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Unionists your boycott has failed


8 minutes ago, richthofen122 said:


I did not play for 4 days tho and did not spend any money on WT during that timeframe.

I did not play for 5 days, because I had a lot of real world work in that time (and now I got some hours on my + side) and there were some nice and warm evenings.

And I did not spend money for as long as we didn't had a sale now.


Was it because any kind of Boykott?



9 minutes ago, Delfigrey said:

Yes there is a high number of players logged in, but look at the number of battles. That number is down.

Can be archived by more private battles and more people in each battle, because people play different tiers.

If your queuetimes didn't went up strongly, it is meaningless.

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15 minutes ago, anyuser said:

Can be archived by more private battles and more people in each battle, because people play different tiers.

If your queuetimes didn't went up strongly, it is meaningless.

It's just something I noticed. I logged on out of curiosity to see if there was any effect. Of course those numbers could also be fudged, but where's the gain in that? I think there was also some confusion in what the boycott was supposed to be. Some said don't even log on and others said they would continue to play, but would not spend money on the game for a while. Also was it supposed to be one day or two weeks?


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I never realized that many people log in through Steam.

subject change related: why do people use steam to log in? is there any advantage?

I always see posts where people got messed up because steam and purchases etc, so I never dreamed people would download a seperate thing and put a different entity between themselves and their game.


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2 minutes ago, JamesPappy said:


I never realized that many people log in through Steam.

subject change related: why do people use steam to log in? is there any advantage?

I always see posts where people got messed up because steam and purchases etc, so I never dreamed people would download a seperate thing and put a different entity between themselves and their game.


it's just a question of convenience, that and no checking files every time there's a new update.

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5 minutes ago, JamesPappy said:


I never realized that many people log in through Steam.

subject change related: why do people use steam to log in? is there any advantage?

I always see posts where people got messed up because steam and purchases etc, so I never dreamed people would download a seperate thing and put a different entity between themselves and their game.



Most of the other games I play are in Steam, so I leave it open most of the time anyway. I also don't like shortcuts in my desktop.

And like the person above said, auto updates.

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Thanks for the replies. Makes sense.

auto update is something I DONT want, since I live on the side of a mountain , Off grid solar wind, and collect rain water (living the dream)and have a 4G sim card router with a bandwidth cap. If I see the download is going to be larger than a small amount, I kill it, put the laptop in the car and drive down to the coast and use the beach bars WIFI to update. 


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I actually wrote a long comment with many quotes but when I turned to an earlier page for more quotes it was lost... anyway the thing that Anyguy and some of the others are not taking into account and I'd like to point out is the following:


Probably every major gaming company messes with their numbers (we know for a fact that there are numerous intentionaly changed attributes in game, so it would stand to reason that they are doing some of that again), also people play more during weekends not less, same with longer weekends and holidays. There are several problems with people being more likely to go to vacations now: people are having to get tighter on money due to worsening economic backgrounds all over the world (food price inflation, lagging payrises, layoffs), however there is also higher cost on accomodation, and the rollback off debt moratoriums. There is also a sharp increase in clinical studies of mental dysorders and behavioural problems with connections to social life (social phobia, avoidant personality dysorder, etc.), while these are the more extreme cases it seems to me that people generally moved to a less socially active lifestyle.

There is also a separate issue of how much is enough in this boycott. If I understand it correctly an overall decrease of lets say 5% in number of players who partake in matches should be noticable on the side of Gaijin, but I think we would need some information on the serverload and related techical stuff of Gaijin to be sure, which I don't know how to get (although it is probably out there in public sources). The use of Steams data is good enough for most of our purposes tho, at least it seems to me.

As for the winter or summer timing of the boycott, this makes no sense, you can compare previous winters and the boycott was a reaction to the most recent changes, unless the community knew this was coming we couldn't have chosen the date (besides, as I have pointed out previously the chosen date actually heavily favours Gaijin over the boycotters).

9 minutes ago, JamesPappy said:

Thanks for the replies. Makes sense.

auto update is something I DONT want, since I live on the side of a mountain , Off grid solar wind, and collect rain water (living the dream)and have a 4G sim card router with a bandwidth cap. If I see the download is going to be larger than a small amount, I kill it, put the laptop in the car and drive down to the coast and use the beach bars WIFI to update. 


That sounds very Chad.

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11 minutes ago, Fapadoska said:

also people play more during weekends not less, same with longer weekends and holidays.

At last in germany Pentecost / Whit Monday is a national holiday and the 3 day weekend is a traditional date for some meeting the family.


To quote Wiki

That said, the Monday after Pentecost is a public holiday in Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda, Anguilla, Austria, The Bahamas, Barbados, Belgium, Benin, The British Virgin Islands, Central African Republic, Republic of Congo, Cyprus, Denmark, Dominica, France, Gabon, Germany, Greece, Grenada, Hungary, Iceland, Ivory Coast, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Monaco, Montserrat, The Netherlands, Norway, Romania, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Senegal, Solomon Islands, Spain, Switzerland, Togo and Ukraine.



