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ZSL-92/WZ 511(type 92) IFV


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i would like to suggest an interresting Chinese IFV for the chinese mid tier, the ZSL-92, also know under the name Type 92




The WZ 551 was at first presented in 1986 under the designation of Type 90 IFV. but the vehicles was refused to service because of the too poor performance, in the early 90s it went into deep redesign on the hull and transmission and the WZ 551 was accepted into services after 30 000 km of testing, the vehicles had show much better performance than the Type 90 and was accepted into services in 1994 under the army designation of ZSL-92 and Nato designation of Type 92 IFV. in entered into production in 1995 and the same years the first vehicles entered into service in the Chinese army with an estimated 800 vehicles into Chinese service (150 APC version and 750 IFV version) the chassis was also used as based for serial other variants for different role. the WZ 551 family receive a good success in the international export market with about 20 different country using it, some in a fairly large number.


in this suggestion we will focus on the IFV version. the first production variant was the ZSL-92 and ZSL-92a, do not mistake the addition of "a" after the name for a newer variant as the both variants are produced at the same time. one is the IFV, the other one, the ZSL-92a is a APC with a 12,7mm turret. due to the regard to the game experience, i do not think a semi-modern APC have his place in the game with only a 12.7mm as it could only fit in rank I with this firepower, it would sort of been ridiculous. but the IFV variant have much better firepower, with a 25mm in a remote turret (suspiciously similar to the Russian BPPU turret) it can penetrate a fairly thick armor and be considered for Rank 4 where a semi-modern IFV can be added without really looking like a fish out of the water.




The main armament is a 25mm ZPT90 auto-cannon who is a variant of the PG-87 AA auto-cannon (as used on the ZSD-63) with a provision of 400 rounds carried in total for the 25mm, 200 of wich are in the turret. the rate of fire of the gun is 200 round per minutes . the elevation is -8°/+55° with a full 360° rotation. a additional 7.62mm LMG Type 86 is on the left of the gun with 1000 rounds. 8x smoke grenade launcher are placed at the bottom of the turret. the penetration of the gun probably have improved feature over the PG-87. it also use a APDS-T with an estimated penetration ranging between 70mm to 110mm at short distance, it fly at 1350 m/sec and weight 135g. only information are needed about the size of this APDS penetrator.


Ammunition details.


the ammunition of the ZSL-92 is very interesting and allow a good progress in the game. the Main belt will come in a mix of API-T/HEI rounds, early in the research, both full HEI/HEI-T and API/API-T belt for more specialized used. then at the very late modification research will be the APDS-T belt who offer significantly better penetration at all range.



Velocity : 1050 m/sec

Weight : 250 g

explosive filler : unknow

penetration : 2-3 mm


this is a basic HE rounds with Incendinary effect. a HEI-T version is also available with a tail that would burn for the first 5 second of fly. the round will self-destruct after 4.5 to 9 sec of fly. it have a 18m safety making it not exploding at close range.




Velocity : 1050 m/sec

Weight : 250 g

Explosive filler : none

Penetration :

60mm at 100 m

47mm at 500 m

35 mm at 1000 m


it's a solid rounds with incendinary effect. currently used in the ZSD63 as main AT rounds. it have a 5 second burning tracer tail. this rounds would be a bit weak but still useful for the ZSL-92



Velocity : 1350

Weight : 135g

Explosive filler : none

Penetration : unknown but estimate to 72mm to 110mm at short range


this rounds is the best penetrating round available for the ZSL-92, the exact penetration is unknown but estimate to be at least 72mm if the penetration is at 20mm of size, or 110 mm if the penetration is 15mm, any size between will give a penetration ranging between those two size. a tracer is burning for the first 1.5 sec which allow the round to be fallow for the first 2000m. due to his high speed and light weight, the penetration will not lose much of the performance at longer range, as such at 1000 m it should still penetrate more than the API-T at short range. this rounds is currently not available for the ZSL-92.





