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[Feedback] War Thunder Changes Roadmap


Thank you Gaijin for applying a great amount of player feedback in the new economic revision announcements. I wish to see (most of) the proposed changes to remain in the game for years to come. There is a new sense of better gameplay flexibility as the risk and reward proportions are more equitable. 


Спасибо тебе, Гайджин, за использование большого количества отзывов игроков в анонсах нового экономического издания. Я бы хотел, чтобы (большинство) предлагаемых изменений остались в игре на долгие годы. Появилось новое ощущение большей гибкости игрового процесса, поскольку пропорции риска и вознаграждения стали более справедливыми.

Edited by Linerax
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will something be done about botting?


things like "income insurance" probably look good to most players, but it is also something that is tailor made for bots ... even with horrible win rate & barely 1 kill per 100 battles they can now be sure they won't lose any SL


This. Will. Make. Botting. Even. More. Attractive.

Edited by gozer
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These changes look amazing, I don't think they totally alleviate the frustration of CAS in ground RB. I think open top vehicles getting canvas covers(which they had) or at least giving the option too would prevent planes with guns to single out and kill those vehicles. It ensures CAS and COIN needs to be more accurate with bombs and need to follow through with more gun runs to ensure a kill with guns, giving a higher chance to kill the aircraft before they kill any tanks. These open top covers should be added and counted as a destroyable decoration. 

Here is a quora link with some examples: https://www.quora.com/How-do-the-crews-in-open-top-tanks-stop-the-inside-of-the-tank-from-getting-wet-when-it-s-raining

They are also features already in games, such as the troop transports you can kill in air rb or the M36B@ already in game, which has a thin layer of metal which cannon rounds can go through but that deflect small arms fire and give the illusion that its a closed tank above, which means fighters are less likely to try and shoot it with guns.

Other then that I did not see any large flaws or things that could fix a players experience more.


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Looking forward to seeing this all implemented, a few things I would like to raise off the top of my head:


1. When capping a point, I think the best way to implement fair RP/SL distribution is to have the rewards distributed to players in the zone every tick. You could also implement something similar to an "assist counts as kill" mechanic to objectives. So if someone caps say 80% of an objective, gets killed but friendlies secure it to 100%, that player still gets the Obj captured bonus.

2. One major thing missing that I think is absolutely vital is the separation of Battle Ratings for aircraft in Ground and Air. The best example is the Harrier GR.7. It dominates in ground battles and is worthy of the current 11.7br, but in air battles it really should be no higher than the sea harrier, though both, arguably, should be the same br as the A10's with 4 x 9L's at 10.3.

3. Make Convertible research payable with SL. or dramatically alter the conversion rate of GE as currently it is so insultingly bad I can't imagine anyone but the largest of whales actually purchase it.


Overall I am optimistic about this roadmap and hope you continue in this direction


Edited by Hanz8
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Overall, this looks fantastic, I really can't wait to see how much this improves the game!


I'm super excited for the rebalancing of Cold War era vehicles, hopefully this means tanks like the Leoperd 1 will be moved back up to where they were years ago, and tanks like the M103 will get the love they need to be viable again.

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I'm really glad that you've taken into consideration real key issues in these updates, very keen to obtaining more vehicles when they're implemented. 


But... and a big one at that, you haven't addressed to fix any problems and lacked features for Squadrons, internal communication, no ability to have real bulletin notices/announcements, permissions and lack of controls for ranked members, really bad global recruitment... oh and that brings me to another issue that I feel has been neglected for a long time - friend/global/squadron chat system which is mostly unusable.


Hope someone reads this and can pass it along, either way all the other updates throughout this year couldn't come quicker! 



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I particularly enjoy night battles a lot, although I'm well aware it's not a common opinion amongst the player base. I believe implementing an option that disable night battles completely will essentially make them non-existent due to the absence of players willing to play them. Unless the number of players who would keep the option on is significantly higher than I believe it would be, the only option to keep night battles alive would be to instead of completely remove night battles from a player queue, place him in a low priority when matching him into night battles. That way it would be possible for players that don't want to play night battles to get matched on one only on rare occasions, and for players who want night battles, they would still be happening frequently for them to play. As for the other changes I think they are moving on the right direction to make the game user friendly and will be very well received by the players.