And I have seen that some people were comparing winter peak numbers to the numbers of Friday. Somehow you have to make up a difference, that isn't there i guess...

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50 minutes ago, anyuser said:

At last in germany Pentecost / Whit Monday is a national holiday and the 3 day weekend is a traditional date for some meeting the family.


To quote Wiki

That said, the Monday after Pentecost is a public holiday in Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda, Anguilla, Austria, The Bahamas, Barbados, Belgium, Benin, The British Virgin Islands, Central African Republic, Republic of Congo, Cyprus, Denmark, Dominica, France, Gabon, Germany, Greece, Grenada, Hungary, Iceland, Ivory Coast, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Monaco, Montserrat, The Netherlands, Norway, Romania, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Senegal, Solomon Islands, Spain, Switzerland, Togo and Ukraine.



And I have seen that some people were comparing winter peak numbers to the numbers of Friday. Somehow you have to make up a difference, that isn't there i guess...

For some meeting a family "some" being how many? And then you quote a list of countries where supposedly people do that, except they don't, I live in one of said countries and just like in the west in general we do not meet family, despite what wiki would have you believe.

They were pointing out an existing difference, if you would have compared winters (especially the holidays) to other winters (and especially holidays) you would see an increasing trend and if you check the fall off after holidays (I would like to also point out that you are contradicting your earlier point of people meeting family on holidays instead of playing) you see a sharper decline in the more recent years.

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15 hours ago, Waelse said:

BC1.JPG.b352e257b2ef50a07823b339a73fce21 BC2.JPG.ce9a302249908b3fcdfb878b06024d28


i think the Empire has engaged his clone army to deal with the rebellion.


28 minutes ago, LudwigSteiner said:

Just gonna leave that here.




A normal part of the cycle, as you can see from above post.... but you can also see there is a bit of an anomaly above the 50K line on the 26th/27th since it seems like with everything that was going on it had sparked some extra interest in the game... but otherwise it is falling back to the normal Peek / Off Peek time numbers 


Will be interesting to see the graph during the next few days, since it does seem like new players have joined up

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Honestly, don't really understand the big idea behind a strike. To have any knock-on effect you would need to boycott for months.


I personally don't need a reason to strike, I need a reason to play and Gaijin isn't exactly giving me one.


Writing negative reviews on Steam is where you can put the hurt on. Gaijin (understandbly) cares a big deal about their bottom line, not so much if Sunday has 120k or 60k players.

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Trying to analyse Steam player trends, schizo posting about how Gaijin using fake accounts to bolster player numbers and such is all cope. 


The boycott was poorly planned, poorly communicated and poorly executed. While there were people at the heart of it who meant well, it was primarily used as a clout generator for people wanting to be notable figures. 

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3 hours ago, AlfiestheName said:


The boycott was poorly planned, poorly communicated and poorly executed. While there were people at the heart of it who meant well, it was primarily used as a clout generator for people wanting to be notable figures.

Yeah that's probably on point, although I would say if it doesn't succeed now then I think it never will, which is not a good position to be in.

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23 minutes ago, Fapadoska said:

Yeah that's probably on point, although I would say if it doesn't succeed now then I think it never will, which is not a good position to be in.

Eh having seen many game communities try the exact type of boycott War Thunder community has tried recently before let me tell you from experience:


These type of boycotts always fail in the most miserable and predictable way. I seen this with Apex Legends, original MW2 and L4D2. It's not surprising to me when the players and the organizers in the said union discord server got caught playing the game on the same day the boycott was supposed to launch. That's just how these type of boycotts usually end.

Dead on arrival.


And it's usually because of many reasons some being terrible organization on the boycotters part, the fact that many players are simply addicted to the games they play (yes gaming addiction is a real thing. You can be addicted to video games just like you can be addicted to gambling and it doesn't make the fact better considering many game developers will literally force their players to pay or gamble on purpose to abuse these poor players.) or simply because some players do not use the same social media the boycotters use.


Even if it's a bad position to be in it was a predictable failure....


That doesn't mean you should be demoralized by the fact that the boycott that was predicted to fail failed. We still can keep up the pressure as long as we don't buy anything that Gaijin offers us. Even their "promises".


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On 27/05/2023 at 17:36, anyuser said:

I like how a Friday was chosen for this one. You know, we got people who play every day and we got people more playing at the weekends when they got time for it.

I like even more how a Friday of a prolonged weekend (at last in many countries) was chosen for this one, when many people will pack kids and stuff together for a short time vacation and drive off.


You could call that trying to fake numbers by choosing the "right" day.

