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[Feedback] Sound changes


WarThunder Tiger by Alex Kim (FotoN-3) on ARQUTE | War thunder ...


Dear Players 


Recently we have made a lot of changes and improvements to sounds and we are very keen to hear your feedback. 


Please feel free to share your likes, dislikes as well as any suggestions you may have.


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The heavy shells passing by and impacting sounds in Naval battles are good. I like the sound and it also helps alert you to enemy fire. I'm less excited about the same effect for low caliber rounds, they can make a match a constant whistling noise because there are often lots of them.

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I don't like the quiet sounds of helicopter cannons and machine guns. Rocket and bomb explosions are also quite quiet in relation to other sounds.

Explosion of ammo inside enemy tanks are not absolutely heard.

Edited by csla1972

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My first issue is that many guns sound too similar. Most cannons sound exactly the same, ranging from 76mm's to 203mm's. There's no real difference between them, and it's a bit bland. Higher power shells should have a louder and bassier firing sound, as this makes the larger and slower-firing guns feel more impactful. The Graf Spee's 283mm cannon is a good example, as it's sound wasn't changed in this update and it still sounds incredibly powerful when fired.


The second issue is the audio range and volume of some sound effects. As someone with Sensory Processing Disorder I'm almost unable to play high BR naval battles at the moment without turning my audio completely off or I'll get a bad headache. Many of the sounds are simply too loud in comparison to others. Sounds such as plane rotors and incoming/impacting shells are many times louder than sounds such as guns firing, and a match with a lot happening quickly becomes a complete sensory overload. A lot of these just need to be balanced out, with many of the loud sounds being at a similar level so there are less sudden spikes in volume.

Edited by Flipped_StuG
Removed a broken video embed and adjusted the text to match it.
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New sounds are mostly fine to amazing.


But regarding: New sound events for projectiles flying past nearby the observer in all calibres have been created. 




Did you notice that these "nearby flying projectiles", even just .50 cals machine guns bullets (!) are louder than the actual sound of your gunfire from the 2-4 x 20 mm or 30 mm cannons?


Anyone who know the overwhelming bang of 20-30 mm cannon in real life will be lost in the present balance of sounds where whistle of low calibre bullets is louder than gunfire sound like this:

PLS make gunfire / cannon fire of aircraft LAUDER.

On the other hand the new missile launch sound is too loud.

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I don't have too much feedback to give, but for me personally the sound of shells impacting enemy tanks (close to you) sounds absolutely perfect, especially with the 105 Sherman HEAT shell, its just perfect. As for complaints, i dont think i have any so far, just wanted to compliment you guys for the shell impacting sounds.

Actually i have only 1 complaint: The KV-2 and similar vehicles dont have enough of a boom when you are in aim mode and you fire, it sounds like hitting a pillow with a hammer, i feel like it should be a bit louder.

P.S.: I miss the "ding" of the IS-2

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ATGMs in flight do not sound like what they sound like now (constant roaring sound of a rocket). I get that you guys want to make them more audible, but why not make them sound a bit more real.

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the way sounds dont overlap and constantly cut off other sounds is really bad for example with flares and rockets: https://clips.twitch.tv/FunSingleDragonflySoBayed

also i think everyone would appreciate more sound sliders for different things for example plane and ground engine sounds being seperate, having seperate sliders for guns, ATGMs or rockets and flares etc. 

being deafened by a wyvern flying is not fun whilst i got 100% engine sound on since i wanna listen to tank engines.

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As a Naval player the sounds are pretty good (in my opinion), all except the sound that plays as shells (and even small arms fire) flies past your ship or is incoming. The high pitched sound used it both annoying more then immersive and it leads me to start having small headaches. It's better then the repetitive car tire breaking sound (what was previously being used) but it's too loud and it also sounds like a fly or small insect flying into my ear each time I am fired upon.


That's my only issue with the mode. Flipped_StuG made a good point out the larger caliber sounds all sounding the game (which I do agree with the lack of varition) but the shell fly-by sound effect I just mentioned is my one major issue with the current Naval sounds. One that really takes you out of the experience and can and will cause headaches to many players with and level of sensory disorders or disabilities, or even people who really get into sound effects and have sensitive hearing.

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4 hours ago, IrishIncTech said:

The sound changes were a mixed bag, some weapons and guns sound much while others sound worse. The biggest issue I've seen people talk about it how there is less 'boom' with the sounds and the lack of reverb and echoing from firing.


indeed, i prefered the old sounds before the patch. apart from what you say there´s now no sense of direction or distance. just bland pops all over the place. i don´t know who´s shooting, where is shooting, i can see the dust from a gun firing around 500 meters from me but i don´t hear no sound from it so i guess there´s sound clipping or something else overlapping. 

i was chill driving my tank but apparently there was a plane diving down on me shooting rockets, i heard not a thing (plane or missiles) until the explosions happened all around me, moment in which i crapped my pants because it was so unexpected, i had no idea there was a plane flying above me.

and every sound is so bland... explosions lack the oomph, guns firing sound like a champagne cork popping, jets and rockets just a vacuum cleaner whoosh, and i mean like a silent Dyson late tech one.  

all in all, it went for the worse! hope for a rollback honestly.