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BTW: One question: what is the benefit to the Gaijin side of doing this?

It seems like a great change for the users, but since this is a business, I don't see how it will only benefit them. In particular, if revenues are basically positive or the RP required for higher ranks is reduced, I think it will be a negative for the business, as people will be less likely to buy GE, if at all.

For example, if you are considering raising the price of GE or packs or changing the borderline for seasonal events to reflect this revised economy, please let me know here.
However, if this better quality economy were applied, I would still buy bundles and GEs even if the prices were raised.

Edited by Alpine_Lynx
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Pretty much everything here is perfect. Except for one thing, remove the "hatespeech" clause. Its too vauge of a term and can be easily abused by bad actors claiming that they're offended by innocuous jokes. And has bad connotations of just having a practical definition of "something I don't like at that moment".


  • "Making it easier to report hate speech in a chat, adding a separate category of complaints, as well as showing the chat log that is attached to the complaint. Summer updates 2023.
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your plan of detail sound good. It would be more interesting how it will work/running.


I have some question:


1.) If i play with groundvehicle and i get target for examble the chain is broken, my vehicle is repairing automatic (if not move) the chain. It need some time for repairing. If i move for example the last second (pressed the key random or need to move fast cover), the countdown running again of the start point and i need to wait again same time. I think it's unrealistic. It would be better if 1/4% rest time running and not 100% again start. Why not the one second because i break last second up? The crew need Jump down and get back to vehicle, that u can't do in one second.


It's the same if u repair for example canon. u drive in cover position and start repairing. Maybe u got over 50% ready, but a bomber coming and break up to switch of bombs if possible. If u have luck and nothing happen, you start repairing again from start... . So you loosing much time again. There would be better the repairing start again from 50% (tank canon was 50% repairing after break up - it can't be get demage back after half reapairing.


I think that could help much players too. I drive much heavy tanks, so i have to wait very long time by demage tank for repairing.


2.) You can get in the game "3D-Deko" or "Emblem" for all kinds of vehicle. Why there are'nt emblems with picture of direct hit? So u can creative your vehicle as would coming of other battle to next one. I don't know if a realistic direct hit hole in tank have the mechanic for a easy open weak for next shot then it could irritate with fake hole. I don't know about it. I was only thinking about, that it would be a nice deko for examble a hole with a half 37mm bullet in tank.


I would like to get a feedback of it and what about the other players think about.

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6 minutes ago, Alpine_Lynx said:

BTW: One question: what is the benefit to the Gaijin side of doing this?

It seems like a great change for the users, but since this is a business, I don't see how it will only benefit them. In particular, if revenues are basically positive or the RP required for higher ranks is reduced, I think it will be a negative for the business, as people will be less likely to buy GE, if at all.

For example, if you are considering raising the price of GE or packs or changing the borderline for seasonal events to reflect this revised economy, please let me know here.
However, if this better quality economy were applied, I would still buy bundles and GEs even if the prices were raised.

With the progressive nature of the deterioration of the economy, it might be that they just tried to see with how much they could get away with, to my knowledge, Gaijin has never been in a dire economic situation (with all that tax dodging they're doing by being implanted in Hungary rather than their native Russia)


PS : Road map looks good so far, good job gaijin

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  • Improved target hit alert in the aircraft battles. For an air target that is considered shot down under current conditions, but still has the ability to hit its offender, or if there are munitions on fire, we are going to add a delay on reporting the frag, possibly blocking the control of the shot aircraft after some time. Next Major Update.

I do think that delay could make the Kill steal situation that is bad on Air RB even worse, the game needs a mechanic to prevent that, like giving the kill to the player that severely damaged the plane first (like took off one axis of control or put it on fire) especially after the real shatter update, since the planes now take more punishing before going down and you usually kill by setting someone on fire or making them lose control and crash, it would be lovely if we didn't need to keep trailing and shooting a dying enemy just to make sure that no one will steal it.


