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High scores


On 10/07/2020 at 08:23, willcliff said:

Well, some of them seem suspicious.

They arent really suspicious because the counts are high. I maintain my belief that many are surprisingly low. 


Lots of things are just not right with the requirements to be considered in the list. I was going to mock it but cant be bothered, with actually doing it to a major extent just now, maybe later to prove the point but basically the way some of these records are broken and how the screenshots are taken im sure i could get a P108A to 'have' a 10+ kill game maybe even a 20... without actually killing anything in the p108a but just landing the plane (fighter) then taking a screenshot in the re-spawned P108a. We cant be sure with alot of the screenshots that this was not done. This could be done for in game reasons in the match such as repairing a plane and then getting an airspawn by jaying out instead of taking off. It can also be done purposefully to mess with the screenshots



One of the worst 'proofs' is listed below (as in it highlights flaws with the book keeping) , im sure America could and probably did accomplish this feat, but the photo itself is questionable as evidence of actually getting 23 kills in one spawn  or with 1 plane. We can see a death, but we can also see he is still apparently in his p-400 (via scoretable) AND the p-400 we can make out in the background of the photo does not appear to be damaged, so he could have easily have respawned in a backup and continued getting kills. Does that even count then? It does not look like that 1 death is the vehicle in the background


he died spawned another plane and we have no verification he got a kill in his p-400 at all, essentially no proof has been provided the kills came from the p-400 he is flying atm all we can see is he ended on a p-400 and 23 kills for the match was achieved.




Other photos or videos are no longer viewable, which kinda makes the record void in a sense unless new proof can be given.


Based on just the photos, and videos given honestly you can easily just forge results rather easily for many planes. Im sure they are probably all legit, but the mere fact it can be lied about so easily kinda bothers me. BUT i still maintain that most of these are overwhelmingly low and can EASILY be beaten, i will say that i have beaten at least one so far and iv only partially tried inbetween tank matches now and then. I can only imagine that most of these records could easily be broken by a decent percentage of the playerbase within a sitting.


Apparently we also can not spawn in squads and i dont know how to feel about this, part of me agrees but part of me disagrees. Its hard to police this and clearly with the photos again this isent policed if they just take different photos. It makes alot of sense why you dont want it, but at the same time you cant police it and its not always exactly that relevant is it? What if you just happened to end up on the same team as your squad mates? or Alt accounts, or as @willcliff mentions they could be bots aswell. 


On 10/07/2020 at 08:23, willcliff said:

 Like with the kills by Shycat. I highly doubt that it’s possible to get 33 kills in the he-100.

I dont think its suspicious, i dont know shycat but 33 kills doesnt seem that unexpected with the HE-100, i recall lots of people saying how OP it was when it came out, i dont exactly recall what it was like but it was probably fighting ALOT of new and bad players in bi planes so maybe 33 is a tad low! to be the world record at least.

Most fighters in tier1-3 i expect the records to actually be high 20s to the 40s, with very very few exceptions. I maintain that these numbers look really low mostly, the scores in the high 30s or low 40s seem about right, or close to


This whole thing really relies on a gentlemans agreement, and not much else tbh so its hard to think of them as ''official''. I do want to stress tho im not actually accussing anyone of not actually acheiving the results shown, but i dont really think the system used to prove it is good. Im sure the record holders would still be at least in general holding most of the records they hold now and they probably could do most of the 20 kill ones again within a day or two if needed. Its probably best to standardise the screenshoting system to include the after action report, the in game scoreboard and the Pop-up at the end that shows the spawns, in small white writing at the bottom, and provide a replay or video.....although that is alot of effort. Even then its got minor faults that people could abuse if they really wanted to, with alt accounts, feeding kills or protecting the person doing the record

Edited by SneakySausage
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3 hours ago, SneakySausage said:


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tbh the best part about this one was all the salty players blacklisting him


3 hours ago, SneakySausage said:

Most fighters in tier1-3 i expect the records to actually be high 20s to the 40s, with very very few exceptions.

it’s actually the other way around. most fighters lower that 3.0 can’t get insane scores because 

1. bad guns. you’re not going to kill much with .303s

2. bad energy retention. hard to stay alive

3. bad climb, again hard to stay alive

thats why almost every plane on the list is 3.0 or higher with a few exceptions

Edited by willcliff
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3 hours ago, willcliff said:

tbh the best part about this one was all the salty players blacklisting him


it’s actually the other way around. most fighters lower that 3.0 can’t get insane scores because 

1. bad guns. you’re not going to kill much with .303s

2. bad energy retention. hard to stay alive

3. bad climb, again hard to stay alive

thats why almost every plane on the list is 3.0 or higher with a few exceptions

This isent true of alot of the planes on the list below 3.0. Some climb okay had decent guns and speed. Some of that may be debatable now but for example the p-40 use to have either a terriable flight model or an amazing one.

anyways just a general no to this simply because lower tiers have really bad players, a few days ago i just won basically 21 headons in a row, not great flying by me, just poor by others

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On 30/07/2020 at 11:27, Barry100 said:

When I first started this game, I realized if you see a J2M up above you-just leave it alone!

Probably a good idea considering the J2M2 is bugged and for some reason gets to climb at 40-50 degrees without losing too much speed in an emergency. Balanced amirite?

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