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[Feedback] Sound changes


24 minutes ago, Conte_Baracca said:

As you all know I have quite a bit of experience with actual tanks, bombs, and artillery.  Consider this constructive criticism.


New .50 cal sounds for aircraft are too mechanical.  The .50cal booms and cracks from the explosion and the bullet breaking the sound barrier.  You do not hear a mechanical sound.

The artillery and bomb sounds (in ground RB) are too flat.  Artillery at distance booms but close in it cracks.  (on a side note the lack of flame is PERFECT but there are way, way, way too many sparks.  Should be at most 1/10th the sparks.)


@Smin1080pif you guys need a combat sound advisor I come cheap.  ;)

I would appreciate if you could post your feedback also here: https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/516508-feedback-reworked-sounds-of-aircraft-cannons/



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I severely dislike the new sound changes, I feel like it is near impossible for me to play with sound right now. With artillery sounding like firecrackers and aircraft guns sounding like a sewing machine. It is noticable that it has been recorded in a studio and I severely dislike that. The sound of missiles are also misleading with their distance, richochets are also way too loud.

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  • explosion sounds cutting each other off
  • impact sound of even solid shot being massively louder than firing sound
  • discrepancies between impact and sounddelay
  • missile impacts being quieter than autocannon impacts


Edited by Hardmoor
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I don't like the new sounds.
But who cares?
Gaijin created a fait accompli again and we have to get used to them.

But the question that preys on my mind: Why not give players the option to choose between old and new sounds?
I am not a programmer. Is this really so hard to implement? I am curious. :dntknw:

Edited by Gewitterhund
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I'd REALLY appreciate an option to turn these new sounds off.

It took me a while to figure out why I was being attacked by a cluster of cheap firecrackers.

Edit: The new sounds are actually making me feel really sick. I can't play the game because something, possibly related to the sound pitch, is causing nausea and headaches. 

Edit II: A33 Excelsior no longer appears to have engine sounds... just somebody sat inside with a cowbell. 

Edited by Snebze
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Every couple updates, they mess around with the sounds.

I remember maybe 1.5 years ago it was the very same case. Unplayable, annoying.

Now with Ixwa the very same. Artillery sound like poping  fireworks for kids, tank explosions are strange.

The whole sound setup got very dull on tank battles.

Guns in planes also messed. They sound cheap.


I can't understand why there is put in such effort every year in changing the sounds. Its nonsense.

Keep a setup, which makes no troubles and exchange/upgrade certain new one.

But please don't mess around each and every opportunity. Now I lost fun to play...

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Every update new sound and not for the better. Especially the engine noises of some Diesels are just too loud. If a squaddie drives next to you, you have to switch your speakers off. This strange loud whistling is offending and you hear it over 1/4 of the map. Some of the aircraft cannons sound like sewing machines.

Edited by Thodin
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Honestly the new sounds are extremely bad, the US 12.7s and 20mm (M61 Vulcan) along with the German 30mm's (found on the Mig19S) and UK ADENs and French DEFA's all produce similar sounds with just changes in fire-rate. seems like to me either the game isnt producing the required "extra" sounds to distinguish the sounds of different weapons or they are using the same "single" sound file and forcing variations through other parameters to make different sounds but right now a 50cal, a 20mm Vulcan and a 30mm ADEN/DEFA sound too similar which tells me someone either messed up or the game is bugged in sound reproduction because these are not even close to being similar IRL.


Either way it would be nice to roll these sound options back or fix whatever is causing these god awful sounds

Edited by TheCloop123
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Now that I tried the new sounds in an actual game..




What on earth is wrong with you Gaijin, how does this even REMOTELY pass to a live server. What are you doing.


I can't even remote try and be constructive about this, it is just THAT bad that I want to disable sound entirely.





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Are you all deaf in Gajin ? I cannot understand how someone after hearing this decides that its a good replacement for previous sounds. 

Its bad, it sound worse than speakers from my punk pub.

It must be early 1st april joke, right ?

Edited by Shumenko
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Tried few games now. I cannot play like this.


This is possibly the worst patch you folks ever launched, and that says a lot.


This sound, how it integrates in the game is beyond terrible, total utter horseshit doesn't even begin to express how I feel about this. I'm so sorry, I know this never ever reaches the devs, but man, this is just bad.


I stop playing, I cannot do this.

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Mg-42 - about 1200 rounds per minute: 

Gsh23 - about 3400 rounds per minute...and how it sounds in the game right now:

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The problem isnt the xxxx sound itself, It's the damn way how its managed/integrated in the game. It's just BAD for gameplay.

