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Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion


2 hours ago, oom1992 said:

want to see new AGM from USSR/Russia range 20-30km & longer Kh-29T after Q2 this year 

Yeah I'm curious when me might see more modern versions of the Kh-29 and kh-25. I imagine something like the Su-25SM3 will come to the game with more modern options to make it more than just a fancy Su-25 with a thermal nose camera. 

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19 hours ago, Deathmisser said:

Hungarian sub tree for Italy 

Yeeeees!:kappasnail: A little taster by the way, I recently saw a recruitment video from the Hungarian army, unfortunately they don't show the leopards but they do show the lynx and grippen in a few frames! 




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3 hours ago, soviet_MoonMan said:

Yeah I'm curious when me might see more modern versions of the Kh-29 and kh-25. I imagine something like the Su-25SM3 will come to the game with more modern options to make it more than just a fancy Su-25 with a thermal nose camera. 

Dev not consider Su-25SM3 anytime soon because guess it equivalent A-10C (2015) 


USA no new attack aircraft in tech tree better A-7E for a long time except A-7K (event)

Edited by oom1992

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4 hours ago, soviet_MoonMan said:

I also really hope they do something for the Su-39/Su-25T in air RB as there absolutely useless right now. There good planes at there BR in ground RB but in air RB they are utter garbage and don't even get the chance to farm ground targets for SL and RP.

of course they are garbage they are a vehicle for GRB, they cant change anything for air since that would propably make it to strong in down tiers with its IRCCM

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21 hours ago, Bonrath said:

Well, they're going to be stiff about those. We barely even have B and D models on SOME aircraft, while no naval attackers, and by that I mean the A-7, carry the E/F/G variant. 

There is a lot of potential platforms that could carry them, just that the devs are unwilling to do that, idk what is really holding them back in some cases but I guess all we can do is shrug and wait.

mavrick g would be a minimum trying to balance the xxx they added called the pantsir     edit spelling 

Edited by amr_adel09
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22 minutes ago, amr_adel09 said:

mavrick g would be a minimum trying the balance the xxx they added called the pantsir  

I mean yea, even if they slap it onto the A-7E, give it the datalink pod for quazi "guidance corrections" and some AIM-9L, maybe even HARMs later down the line, not like it was the first plane to launch those lmao

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On 17/06/2023 at 01:30, Hyrikul said:

with some Mirage 2000 tech

 Super Etendard tech*

On 17/06/2023 at 01:37, _Iluminas_ said:

so its similar to the Alphajet ICE


Not really cause 1. it was built unlike ICE and 2. ICE has LGBs which makes it closer to Alphajet 3 Lancier (which is also unbuilt like the ICE)

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5 hours ago, x_Shini_ said:

of course they are garbage they are a vehicle for GRB, they cant change anything for air since that would propably make it to strong in down tiers with its IRCCM

Lmao what down tiers, also even with the IRCM it's still just a fancy Su-25 that a little heavier. Considering all it sees are uptiers and the fact that even 10.3 planes could deal with it means that it needs a buff.

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9 hours ago, oom1992 said:

Dev not consider Su-25SM3 anytime soon because guess it equivalent A-10C (2015) 


USA no new attack aircraft in tech tree better A-7E for a long time except A-7K (event)

I'm pretty sure you don't speak for the devs, and also the A-10C coul come too the game next update even. We have a pretty good idea that the Su-25SM3 is coming too the game as there is no other frogfoot that would match the description of a "more advanced tech tree Su-25" that was promised.

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2 minutes ago, soviet_MoonMan said:

I'm pretty sure you don't speak for the devs, and also the A-10C coul come too the game next update even. We have a pretty good idea that the Su-25SM3 is coming too the game as there is no other frogfoot that would match the description of a "more advanced tech tree Su-25" that was promised.

