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[Feedback] Sound changes


Ha! I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't like these new sounds. I made a comment in-game today about it and got flamed. A few players were like "you clearly know nothing about WWII weapons if you don't like these sounds." That may be so, but it doesn't add anything to the game. Most aircraft guns sound weak and cheap, like toys. Even if they weren't 100% realistic, the old sounds were fine.

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Can I just ask why changes to sound were made? Yes, these new sounds are awful, but there are a litany of issues raised by players that seem to never get addressed. Meanwhile, as far as I know, people didn't complain about the existing sounds, and for some reason they were changed. Why? Why "fix" this and not actual problems? 

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5 hours ago, Eric_JN said:

can we change the sound back? can't hear engine, can't hear air craft, gun shot is basically all can hear and can't tell direction. 

Yeah, they really messed with the engine sound levels again. Yesterday had just landed at the base, noticed that base AAA starts firing, so thought that there's an enemy plane coming in, assumed they were still far away because no engine sound. But right after get sprayed to death with 50cals... Didn't hear the plane engine at any point.

Feels like after the update, friendly planes make more noise than enemy planes.


Also some of the artillery/tank gun explosions sound now like someone bashing you on the head with a plastic bucket. Realism.

Edited by BuffDrinkLots
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I find most of the new sounds to be atrocious. The stereo field and proximity balance is non existent and most effects aren't even close to the correct volume. The were fine before and this change was completely unnecessary.

Edited by PhotoCoda
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I can only second what has been said by many already. There was NO NEED to mess with sounds. Now the useful audio cues are all gone. Guess what, it's important for situational awareness but now it's useless. I feel like I'm playing blind. And of course, none of these sounds are anywhere close to realistic. I've been to the US Marine training ground during exercises and ambient battle noises are nothing like in this game now. Please, give us the choice to change back to what it was, even if you don't allow sounds mods any more. The current sound design makes me not want to play. I was just gonna buy some top tier premiums to help with grind but no way am I gonna pay a penny now until this is fixed. I'll be playing something else in the meantime...

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Arty shells sound like firecrackers. They are missing lots of low frequency noise, especially over distance.

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  • The volume of gun hit sounds on different surfaces has been fixed.
  • The sound of explosions has become less sharp, the ‘clap’ effect has been removed.
  • The sounds of explosions have been removed for AP rounds hitting armour.



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Regardless of what they write and why the end result speaks for itself. Immersion is gone, so is the ability to react to audio cues. The game is now just a constant balloon popping fest. There was no need to change anything from before. Particularly in high tiers, you can't hear jets coming, nor helis. No direction info on the sound either.

Edited by TheSlickOne
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1 hour ago, _Catweazle_63 said:





Unfortunately, despite patch nothing has changed regarding my points 2 and 3:



...and today I also noticed the 4th one: Messed sound volumes.

Example: for some reason Mk-101 and Mk-103 cannons (cartridge at the top of the picture) sound much quieter than Mk-108 despite they use much larger propellant charge than short cased Mk-108 cannon (cartridge at the bottom of the picture):




The Mk-108 is set as it should be in my opinion, just make Mk-101/103 lauder...but this is just one of few examples.


Edited by Einherjer1979
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Just now, Snebze said:

We need one of the below:

a) An option, in the menu, to turn the new sounds off.

b) To revert to the previous audio.

I currently can't play the game due to the garbled mess coming through my headphones.

The new gunfire sounds in Air Battles seem prematurely introduced in unpolished or simply bugged state. Maybe it's work in progress...and as such they shouldn't go on to the live server.

But I do not think we should throw the baby out with the bathwater - some sounds are already better and others seem to have potential after some rework or just adjustment.


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8 minutes ago, Einherjer1979 said:

But I do not think we should throw the baby out with the bathwater - some sounds are already better and others seem to have potential after some rework or just adjustment.


Problem is... I literally can't play War Thunder with them. They give me nausea.

I'm currently experimenting with sound mods, which are better, but have yet to find one that isn't missing sounds for some of the vehicles.

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I must say, the new sounds i don't like. Pretty much everything seems too quiet and muffled, especially artillery and gun sounds made me go WTF as have heard both live. Also it seems much more difficult to say where the sounds come from. Also the tank shells and impacts seem weird, though might only be adjusting question, artillery visual effects are kinda ok too many sparks maybe and too little dust.


And i'm sick of dying constantly as i have no xxxx idea where the sounds come now. 

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I am most perplexed by this change. Why are we getting sound overhauls every few months? Does Gaijin's sound design team get a bonus every time they implement sound updates like this? Otherwise I can't fathom the reasoning behind all these frequent changes that are detrimental to the overall sound design of the game. This game has always had good sound design from the very beginning when I started playing up until the most recent update where it came to a crashing halt.

And now with the new system for aircraft gun sounds, we can't even mod them because the mods only work properly under the old system.

I beseech you, Gaijin, please seriously consider reverting back to the old system. The new aircraft gun sounds are completely awful and really kill my enjoyment of the air battles in this game.

Edited by SuperComrade
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Another bug I noticed strongly today - your own guns sound much quieter than guns of same type fired close to you by other players.

For example, I shoot the GSh-23 at the Phantom in front of me and hear my own gunfire as "tr-tr-tr-tr-tr-tr-tr..."

...then other Mig-21 close to me fire same GSh-23 into same Phantom and I hear: WHHHOOORPPPPPPBRRRRRRWTF ;)

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I haven't read the entire replies related for this last update, and my post was closed by a moderator in the general discussion forum, referencing this thread, but here we go.


The sound of a tank and artillery explosion (and probably anything related to an explosion) is really bad compare to before or even back in the past. To my opinion, it sounds very fake to what a real tank explosion or artillery is (I was a real tanker in the military) . I was expecting more of enhancement of the old sound, but now I am not sure if this change was a mistake or intended. The visuals are good, other sounds (example aircraft guns) are nice as well. 


This is my 2 cents, and hopefully can be improved via hot patch. Thanks 

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Aside from quality alot sound effects appear far too loud, some too low. Some effects you might hear across the map, which is confusing. Other are very low, despite the source of that sound is right next to you.

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  • Timachinima changed the title to Dear Gaijin: issue with new machine gun sounds
  • Stona_WT changed the title to Problems with sound

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