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Renault B1-Bis suggestion


Hello comunity,

Soon the British ground forces tech tree will be released, i want to suggest an iconic French tank of the early stage of World War II. We already have the mighty and beautiful D.520 in the air force section, so why schouldn't dev add a Frenchie 'Char' too? :yes:

Why do i suggest it? Because even if France IIIrd Republic losed, those tanks proved their capacity in combat, the crewmen used them bravely and properly as they could despite the obsolet tactic of the French General of this time. I dunno if you will appreciate it, but give this 'char' a chance and a place in our game. :yes:
So, to present the tank, i simply maked an image to show you something clear and detailled (took me an houre to make):
And because it is a smexy tank ready to make his entry in the 'Moulin Rouge' :lol: , it needs to be camouflaged aswell:
B1 bis number 257 “Bourrasque”, 2nd Section, 1st Company, 15th Combat Tank Battalion, 2nd Armored Division, May 1940 .
Tank number 481 “Vercingetorix”, 3rd Company, 46th Combat Tank Battalion, 4th Armored Division, France, May 1940.
Char B1 bis number 467 “Nivernais II”, 2nd Section, 3rd Company, 37th Combat Tank Battalion, 1st Armored Division, June 1940.
B1 bis number 205 “Indochine”, 3rd Section, 3rd Company, 15th Combat Tank Battalion, 2nd Armored Division, June 1940.
Tank number 337 “Eure”, put in service within the 41st BCC, second company at Gien, 8 December 1939, then 1st company, 10 May 1940.
I hope you enjoyed it, and i hope you are going to support it aswell. My apologize for my low skill in English, i promise to be better next time. ;)s
Have a great day comrads! :salute:
My sources (1 English, 2 French):
EDIT: Some grammar fault have been corrected.

Edited by ThomasHawk67
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Open for discussion. :salute:

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Gib for the germans


Edited by Hopit
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It's a Char B1

and we hope for an independent tech tree, if not the French will be in the International tree, not British

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Gaijin should implement more french stuff anyway, as they were a major combattant during WWII.


I suggest they make the Char B1 ready for 1.53 ASAP, WITH THE M.S.-405, 406 and D-3801 (British premium, cause fought against the Krauts in 1940) and the Bloch and Caudron fighters!


All french Tanks, due to a lack of a french tech-tree, should be set in the STANDARD british Tant-tree (same goes with the Planes! they were Allies god damn it!)


I refuse vividly any attempt to move any french Vehicule to the german tech-tree. Germany was the arch enemy of France and therefore shoud be fighting aginst, not with them!

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Hunter12396, no this is a B1-Bis, the Bis as a Somua turret, and char means tank in English.


WackyWeasel, i would like more French stuff as well. :/


And for everyone who says that France should have his tree, or being implemented to the German or British side, it have been told and officialy confirmed many times that Gaijin won't make a French tree, so to get the minimum, even if it has to be premium, we have to make suggestions and a pressure to Gaijin. That's the purpose of this topic (like many other about French stuff). I personally would like an independent French tech tree, i participated in the elaboration of the first GF tree prototype made by Umbriellan, and because of lack of time in real life, i couldn't help him, but i maded a website to reunite the work of Umbriellan (GF), Caudron and Waroch (Air Force).


And a big thanks to the supporter, don't hesitate to share this topic to make it important to influence the dev! :salute:

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Enfin finie! La tourelle APX-4 du B1 bis, après plusieurs essais sur Unreal engine 4 je suis plutôt fier de moi, demain j'attaquerai sans doute la caisse, je tenais à partager cela avec la communauté Française de War Thunder et nos compagnons anglophones :D


Vive De Gaulle! vive la France! vive le B1 bis!


CokeSpray (Posted )

Please write all replies/topics in English.

2) Write your suggestion in English - All suggestions and replies to suggestions must be written in English so everyone can understand you. If you're not that good with English,write to the best of your abilities and make it as understandable as possible.

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