I mean IIRC, the SM3 was a cheaper upgrade for the frogfoot because Russia couldn't afford very many of the Su-25Ts, so more advanced I think is a bit of a misnomer 


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21 minutes ago, Lord_Prism said:

I mean IIRC, the SM3 was a cheaper upgrade for the frogfoot because Russia couldn't afford very many of the Su-25Ts, so more advanced I think is a bit of a misnomer 

I'm inclined to agree with you, but what other possible variant of the frogfoot could be considered more 'advanced' than the Su-39? Also if they give the Su-25SM3 more advanced versions of the Kh-25 and Kh-29 then it could be very competitive 

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1 minute ago, soviet_MoonMan said:

I'm inclined to agree with you, but what other possible variant of the frogfoot could be considered more 'advanced' than the Su-39? Also if they give the Su-25SM3 more advanced versions of the Kh-25 and Kh-29 then it could be very competitive 

Maybe the wild and wacky T-12, twin fuselage with a V-tail and 2 pilots 


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56 minutes ago, soviet_MoonMan said:

I'm inclined to agree with you, but what other possible variant of the frogfoot could be considered more 'advanced' than the Su-39? Also if they give the Su-25SM3 more advanced versions of the Kh-25 and Kh-29 then it could be very competitive 


Pretty sure they just meant the Su-25TM, the non-export version.


Which I thought was identical, but maybe they know something about it.

Edited by somebody_Else
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@TheElite96 Haiii, thanks for the new thread ! There 's still a couple of stragglers in the OP from previous ones:

-French Navy is here !

-Tornado ADV is now present in two techtrees

-" SPz 12-3 (Typ 3Z 8DLa) " was added as " Raketenautomat "

-Sd.Kfz 222 for the Chinese techtree has been implemented aswell

- Zrinyi 1 was added as a prize for last year 's S.U.M.M.E.R event

-The AMD.35 SA35 and AMX-50 1950 were the prizes of the spring crafting event and battlepass over this past year

-the " tt_tta53_50_533mm " torpedo tube is now used by Riga-class Rosomacha image.png

-the 127mm Mk.32 is in use on Fargo and other ships image.png

-AH-6M helicopter has been added

We're also missing a pair of vehicle finds, the Fairey 3F Mk.3B and Vought O3U-1


image.png?width=745&height=418 new-vehicles-in-the-cdk-datamine-not-sho

The latter reappeared alongside the Romanian Pz.35(t) in the Planned Economy Changes spreadsheet, despite neither being implemented yet



To complement the statements abt the Pr.12412 's Strela launcher made on the RU devstream for update " Ground Breaking ", the Pr.12412P had a statcard  for it 's SAM launcher during the most recent devservers


War_Thunder_Screenshot_2023.png 1187089861_shot2023_05_2101_55_10.jpg.52 1655814448_shot2023_05_2101_56_23.jpg.73

There was also a Strela-2M and associated launcher for Germany in the files, aswell as the 75mm mle.1908 used as secondary armament by the Danton-class semi-dreadnought battleships, and a 200kg Giraud depth charge


image.png image.png image.png

 Thanks again for the new thread ! :salute:



I've posted in the previous thread abt submarine-only weapons in @gszabi99_HUN 's new collection ( https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/580808-currently-unused-assets-in-the-files-3rd-edition/&do=findComment&comment=9635745 )
The Mark 9 torpedo I now have an image for: image.png
 What I'd like to talk abt now is instances where weapon files do not match their ingame names, and what we might be able to infer from them ( in the context presented above ).
The " 8cm/40 3rd Year Type " present on the K-13 subchasers is, in the files, actually a separate weapon " Type 88 ".  This is a variant for use as a wet mount on submarines, and was used on a number of different classes of this kind of vessel. The actual 8cm/40 3rd Year Type used in reality by the K-13 's and other surface ships exists in the game files too - it 's just unused.
What we learned from this was that these items were developed at all, even if for the time being they're incorrectly applied. And they imply that development of the " rest " associated w/ them is likely underway too.


image.png image.png

This isn't new information, we've previously discussed it. But it serves as a good gateway into these newer finds, which are even less straightforward:

During the devserver ( https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/145179f/dev_server_datamine_226040_226042/ ), the French destroyer Vautour had it 's secondary armament cannon renamed from " 75mm/50 model 1927 gun " to " 75mm/35 model 1925 gun ", the 35 calibre mle. 1925 being in actuality another deck gun used by submarines. To be clear, the weapon file in use remained the correct 75mm/50 - it was only the ingame-appearing name text that changed    at that stage.
Following the release of update " La Royale "( https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/14at3lo/datamine_226042_227019_part_2/ ), a new naval weapon file was added: " 75 mm/35 Mle. 1925  ". And in a minor patch following this( https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/14cei1f/datamine_227019_227037/ ), it received an ingame name text " 75mm/35 model 1927 ", a confusing conglomeration of the names of both the ship-use 75mm/50 and the submarine 's Mle. 1925 guns.