the ZSL 92 is well powered, with a German-designed BF8L413F 4-stroke, 8-cylinder, turbo-charged, air-cooled diesel engine with a standard power of 235kW ( 320hp ) at 2,500rpm. the 15.300 kg vehicles will be moving fairly well around the battle field with a power-weigh ration of about 20 hp/tons . the max speed is reaching 85-90 km/h on the road , depending to the source. it is also amphibious with water propeller at the rear giving a speed of 10-11 km/h on water . the 6 wheels are all power driven.




the Type 92 is a IFV vehicles. the protection is rather light but enough for small arms fire and shrapnel. the armor is all welded steel making it at the maximal effectiveness. but the vehicles is rather vulnerable to air-attack from the planes cannon and HMG. the tank would also penetrate the armor quit easily. the front armor may resist some HMG fire at decent distance but the side will not. the vehicles shall be about immune to the LMG fire in all direction. the gunner fairly well distanced, but the driver and the commander are next to each other making it easy to kill both at once. the rear is made for infantry to be carry, as in-game there is no infantry needed, this part would be left empty making it a good space to absorb explosion in case of hit.


Mass 15.8 tonnes
Length 6.63 m
Width 2.80 m
Height 2.80 m
Crew 3 + 9 passengers

Armor Welded steel
25mm ZPT90
7.62mm coaxial machine gun
Engine 8-cylinder, turbo-charged, air-cooled diesel
320 hp
Suspension Independent wheel
800 km
Maximum speed 85 km/h












there is very similar vehicles of the same type in other nation as well who all have about the same performance range. here is a quick list

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BTR-80a (rank 4)

BTR-90 (rank 6)



Spähpanzer Luchs (rank 4)



VAB T20-13 (rank 4)



ZSL-92 (rank 3/4)

ZSL-92B (rank 6)

Edited by CaID
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28 minutes ago, dawn_strike said:

This one is only comparable with R3T20 at best, larger in scale and not so good in mobility and firepower

it have APDS. i just do not know what is the details of that round but it will make it much better than the R3 T20

once i find more details on the apds. i am sure it would make a good difference. as the cartridge is bigger, it have potentially better performence than the Oerlikon KAB on the SIDAM-25

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i am not an expert but the 2nd from the right seem to be a 25mm APC or something of such.



from this PDF



the APDS reach a speed of 1350 m/sec and weight 135g. the only missing data is the size of the projectile. i assume it would be between 20 and 15mm wich give a penetration between 75 and 110mm wich is far better than the R3 T20. imagine if the R3 T20 could destroy Heavy tank too. the ZSL 92 could probably destroy some KV and IS. even the tiger 1H probably. but forget about the Tiger 2

Edited by CaID
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38 minutes ago, CaID said:

i am not an expert but the 2nd from the right seem to be a 25mm APC or something of such.


That one says:

Naval 25-6...


*: it meas here high explosive or fragmentation cuz 杀爆弹, also 杀伤爆破弹 is always translated simply as HE or frag-demolition shell with the 爆 for explosive or demolition)


So it's probably a 25mm HEI-T for a Type 61 AA gun (still used on Luda-class destroyers), which is a chinese variant of the soviet 2M-3M twin 25mm canon

I'm no expert in ammo so correct me if I'm wrong

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4 minutes ago, MichaeL98 said:

That one says:

Naval 25-6...


*: it meas here high explosive or fragmentation cuz 杀爆弹, also 杀伤爆破弹 is always translated simply as HE or frag-demolition shell with the 爆 for explosive or demolition)


So it's probably a 25mm HEI-T for a Type 61 AA gun (still used on Luda-class destroyers), which is a chinese variant of the soviet 2M-3M twin 25mm canon

I'm no expert in ammo so correct me if I'm wrong

its well possible. 

my wife speak Chinese but do not know anything about military so she cannot be much of any help for technical words.


even without picture i found a good lead on the APDS anyway. just need a bit more details on the sub caliber it used and we have a round to add. wich would be way better than what the R3 T20 have right now and allow this ZSL92 IFV to be rank 4

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This is why I enjoy the Chinese TT. They just have so many possibilities. They use so many vehicles, you really could fill the TT up. Hopefully it gets some due attention+1

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9 hours ago, Zev_Winters said:

For light tank purposes, this version (with optional HJ-8) would be more suited to War Thunder:


Is that the ZBD86A turret with 30mm auto cannon?

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