And comparing numbers for warm summer like evenings with winter numbers - do we have to talk about that one?



But it failed and now we are at "Gaijin tries to fake numbers". With people being shocked it didn't worked.



Srsly, Reddit is reddit.

Nobody outside of reddit cares about reddit.

It is like pretending Twitter trends are a representative real time poll for certain topics, while in reality nobody gives a ****.


Outside of a small bubble nobody even noticed this attempt.

This video is so delusional and stupid...

And the comments are even worse.


That I call a bubble where everyone tries to comfort everyone...


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I haven't boycotted playing. Since the silver lions earnings became so pathetic , I've just stopped spending money on the game. I'm waiting for sales in November to buy tanks I've researched.

If they sort the silver lions out , I'll go back to how I was , buying some eagles or a tank now and again. Until then I just won't put money in the game. Won't stop me playing.

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On 26/05/2023 at 15:25, _J_ackal_ said:

Do you expect predditor freaks and the grifters in that shill discord to accomplish anything? You don't boycott free access games by not playing. If you want to accomplish something by peaceful means you're out of luck

Spoken just like martin luther king jr.

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Most of you forget that the majority of players (especially new ones) do not hang around on forums like these and are not aware of the politics of this game and do not know about this boycott, that is why the hangar numbers are not down by much. Also a large percentage of players are not English speaking. Even myself (13,000 matches) came across this post and everything else associated with it by accident. Players like myself do not care about the updates, which new vehicles are coming, this thing has changed, that thing has changed, nor do we chase Battle Pass rewards, nor do we participate in special events. We just log on, play a few matches, loose a lot, and have fun.


However, myself and my mates (12 of them) in support of this boycott (no matter how small or insignificant it might seem to be) have opted not to renew our Premium accounts and to not buy any Golden Eagles until such time that the community will be happy with the changes in the game.

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On 28/05/2023 at 02:40, Pacifica said:

Will be interesting to see the graph during the next few days, since it does seem like new players have joined up

At the end of the day, all those protests caused a significant exposure for the game, which is good I think.


Lets see if Gaijin will actually change the economy to keep this new players.

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I have 14,000 hours and have spent a decent amount of money on the game. I plan on continuing to enjoy the game for another decade and the economy changes were greatly beneficial to me as a better than average and quite experienced player. As such, this boycott was always worthless and the only people participating are the leaches that did not support Gaijin and the massive influx of these free-2-players is what caused them the need to make it more appealing to purchase stuff.


Curious that the boycott never happened, it's almost like the people complaining are truly a minority of players who never even touch the game in the first place because they can't easily play for free. This should remain the case.

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59 minutes ago, MiG_23M said:

I have 14,000 hours and have spent a decent amount of money on the game. I plan on continuing to enjoy the game for another decade and the economy changes were greatly beneficial to me as a better than average and quite experienced player. As such, this boycott was always worthless and the only people participating are the leaches that did not support Gaijin and the massive influx of these free-2-players is what caused them the need to make it more appealing to purchase stuff.


Curious that the boycott never happened, it's almost like the people complaining are truly a minority of players who never even touch the game in the first place because they can't easily play for free. This should remain the case.


I would add this to your sentence "My name is Giovanni Giorgio and I am modest" .



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11 hours ago, OO_ShotGun_OO said:

Most of you forget that the majority of players (especially new ones) do not hang around on forums like these and are not aware of the politics of this game and do not know about this boycott, that is why the hangar numbers are not down by much. Also a large percentage of players are not English speaking. Even myself (13,000 matches) came across this post and everything else associated with it by accident. Players like myself do not care about the updates, which new vehicles are coming, this thing has changed, that thing has changed, nor do we chase Battle Pass rewards, nor do we participate in special events. We just log on, play a few matches, loose a lot, and have fun.


However, myself and my mates (12 of them) in support of this boycott (no matter how small or insignificant it might seem to be) have opted not to renew our Premium accounts and to not buy any Golden Eagles until such time that the community will be happy with the changes in the game.

Thank you. (Speaking of premium time, it is such a pain to see things just keep getting worse instead of improving just after buying a year of premium time).

Edited by Fapadoska
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5 hours ago, MiG_23M said:

I have 14,000 hours and have spent a decent amount of money on the game. I plan on continuing to enjoy the game for another decade and the economy changes were greatly beneficial to me as a better than average and quite experienced player. As such, this boycott was always worthless and the only people participating are the leaches that did not support Gaijin and the massive influx of these free-2-players is what caused them the need to make it more appealing to purchase stuff.


Curious that the boycott never happened, it's almost like the people complaining are truly a minority of players who never even touch the game in the first place because they can't easily play for free. This should remain the case.

how on earth do you have 14k hours in the game despite having played less battle than me, did you have a coma and let your computer run with wt on it ?

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