Still, we can note that there is an attempt being made to have a 75mm variant for French surface ships, and a separate one corresponding to French submarines. 



Edited by Motherhen357@psn
added images
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1 hour ago, Motherhen357@psn said:

@TheElite96 Haiii, thanks for the new thread ! There 's still a couple of stragglers in the OP from previous ones:

-French Navy is here !

-Tornado ADV is now present in two techtrees

-" SPz 12-3 (Typ 3Z 8DLa) " was added as " Raketenautomat "

-Sd.Kfz 222 for the Chinese techtree has been implemented aswell

- Zrinyi 1 was added as a prize for last year 's S.U.M.M.E.R event

-The AMD.35 SA35 and AMX-50 1950 were the prizes of the spring crafting event and battlepass over this past year

-the " tt_tta53_50_533mm " torpedo tube is now used by Riga-class Rosomacha image.png

-the 127mm Mk.32 is in use on Fargo and other ships image.png

-AH-6M helicopter has been added

We're also missing a pair of vehicle finds, the Fairey 3F Mk.3B and Vought O3U-1

Reveal hidden contents

The latter reappeared alongside the Romanian Pz.35(t) in the Planned Economy Changes spreadsheet, despite neither being implemented yet

Reveal hidden contents

To complement the statements abt the Pr.12412 's Strela launcher made on the RU devstream for update " Ground Breaking ", the Pr.12412P had a statcard  for it 's SAM launcher during the most recent devservers

Reveal hidden contents

There was also a Strela-2M and associated launcher for Germany in the files, aswell as the 75mm mle.1908 used as secondary armament by the Danton-class semi-dreadnought battleships, and a 200kg Giraud depth charge

Reveal hidden contents

 Thanks again for the new thread ! :salute:



I've posted in the previous thread abt submarine-only weapons in @gszabi99_HUN 's new collection ( https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/580808-currently-unused-assets-in-the-files-3rd-edition/&do=findComment&comment=9635745 )
The Mark 9 torpedo I now have an image for: image.png
 What I'd like to talk abt now is instances where weapon files do not match their ingame names, and what we might be able to infer from them ( in the context presented above ).
The " 8cm/40 3rd Year Type " present on the K-13 subchasers is, in the files, actually a separate weapon " Type 88 ".  This is a variant for use as a wet mount on submarines, and was used on a number of different classes of this kind of vessel. The actual 8cm/40 3rd Year Type used in reality by the K-13 's and other surface ships exists in the game files too - it 's just unused.
What we learned from this was that these items were developed at all, even if for the time being they're incorrectly applied. And they imply that development of the " rest " associated w/ them is likely underway too.

Reveal hidden contents

This isn't new information, we've previously discussed it. But it serves as a good gateway into these newer finds, which are even less straightforward:

During the devserver ( https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/145179f/dev_server_datamine_226040_226042/ ), the French destroyer Vautour had it 's secondary armament cannon renamed from " 75mm/50 model 1927 gun " to " 75mm/35 model 1925 gun ", the 35 calibre mle. 1925 being in actuality another deck gun used by submarines. To be clear, the weapon file in use remained the correct 75mm/50 - it was only the ingame-appearing name text that changed    at that stage.
Following the release of update " La Royale "( https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/14at3lo/datamine_226042_227019_part_2/ ), a new naval weapon file was added: " 75 mm/35 Mle. 1925  ". And in a minor patch following this( https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/14cei1f/datamine_227019_227037/ ), it received an ingame name text " 75mm/35 model 1927 ", a confusing conglomeration of the names of both the ship-use 75mm/50 and the submarine 's Mle. 1925 guns.


Reveal hidden contents

Still, we can note that there is an attempt being made to have a 75mm variant for French surface ships, and a separate one corresponding to French submarines. 



Will do some cleanup on the OP tomorrow, thanks

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