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Renault B1-Bis suggestion


It needs a lowish BR in order to be fun.   And it is sloooow, so 2.0 to 2.3 is good for me.

I agree with 2.0! :)

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Enfin finie! La tourelle APX-4 du B1 bis, après plusieurs essais sur Unreal engine 4 je suis plutôt fier de moi, demain j'attaquerai sans doute la caisse, je tenais à partager cela avec la communauté Française de War Thunder et nos compagnons anglophones :D


Vive De Gaulle! vive la France! vive le B1 bis!

Merci mon ami, et bon travail. J'attends votre prochain projet avec impatience

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This is the version a little more concrete (Not finished)

And for finish this is the B1 with tracks ^^ I think remake the B1 later   :)s

Edited by ParaDoxa062
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Devs said there's going to be French tank tree :D Most tanks are going to be in tier II! :D

that was from the ground forces lead dev, and the answer as with the Japanese tree was that there is a realistic chance. That's better than 50/50 but you have to remember that such things take money and time to develop, so it's not ultimately up to BVV_d, even though he is the lead ground forces Dev. 

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that was from the ground forces lead dev, and the answer as with the Japanese tree was that there is a realistic chance. That's better than 50/50 but you have to remember that such things take money and time to develop, so it's not ultimately up to BVV_d, even though he is the lead ground forces Dev. 

In old video called Tiger II sound recording....Devs said that they recorded sounds for R35,Somua S35,Char B1bis and H35 :D

And I know it needs time,money and work but im sure that they will do it :D

That's why I play WT everyday and I will play it always....:)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Because unlike the other game, this one has a small howitzer that will actually WORK, I vote yes!


A howitzer that can only be elevated or depressed - to actually aim it requires one to turn the entire hull of the tank, which makes its handling rather poor unless you use it properly, such as in ambushes.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Gaijin should implement more French stuff anyway, as they were a major combatant during WWII.


I suggest they make the Char B1 ready for 1.53 ASAP, WITH THE MS.-405, 406 and D-3801 (British premium, cause fought against the Krauts in 1940) and the Bloch and Cauldron fighters!


All french Tanks, due to a lack of a French tech-tree, should be set in the STANDARD British Tant-tree (same goes with the Planes! they were Allies god damn it!)


I refuse vividly any attempt to move any French Vehicle to the German tech-tree. Germany was the arch enemy of France and therefore should be fighting against, not with them!

war gaming managed a French tech tree and Czech and Japanese rip em off ......lol :Ds

Edited by Brumpoet

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A howitzer that can only be elevated or depressed - to actually aim it requires one to turn the entire hull of the tank, which makes its handling rather poor unless you use it properly, such as in ambushes.

Well, not like the M6A1's MG's are any different. The howitzer isn't the only gun on the tank. It can't be that hard to aim, you just have to turn the tank.
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Well, not like the M6A1's MG's are any different. The howitzer isn't the only gun on the tank. It can't be that hard to aim, you just have to turn the tank.

We're not talking about an MG here, we're talking about part of the tank's primary armament.  Having to turn the entire hull to aim one of the primary weapons can be a severe handicap under certain circumstances.

Edited by Z3r0_
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We're not talking about an MG here, we're talking about part of the tank's primary armament.  Having to turn the entire hull to aim one of the primary weapons can be a severe handicap under certain circumstances.

The howitzer isn't really its primary armament. Its turreted gun is. It should be placed at a lower BR so when its howitzer hits, it deals a lot of damage.

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The howitzer isn't really its primary armament. Its turreted gun is. It should be placed at a lower BR so when its howitzer hits, it deals a lot of damage.


It was PART of the vehicle's main armament as iirc the B1 was a breakthrough tank, with the 75 mm howitzer being intended for use against fortifications.  I do agree with giving it a low BR though as while it has a howitzer, said howitzer is, as I said, difficult to use under a lot of circumstances.

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  • 1 year later...

Wow I found this finally gib char  pls I want to massacre panzers with this beauty :)

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  • 1 year later...
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As the B1 Bis was added as per 1.75,


Moved to Implemented Suggestions.:salute:

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