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[Feedback] War Thunder Changes Roadmap


The " revision to naval progression " entry, while vague, has captured my interest ! Though it seems there 's a long wait ahead before finding out what it means, I'm looking forward to the time when that happens.


4 hours ago, Bonrath said:

The one question I have is about the tech tree progression, more precisely, foldering vehicles: does that also open up options for more variants of certain vehicles ( example, an A-4 Skyhawk folder with A-4B and other, more advanced Skyhawks like the A-4F or A-4M, or for example, and F-4E folder with an early and late, expanded ordnance F-4E)? That would be a very very nice thing to have, especially to give some more appeal to the foldered vics

I'm wondering abt the foldering too, is it going to be limited to just variants of the same basic vehicle, as is the current common practice ? Or will it be organizing vehicles which are just close to eachother in the research branch and/or BR ?

W/ the increased speed of research w/in folders, I wonder if we'll see those variant vehicles presented in the old techtree addition roadmaps whose development was later discarded when they became surplus to requirements. Things such as the P-40N and A6M7. Maybe w/ the freed-up TT space we might finally have a chance to see those planned-but-never-developed vehicles like the AJ-1 Savage, Mosquito B Mk.IV and Ju 88P !

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Totally stoked about the ground battle points (Tank) counting toward the Helicopter research. 

Honestly, researching helicopters the current way is more painful than a dentist visit and takes way too long.


Only gripe I have is this:

I see others mumble about this one, too. If I decide to remain in my aircraft and continue to fight, even if I am considered "dead", I should not be penalized, especially if the reds then think they can just fly right past my nose. This happened in real life, considering the stories of Sqn/Ldr Mike Stephens and F/L James Nicolson, just to name two examples. Why not reward the pilot for bailing out instead. If he remains in the aircraft though he had time to bail out, charge the player the full repair cost, while reducing it, depending how fast they bailed out.


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  • Locations and missions

I hope you are not planing on making maps even smaller. I rarely fight enemies at 1000m already. What would be the point of long range guns like the german 7.5 cm?


8 hours ago, Marlo3D said:

Please don't forget about people who don't like close quarter tank maps... I understand there is a playerbase for this but also there is one for the larger maps. Please consider us too. Vote up if you agree.

Edited by Ulfgar_Septimus
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46 minutes ago, ExcaliburSniper said:

Great changes overall but I don't think ground units should be able to research helicopters, that will lead to a lot more heli CAS than we already face


I actually like that change, because there are many heli trees that are almost impossible to progress in without buying a premium helicopter.

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Not a fan of blocking an aircrafts control, you already kick us out of planes with half a wing after like 6 seconds while they are still able to fly fine let me fight xxxx I still have half a plane staying in the air, Also why do we still not have a "Your welcome" or "No Problem" button. And don't you dare touch our "Attack the D point" button.

Edited by ToeLicker86
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Generally a great roadmap and communication to inform players, always great to get information to keep the community informed.


I am really happy to see much needed improvements being implemented. The question is just, why was this whole escalation necessary?


Most of these concerns and ideas were brought up a long time ago and were constantly discussed.


Please keep this attitude to improve the game even after the roadmap is completed, and don't wait 10 more years until the next escalation.


Little question about the rewards if you own a top vehicle, does it stack?



Research bonuses for new nations. After obtaining a top vehicle of one nation (such a vehicle will be clearly marked in the research tree), a bonus is added to the research of vehicles of this type in other nations, where the top-tier vehicles have not yet been received. The bonus is given for three battles every day for each nation separately and depends on the rank of the researched vehicle. Approximate values are: rank IV +15%, rank V +25%, rank VI +35%, ranks VII-VIII +50%. Fourth update of the year (October-November 2023).


For example, if I researched USA, GER and Russia top tier MPTs will I get 150% RP if I want to research Israel MBTs or is it a flat 50% once no matter how many nations you unlocked?


If they stack, this would also help people grind through the 20th Patton/Magach and make other tech trees much more appealing if you could accumulate a bigger bonus. If someone is able to research a top MBT in 10 tech trees, I think that one earned the right to get a 500% flat RP bonus if he wants to unlock more tech trees.


This could also boost minor nation trees since if you unlock some of them you could boost your research for a major one and increase your progress there.


Edit: Plus I would like to see this bonus being applied in general to new nations and not just for the first 3 games.

Edited by Obirzoe
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I like what i see, well most of it.

The map thing sounds like plans for making everything a brawl, and that will make quite a lot of tank kinda poo to me...

I love a good duel at long ranges, also in vehicles without laser rangefinder.

And i think there are to many small maps now, so many ive stopped playing top tier because it just feel like CSGO.

PS: And i LOVE the idea of accepting an apology!

Sometimes you have to sacrifice yourself/others to win a game and with no reapir cost to the victim and the possibility to accept, some matches can be saved.

1 hour ago, Ulfgar_Septimus said:
  • Locations and missions

I hope you are not planing on making maps even smaller. I rarely fight enemies at 1000m already. What would be the point of long range guns like the german 7.5 cm?




