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[Feedback] War Thunder Changes Roadmap


2 minutes ago, LyfHax420 said:

These changes actually look promising, but there is one bug or "feature" that has been in the game since almost day 1 and is barely spoken about: The fact that in GRB, when 2 players shoot each other at the same time, usually the one with the less ping gets the kill, and the other one will just die, with his shell dissapearing, even if he clearly fired it's gun and you cna even see the shell going through the other player.

Shells are not disappearing if you manage to shot before you died (for server). There are situations in Ground Battles that both tanks are destroyed (got one yesterday or today).

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This is incredible! Absolutely brilliant changes, can't wait to see them implemented.


I do have slight concerns over the mechanics of increasing rewards at higher kill counts, in that it'll incentivise killstealing. To address this I think you should also factor in assists to the calculation, which also has the bonus of incentivising supporting your teammates as opposed to trying to focus down the kill they've worked hard on at the detriment of your allies later, such as if there's another dangerous bandit that you were in a position to engage but didn't because your teammate had just crippled someone and you wanted that easier kill, only for that bandit later to kill your own teammates (which could even have a butterfly effect into the outcome of the match).

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Actions speak louder than words, so I will stay neutral until the changes are actually implemented.

I will say though, that if these changes actually come to pass, War Thunder could finally become the game it was meant to be, and bring in a whole load of new players! I hope it works out like that

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6 minutes ago, Stona said:

Shells are not disappearing if you manage to shot before you died (for server). There are situations in Ground Battles that both tanks are destroyed (got one yesterday or today).

I think the former is what they're talking about - they fire, but because of a large ping difference they're already dead on the server's end. I think some amount of compensation for ping should be allowed for if the client isn't dead at their (not the server's) time of shooting, but not too much because then you could have people intentionally increasing ping to absurd amounts to force trades.

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18 minutes ago, Warboss1443 said:

I am not sure about researching another nation by just playing a nation you have fully unlocked. Although that may be because the wording is a bit confusing on how this will work, so I will not shun it until more information is given about it.

Not really that confusing to me here though. I understand it like this:

  • Get last plane in US plane tree -> you get three-mission bonuses daily for all plane tech trees apart from US tree.
  • Get last tank in US tank tree -> you get three-mission bonuses daily for all tank tech trees apart from US tree.
  • You get this bonus separately for each nation you are still researching, so you play 3 battles in one nation, then three in another one etc, if you want to be efficient.

What is unclear is what happens when you have more than one top vehicle - do these stack? does it mean that the more trees you have maxed out, the more bonuses you'll get or is it flat and so there's no motivation to max out more trees?

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I really love the suggested changes


being able to at the very least break even with a Premium account will be a huge win to top tier ground RB since you wont get punished for continuedly spawning in 

Also going to be huge for seeing more diversity in air RB, makes it viable to play and have fun with stuff that might not be all that competitive 

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biggest win here is the economy (both SL and RP) and the premium auto break even, i think it will benefit the game as a whole because players no longer need to worry about if they can afford to spawn again. This means less players will leave the match after first death.

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I'll be honest. If these changes are implemented as announced, I will buy premium vehicles at full price even outside of %Sale events. Because I think they are worth it and you deserve the money.

After Gaijin definitely left the reasonable way, I am very happy that you found the way back to the right path. Even if it is "only" a roadmap for now and unfortunately it needed a nasty "marital dispute" first.





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For free backups to premium vehicle, the purpose I propose it in WTPU is to make turms team never die in 5 min, I'm hoping that the free backups could be life long available like M51 in Israel in realistic battle.  Pls just don't give 30-200 backup token which won't solve the problem, pls make all premium ground vehicle could respawn like M51. 

Edited by 白虎馒头奶油派
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1 hour ago, Stona said:


For your convenience, you can also find the above mentioned topics presented in the planned timeline:



I dare not mention the economy this time, but I can only say that this timeline is a great one. It is very transparent and good, with clear timelines for all project steps.
Can you continue this type of announcement format in the future, maybe every 1Q,2Q,3Q,4Q or even every 6 months, I would like to see a map like this of the long term Warthunder update schedule and improvement policy.

I feel this would benefit both the users and the team more.

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34 minutes ago, TenPoundsOfSalt said:

"it's really painful to read that you have more close range maps planned"


Totally this.


Be wary, as recent years in politics/ social media have shown, the noisiest agitators do not necessarily represent the majority.


I'm simply personally not interested in short range battles, I find they lack IQ, please be careful in dismantling long range firefights which I'm sure lots, possibly even the silent majority enjoy, for those that simply kick up a fuss that everything's not entirely their way. I'm happy shorter range map fighting exists just not in entirety. 


Thankfully you could always roll back/ continue to develop your product. 


Just my 2 pence worth from a 2013 player;

The games a mixture of folk who spend thousands & folk who don't spend a penny & everyone in between. We're all necessary & as such balanced map design that caters for us all is also necessary so when I read something that indicates its unilaterally going in one single direction only it causes me concern.

If 999 people, who want map A spent a total of £100 & 1 person who wants map B spent £1000 yet each game requires a queue of 20 people. What do you do?


Anyone have the answer?

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1 hour ago, Stona said:
    • Standard countermeasures will become available immediately to researched aircraft. Options such as “chaff only”, “improved flares”, “mixed”, “flares priority”, will be available by researching the module. Additional options, such as BOL pods or additional chaff pods will remain available by module research.

This is EXACTLY what I was hoping would happen. 