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For the most part, I'm really enjoying the new sounds. I'm particularly fond of explosions and tank cannon fire from a grounded perspective, and the ricochet/*twang* noises are nice too. 

However, I think the vibrating *twang* is a bit excessive. It's also jarring that actually being hit and taking damage shares that sound effect, I can never tell whether I'm actually hurt or not without looking at the little diagram. 

I also think that the sound of bombs from the perspective of the aircraft need a bit of work. On the ground, they sound fine!! But from the air... Well, take a look. Sounds like a party popper.


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At the moment sound minor sounds are great,like machine guns and others(at least in tanks) but like arty explosions or bombs are too low and in the other hands the shells passin near you are so loud that just block all other sounds like impacts (for example u only hear the shells coming from artillery but not the impacts around or direct hits or explosions)
I like the ATGMs and rockets flying near making a "loud" fushhhh sound but all others tank shells are making pretty much the same sound so...at sometimes the battle sound like everybody is shooting rockets(specially in small maps with concentrated tank fights in small positions)
Even with all this "problems" i can play,no big deal.
The 2 real problems are about with direct impacts in your tank. Now is ahrder to know if u was impacted and not pen or just a shell going near because is the same sound. When u get hit and pen sometimes is hard to know too because same sound and u cant know from where or how.
The other big problem is with the gun sounds,now is veeeeeery hard or impossible to distinguish between gun calibers...short 75,76,90,57,etc sounds so similar. Calibers like long 75,88,90,100 again sound similar or the same...with 105,120,130 again,similar or the same. Specially all 105 and some 120mms or similar caliber who sounds like a carbine rifle from other "infantry" shooters(everytime i hear the 105 i remember old Medal of Honor Springfield rifle or any other bolt action sniper rifle with generic sound)

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Is it just me or arty impacting ground sound is same as tank cannon fire sound? Also this and the one before this were pretty good. Before these 2 we couldnt even hear any enemy engine so thank you for fixing that. Other than that there are still problems with air. Literally you will fly next to an enemy plane thats not supersonic and you cant hear the enemy engine sound even tho you fly next to it.


Edit; the dead tank exploding is way too loud.

Edited by DaniCaIifornia
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the sound of shell whizzing around is way too loud. And way too annoying. Every other sound is drowned in this, all the time. And it really doesn't make any sense that shell harmlessly passing through the air makes way more noise than shell actually hitting you or engine of a tanks right next to you or aircraft passing over your head.


and sound mixing is really weird. Especially continuous sounds like engine noise or MG fire don't mix, they weirdly change each other volume ... plane is flying over you, you start firing MG, suddenly engine noise gets way lower and is drowned in the MG fire noise, when you stop moving suddenly aircraft engine sound returns. 

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Firstly, the sound package before was in my opinion perfect. When arty was coming down, one would know to move because it sounded dangerous. Now it sounds like someone is shooing me with a pellet gun. Also, the sounds of a friendly, enemy, plane, and artillery fire all sounds the same. It's extremely hard to differentiate who is actually shooting at you. Please get rid of the cheap pin ball sounds and go back to the previous sound package.                                                                 IF IT AN'T BROKEN.................DON'T FIX IT!!!!!!!!!!!



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Too much whizzing. Regardless of whether the shell pass by you, pen you, not pen you or ricochet, you'll hear the whiiiiiiiiiizzzzzz. Why is it the same sound ? Plus you can't even locate from where it comes from. Then your tank get destroyed, you get a whiiiiiiiizzzz or a pffffffft. Where's the boom ? Why the deflated balloon sound ?

You're in a plane, a tank tries to shoot at you, you hear the same whizz. Huh ?

Arty schrapnell is also too loud when it's on you. You don't hear the explosions, you hear whiiiiiiiiizzzzzzzzzz all around you.


It not War Thunder, it's Whizz Thunder. Or War Whizzer

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My squad mates and I were just talking about this last night.

None of us like the newest sounds, but all of us liked the last sounds just before/prior to this newest change.

New sounds like "Loony Tunes" cartoon.:008:

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I can't tell if the sounds are realistic or not. But the volumes are off by far. And they are awefull! It is impossible to play the game in SB GF when you fly a plane it swoosches all the time from missiles you should not be able to hear at all. Flares sound like jets passing by. This just unrealistic stress and I will not play the game untill you have fixed that. I don't have words to express how bas these sounds are. 

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The new sound effects are terrible !


The impact sound of artilleryshells is definitely not realistic! The sound effect is annoying and to loud!


Penetration hits and ricochets sound exactly the same, why ? This sound effect is not realistic and annoying too !


The new sounds for cannons are... ok, but the previous sound was better in my opinion!



Edited by AyAyA
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