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[Feedback] Sound changes


5 hours ago, Ocheyedan said:

I'm not hearing any sound of a bomb(s) dropping. Don't know until I see a bomb laying next to me and this it's usually too late.

Same,i cant hear planes around me(i can when they are around 200 or less +/- meters and low volume anyway) no matter if they are jets or not,bit or small planes,they are silents(jets even lower sounds). Rockets and bombs are so silents too. Impossible to know if a plane is coming or going around the gameplay area unless direct view of them

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  • 3 weeks later...

I like the new volume sounds. But jet still almost in mute. When u play a jet in arcade tanks for example u can hear the smoke granades around 1km away from me but jet engines are almost 0 volume :dntknw:. Prop planes have a lil better sound but too low anyway.
Playing in arcade tanks a plane u can hear all the fight 1km away from u and nothing more (the only way u can hear a plane engine is when another random plane go closer to u; but tanks cant hear planes in 1st or 3th person view...or veeeeeeery quiet engine sounds)
Positive playing tanks,now i can hear bombs coming

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Te new sounds do sound very good. However i am expierencing some issues that are realy starting to **** me off already after 2 days of playing. (i have been away from a little while). 

  1. I have gotten shot down in my plane by AA vehicles in ground RB 4 times already without me even hearing an AA gun fire or seeing a single tracer pass my plane. Also whenever i see an AA gun fire for a long period of time the sound is just completly out of sinc to the bullets comming out of the barrel. Same goes for base AA in air RB. i dont hear them shooting well after they already hit me and ***** up my plane. and i also dont see the tracer 4 sec after i am hit.
  2. i have the same isseu of not hearing the any bombs dropping, and hearing planes very silent, where as i can heer the smoke launchers from my teamate on the other side of hte bloody map. 


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If it ain't broken, do not fix it. I prefer the old sounds except the mg bullets flying by.


For me the loudness of lower frequencies seems to be increased which I do not like. Jets flying by are too loud. When I take off the runway in AIR RB, I have to tell everyone that I cannot hear them talking on teamspeak.

Edited by akoerni
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • ATGM's should have a higher pitch sound, they sound more like ballistic missiles right now
  • for naval forces the sounds for lower calibre AAA can become annoying in ships with loads of AAA guns, they should probably not be as lowd sinse the camera is not close to the ship, and some of these guns have a bit more of a complex sound then before so when firing several guns at once it can be overwhelming
  • the sound for shooting high calibre guns from the inside of the tank has a "echoy" sound in the end as if you were outside of the tank, does not make much sense sinse you are inside of the tank

but overall the sounds are great!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I dislike the way the new engine sounds... sound for the T-34's (basically all of them).  They sound like the engine has been damaged and is sputtering and clicking, etc.



I like everything else though, good job! :D   


 (is it possible to get an option to increase and decrease the sound of allied engines and planes, as well as enemy engines and planes?   [the planes in general and WAY too loud, imo] )

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On 03/11/2020 at 11:26, AWACS_Thunderhea said:

What are these alien spaceship noises? 

I too am getting sci-fi sounds. In air battles many of the planes sound very electronic, like an 90s video game. None of the mechanical engine noises that you would expect from props. Ill have to see if they are the same in a replay, but the new sound is just awful

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What is the reason to force me too have louder sounds?? I could have gunfire and sfx on lower sounds before this update and now is stuck at 50% as someone that suffers from tinnitus this is making me actually sick and forcing me to lower the entire sound or even remove it all. Even my engine sound is stuck at 50% and the whistle sound that some tanks have is really bad  for someone suffering from tinnitus. please change back the sound options to be able to go down to 20% atleast.


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everything really seems good except that now war thunder really wants to make us deaf coz of the new sound max limits, its impossible to hear any other tanks without losing your hearing coz of the explosions??

instead of making the players choose there preferred sound settings to enjoy the new sounds and whole game they are forcing us to hear what they want to ?


once they make the aircraft sounds super load cant hear anything coz of them, then lowering the other tanks sounds so u cant hear nothing while hole tank is 1m from you then ....etc all those changes adding one but making worse by other thing ... and now this ???? cant even enjoy anything at all ? either lose your hearing or dont play with sounds ????

or its war against players with headphones?

cant understand what they want to do with such radical move

why cant the dev just make what makes everyone happy , let the player choose how he hears the planes or other tanks or his or arty or gun fire as he likes so everyone can enjoy the game as he likes ?? why forcing us for something we dont want to hear ? for what reason?

Edited by arkan7rb
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The sound effects of new power version are actually good and realistic. 

The really xxxx problem is that I cannot turn down the volume my vehicle below 50. This is driving me crazy for tanks above br9.0 especially the ones with turbine engine. 

Feel like I am about to be deaf and give up to play top tier tanks if this point wont be changed!!!!:facepalm:


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am i crazy, or all sounds are muffled,explosions sound like pots banging,every few seconds there is sound of bullets spraying your turret except no one is shooting at you...anyone else have these issues?

Edited by momobos

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loving all the new sounds(but you really have to keep your ears peeled to hear them due to the issue im going to mention),

my only complaint like several others on this thread is the fact that you cannot reduce your engine volume below 50%,it overshadows almost all other sounds and makes gameplay a little unpleasant and distracting. this issue is even more pronounced at high tier with tanks that have gas turbines and high powered diesel engines

it's come to the point where playing with headphones at above 20% of my system volume is a huge pain.  i would really appreciate it if engine volume of the player's vehicle could be reduced below 50 to atleast 20 or 25.


Edited by xxlightsabrexx
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Completly agree with the people in this thread.


Why take away the possibility for players to make the game sound the way they want it to sound?


Please let us lower player engine volume and gunfire volume again.


And please provide seperate controls for tanks and aircraft engine noise.


Why limit player choice?


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45 minutes ago, HFuffzehn said:

Entièrement d'accord avec les personnes de ce fil.


Pourquoi priver les joueurs de la possibilité de faire sonner le jeu comme ils le souhaitent?


S'il vous plaît laissez-nous réduire le volume du moteur du joueur et le volume des coups de feu à nouveau.


Et veuillez fournir des commandes séparées pour les réservoirs et le bruit des moteurs d'avion.


Pourquoi limiter le choix des joueurs?

Cheater sound

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