline pretty fast. And at least some of the deliberate teamkillers would stop and think before pulling the trigger.


As it is now you can deliberately teamkill on a regular basis and suffer only a minor loss of Silver Lions.

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Couple days ago I just noticed on the scores that I got thousands negative income SL's for killing own team member.

I do not know how that would have happened because I did not shoot any of our team members. I used artillery though and maybe some of our team member was too close.

I should have checked server replay and I'm sorry for my team mate (if he/she read this)


What you guys think about that kind of situations?

_Catweazle_63 (Posted )

merged with the official Team Killing Policy thread
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