  • No spatial orientation whatsoever!
  • Random loud sounds, bugs, clicks that shouldn't be there
  • Doesnt melt into the other sounds, the sounds feel like standalone sounds overlayed onto the rest
  • It's too xxxx loud and too much bass for firing guns in thinner atmosphere, why is there so much bass up high in the air and reverb like in a large hall? Do you think sound echoes from the ground up to your ear again instantly when 5000m up high?! lmao...
  • Fast firing guns sound horrible, not even going to bother to respond to that
  • Even slower firing runs, 800 rpm or so, don't sound right at all either. I don't think your current sound engine can handle this
  • Every damn gun sounds the same, it's like many guns use the same sound file but at different pitches? Where are the unique gun sounds?


Why after so many years the players still have to eat garbage like this and cannot you listen to feedback during dev server?

Edited by _Hammertime_
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As @_Catweazle_63 pointed out this topic is the right place for "Ixwa Strike" gunfire sound feedback, allow me a little copy-paste:


(everything below applies to AirRB)

1. The positives:

- some guns of large calibers with medium or low rate of fire sounds more serious and detailed now. The  30 mm Mk-108 (Me 262..), 37 mm BK 3,7 (Bf 110G..), 37 mm N-37D (Mig-15, Mig-17..), 50 mm of Me-262A1/u4 and similar ones sound really awesome,

- for some autocanons of a relatively low rate of fire as Mk-103 the single shot finally sounds as the single shot without additional mechanical reverb sugesting 2-3 shots in one as was pre-"Ixwa Strike" update.

- convincingly marked difference between gunfire sound outside and from closed cockpit.



2. The issue with rate of fire. Same as on 2nd Dev Server, still,  in few important cases (as M3 Brownings) the sounds don't reflect the real rate of fire. Guns sound slower then real consumption of ammunition, which is not only an aesthetic problem - it confuses about the amount of ammunition used for given shooting event .

- M61 Vulcan definitely doesn't sound like 6000 rpm,
- GSh-23 family definitely doesn't sound like 3400 rpm,
- MG 81Z definitely doesn't sound like 2x1600 rpm,
- M3 Browning (Sabres) definitely doesn't sound like 1200 rpm (it sounds as "slow" as M2 with 770 rpm),
- NR-30 (Mig19s, Mig-21F13, Su-7s, Su-17..) definitely doesn't sound like 1000 rpm...




20 mm Vulcan, should be 6000 rpm..in the game it sounds this way:


Compare with real life 4500 rpm:


GSh-23, should be 3400 rpm...in the game it sounds this way:

Compare with real life 3000 rpm (Gsh-30-2):






BTW - what's strange the sound of guns of other players heard in close distance seem OK. The Vulcan fired by someone close on your tail sounds with correct ROF and scary..as intended...but not your own.

Conclusion - the rate of fire for aircraft guns in 3rd person view and in the cockpits needs to be reviewed and adjusted. These are ridiculously basic mistakes that significantly spoils the gunfire sound experience and are confusing for shooter .


3. S ound layers / sound ambient  issues:

despite 3rd person view in the air, so being outside, the gunfire sounds often feels like being heard inside the building with slight reverberation, as for example on indor shooting range, or even "from behind the wall",

aircraft gunfire sounds are like separate sound layer, broadcast to your headphones from elsewhere and as mentioned not necessarily outdoors..for sure not fully integral with the rest of sound ambient. It's not only an aesthetic problem - it confuses about the direction and distance of sound source .

It's like additional firing sound artificially added to the live shooting scene where this sound did not occur naturally.  Conclusion - the work should be done to make it more blended with ambient.



4. Messed sound volumes:

a) In general your own guns in 3rd person view (not to mention cockpit) sound much quieter than guns of same type fired close to you by other players.

b) Bad proportion between the volume of different types of cannons. Example: for some reason Mk-101 and Mk-103 (cartridge at the top of the picture) sound much quieter than Mk-108 despite they use much larger propellant charge than short cased Mk-108 (cartridge at the bottom of the picture):




The Mk-108 is set as it should be in my opinion, just make Mk-101/103 lauder...but this is just one of few examples.

5. The issue with range of audible tones:

For some guns and autocannons the gunfire sound seems to have a lot of high and low tones cut off which gives a bit of suppression effect like with passive hearing protection muffs on your head.


Edited by Einherjer1979
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The new Ixwa sounds I've heard are awful. A clear downgrade from previous sounds. In ground battles the artillery and tank rounds sound like fireworks, not weapons of war. Also the sounds are muffled and unclear as if they are cutting off each other. I don't usually post, but this time I have too, Gaijin normally get most things right, but this update is a disaster sound-wise. Please fix Gaijin.

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