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Overall the changes seem great. But please, urgent action is required in naval RB, the mode is infested with hordes of exploiters using bots, on average around 70% of the players are bots using an aimbot and automation hack. Air SB has also been destroyed by exploiters and the subsequent destruction of rewards for normal players by forcing the "useful action" system onto everyone. Since gaijin generally isn't willing to do total account bans for cheating and exploiting in naval RB and air SB, one option I can think of is to introduce specific mode bans, eg. if they're caught botting in naval hand out 1 year bans for naval mode only. Likewise if they're caught farming their alt accounts and similar and SB the option to just ban them from that mode for a while offers a better middle ground than total account bans.

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Please don't forget about people who don't like close quarter tank maps... I understand there is a playerbase for this but also there is one for the larger maps. Please consider us too. Vote up if you agree.

Edited by Marlo3D
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I'd really love to see the level cap of 100 get removed. I think it would give many players a bigger incentive to play cause the level can be seen ingame by others and directly tells you what grind you've put in and that it pays off.


EDIT: Is it in any way possible to keep the daily challenges in 24h rotations and not 22h like now? its really hard to know when the challenges come available again if you always need to enter the game for it.

Edited by FatumUwU
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5 minutes ago, TitanLegion said:


Totally this.


Be wary, as recent years in politics/ social media have shown, the noisiest agitators do not necessarily represent the majority.


I'm simply personally not interested in short range battles, I find they lack IQ, please be careful in dismantling long range firefights which I'm sure lots, possibly even the silent majority enjoy, for those that simply kick up a fuss that everything's not entirely their way. I'm happy shorter range map fighting exists just not in entirety. 


Thankfully you could always roll back/ continue to develop your product. 


Just my 2 pence worth from a 2013 player;

The games a mixture of folk who spend thousands & folk who don't spend a penny & everyone in between. We're all necessary & as such balanced map design that caters for us all is also necessary so when I read something that indicates its unilaterally going in one single direction only it causes me concern.

If 999 people, who want map A spent a total of £100 & 1 person who wants map B spent £1000 yet each game requires a queue of 20 people. What do you do?


Anyone have the answer?

Instead of individual map voting preferences, split map voting into a small/large preference. There's also many larger versions of existing maps already made for SB mode, they could be included in the "large" preference. 

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  • Improved target hit alert in the aircraft battles. For an air target that is considered shot down under current conditions, but still has the ability to hit its offender, or if there are munitions on fire, we are going to add a delay on reporting the frag, possibly blocking the control of the shot aircraft after some time. Next Major Update.

Almost all changes are great.  But I still need to give some advice.  Look at this sentence: "possibly blocking the control of the shot aircraft after some time."  Don't let it be possible!  In real life, the F-15 has even been able to fly back after losing half of its wings.  There are too many examples of being too damaged to fight, but the pilots flew these planes back.  So I feel like if a player gets shot down by someone else, but he might still be able to fly on a monoplane, let him fly, and maybe he can land and fix the plane.  This can make the game more fun!  In fact, the aircraft in the mixture battle should not have a 15-second countdown.  They might fly back!




By the way, idk why it change to Chinese when I just submitted it. Maybe the stupid google. But now I change it back. Hope the google translate won't make mistakes on turning Chine to English.

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1 hour ago, Noir89 said:

1) Replenishable FPE on CAP points (would highly encourage to use them on teammates)

I wholeheartedly support this point.

Alternatively FPE charges could be increased to three once the modification is researched.

Two of them are just expended too quickly, especially in high tier matches where there is more precise and powerful CAS that will often hit your engine from above.

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Everything is good, but there are two points.
Why is there no change in the amount of research points required to bring a tank to modification top?
Where is the removal of 60% penalty for so-called tree tops?
Why does German T-71M1 require 20-30 thousands experience points per module, but Finnish T-71M1 requires only 7 thousands? Why is this ignored? There is no logic here! 
Just give all packet premembers the opportunity to always go into battle 2-3 times in any mode. THAT'S IT. Do not need any doublers. Doublets should be left for tree vehicles.  This is a perfectly adequate feature for $50-70 dollar vehicles.
It should also be done, as all the changes that you announced come from the wish that the player is playing a full set of vehicles. And that's absolutely correct.
But one-time batch players on tops and the fact that it takes too many research points to level up a vehicle from stock to top will kill half of your endeavors. As an example, a tank with a combat rating of 10.0 requires 170 fights at KD +1.7 and a win rate of 53%. Which is too much. And with a combat rating of +11.0 it takes 250 fights with the same indicators to bring in the top 1 car, and at least 3-5 of them are needed.

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1 hour ago, Stona said:


  • Reduction of research and purchase costs of rank VI-VII aircraft. Summer updates 2023.


I feel like ground vehicles should also be included in this as in my experience ground is the slower of the 2 grinds at toptier

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I believe one of the causes of so many 1 death players in rank VII/VIII tank battles is the amount of RP the game required for modifications. There is no point staying in that battle if I already died because it's pretty much time wasted for that vehicle. And the fact the the vehicle usually becomes "better to play" only after getting the good round sitting at tier IV modification demands too much time invested to stay in battle with another vehicle.

Lets hope you guys can fix that.

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Really loving what I am reading.


2 hours ago, Stona said:

Free repair if destroyed by an ally. Summer updates 2023.


Could this perhaps be slightly expanded a bit to include boosters too? It will be nice to not have to pay a repair cost when being teamkilled on the runway, but if you have a booster activated then it will be wasted (especially with the big single battle ones) before you can use it. Perhaps you could expand it so that if you get teamkilled before getting a kill / assist or any other action which will net you a reward, then the booster wont be used for that match?

Edited by RycotSS
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