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35 minutes ago, DeeLyYeT said:

In naval mode you get nothing from assists, even if you kill enemy ships %90 of its crew and someonelse gets kill, you get 12rp and 100sl. This needs to change

In naval the rewards are calculated differently to AF or GF. They are calculated after the battle based mainly on damage done. So kills and assists are quite irrelevant and are just nice bonus. They even made devblog about it way back in 2018:



Edited by Shadow__CZ
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I have to say, I'm very impressed by what I see. A lot of my issues I have with the game as it is have been mentioned here, and appropriate fixes planned for it. Perhaps my favorite is the middle ground to the parts & FPE situation with tanks. I can't tell you how many new vehicles I've lost because I simply couldn't put out a fire that was an inevitable death. Rewarding teamplay and playing the game, increasing rewards for such actions, and a multitude of others are absolutely excellent. I'm hoping a majority of these make it into the game. Thank you!

Edited by OddPhenomena
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Honestly, I am very positively surprised. Unfortunately my negative review will have to stay until the changes are starting to actually get implemented. 


But I do am hopeful and whish the dev team all the best. 


Here are some additional ideas I had:


 1. Experimental map Battles

    Maybe add the option to opt in tino getting experimental, unfinished or reworked maps before they are officially released so the team can gather more information on it. Similarly to the old "Rocket Labs" Mode in rocket league. These could also consist of just very basic and symmetrical maps to gain a better understanding what works and what doesn't (like a simple cone for example) 


2. Multiple respawn for single vehicle load outs similarly to the Israeli M-51


Furthermore I do would like to see some kind of reimbursement. I have played since 2015, have 5 Million SL and still won't be able to lurches all the German tier 5 planes I researched this year alone unless I earn 2.5 Million more AND wait till the November 50% discount


Now to the points I liked the most:


Transferable research points across nations is very good. It truly sucks and makes me play a nation less when I have reseachrecd all the vehicles. I usually wait until a new one is released so I can utilise all the research and module bonuses


Being able to decide to put the research point into choppers is really great and long overdue. Thanks. 


The arcade repair mechanic in rb is good, but I do admit I wasn't aware that wasn't the case yet


Anyway, good luck

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6 hours ago, Fallen_Cookie said:

Honestly, I am very positively surprised. Unfortunately my negative review will have to stay until the changes are starting to actually get implemented. 


But I do am hopeful and whish the dev team all the best. 




This. I'll gladly change my review when I'm been giving the chance to.

Edited by Major_Bugfix
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Please guys, just make these changes and we'll see what comes next. I've been playing since the closed beta and I just have this weird feeling that these changes can make for a very good gaming experience!
Please change what you guys said and then we'll see what happens next. 
I'm excited, but there is still a long way to go before these changes are made and adopted. There is still a lot of time before the end of the year in which the whole situation will not necessarily get better. 

One step at a time. 

Thanks for the planned changes, but nothing has changed yet and we need to remember what happened (and needed to happen) before it was deemed necessary to change anything at all. 
If the economy had not been destroyed all these years until now, there would not be this bad blood. 

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I am not seeing anything related to improving the calculation of penetrations and the damage model of all the bullets, it seems to me that they are minor improvements in the vast majority, only a few things are worth it.

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Played WT since it came out of closed beta.


Over the years the game has slowly got worse to play...reduced rewards, increased repairs etc etc, so much so that large chunks of the core playerbase...those who repeatedly spent money on the game (premium time, vehicles etc) left.


And you guys at Gaijin HQ saw this, but instead of addressing the concerns for years, you went down the 'throw loads of content and premium vehicles' in the game to entice new players...instead of maintaining a core, playerbase.

Without a core playerbase, the game will die, you'll get new players buy a $70 premium, play it a while, realise the game isnt worth staying on or spending more money on, then leave.



These improvements are what this game has needed for at least the last 4 years to encourage new players to stay, and retain that core playerbase who will repeatedly spend, they will stop the game being a chore to play, an endless grind to make a few SL, and return it to what it used to be...fun, where worrying about SL income was a minor issue.


It shouldn't have taken recent events for you to act on these issues that have been here for so long.



Remember, the golden rule for any game is, It should be fun to play.


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3 hours ago, ExcaliburSniper said:

Great changes overall but I don't think ground units should be able to research helicopters, that will lead to a lot more heli CAS than we already face

i get the Ka-52 and the Mi-28NM without the ka-50, you dont imagine the time and effort it takes, is one of the best changes on the last years on research topic

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2 minutes ago, VOYA said:

i get the Ka-52 and the Mi-28NM without the ka-50, you dont imagine the time and effort it takes, is one of the best changes on the last years on research topic

I grinded the Tiger UHT and A129D without premiums, I know it takes a long time. My point is that there is already a ton of CAS at high tier, often i'm the only tank left alive with all 5+ teammates flying jets and helis. This won't help. 

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Just want to say, Love all the proposed changes and I hope they are all implemented according to the roadmap. I very much don't want these changes given up on 2 months from now and will be very disappointed if anything is reverted or not implemented along with 95% of the community. Along with this I will not put another cent into this game until this whole roadmap is introduced. 

Edited by R2Y2
Forgot to put a sentence in when originally posted.
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Nice changes overall. Maybe a good reason to buy premium again.


I miss however some mention to:

- when RP reductions are planned to be applied for high ranking tanks (V and above)

- reductions for total module RP in high ranking vehicles (V and above)


Also I'd like to finally have some way to "hide" from the trees the fully spaded vehicles (or to highlight non spaded ones) so I can clearly see what I miss to spade. C'mon, should be easy to implement.

PS: Bad idea to have two parallel threads with people discussing exactly the same.

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