About the control lock i do have mixed feelings, I find kinda odd and unrealistic to a damaged plane on a flat spin start shooting like crazy, the pilot would probably be struggling with how to get out before pass out on the other hand, it will be also odd to have a plane controls locked on a situations like, lost a wing but kept flying, if the enemy didn't finished the job, then that player should have the opportunity to try to land and repair. 


But I'm very happy about the other changes, good job. 

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Really looking forward to these changes. Something that i dont see in the roadmap is something to solve the issue of BR compression. i believe that the max BR should be increased to around 16.0, reason being that its extremely common to be facing cold war vehicles if you're playing WWII vehicles. Maybe some spacing between cold war and WWII vehicles would be nice. (something similar to how tree BRs can change by ~.7-1.0 points when moving to the next tier of vehicles.) Better yet, i think it would be nice to try and make it so that  I think it would also be nice to heal up injured crew members when idling on a capture zone. 

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Are there any plans to improve Helicopter PvE gamemode?

  • Reduction of the effectiveness of AI anti aircraft guns located on fields and convoys in all aircraft modes.

Will this apply to Heli PvE as well?


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Nice changes, i would like to see return of German tech tree vehicles such as Panther ll, Tiger ll 105cm kWk,Maus and Flakpanzer 341 ( Coelian ) for research for some time. It passed a long time since they are removed from the game expect Maus which you can research at WT birthday we would like to see more of them researchable, please Gaijin we miss them! :)

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I have been playing the game since 2013 and this is a real nice change for once.. on behalf of the veterans who have played for a long time I got to say I am pleased to see these changes and welcome them, while I think more can be done change is a marathon and not a sprint so we can be patient and wait for the rest of the changes to come. I do have 2 items i would like Gaijin to think on whether or not they will work with the upcoming changes and if they can be implemented. 

1. Please bring back =White Rock Fortress Map= as it was a very fun small map that was always making ground vehicles fight in tight quarters. Rework what you can to make it balanced but let the players enjoy the fun that was White Rock again.

2. Will it be possible to re-add the 2x multiplier for the first game of each nation again per day as it was very handy at researching and grinding money, it was even 5x on major holidays like Xmas and New Years. Will it be possible to re-add this multiplier function back into the current state of the game?

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3 hours ago, Acid_Burn9 said:

Not too happy about this one.

  • It will make securing the reward for the kill more annoying and will add more possibilities for the kill to be stolen.
  • Blocking the control is a horrible idea. If the aircraft can still fly and fire - let it fly and fire. Blocking control goes against whole "beast deep inside you that will not die and will fight back" idea. If you dont want to be killed by a "dead" enemy - kill it better and stay aware.


Otherwise a lot of good changes. Happy to see the game improving.

It sounds like a compromise to the current system and the new system they're proposing. I for one am for it not telling me an aircraft is dead if it's still capable of killing me, 100%...


Honestly I don't see an issue, but I do see a solution! They should do battlefield style assist rewards where you get somewhere between 10-90% reward of a kill based on your damage inflicted. If the vehicle is considered "dying" where its on fire, plummeting down, or in the final phase of its life, you should get 90% points of a kill and other guy gets kill too. Although this may have a lower bottom reward.


The other option I see is if they're dead and dying by your hand, and someone else finishes the execution, you get the kill anyways, and they get an assist, or you both get the kill.

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Okay, so.
--What I do not fully understand:
-Dynamic Repair Cost Reduction
Proposed change instead: Repair Cost Reduction based off team , and game inbalances. For example, a team having the sun in front of it would get 10% repair cost reduction because it is put in a disadvantage in battle. The same thing should be true with maps, if a spawn is disadvantaged and a team spawning on one side would have a higher winrate, then the lower winrate side should be compensated as well. Another team that has many vehicles with low winrates would also see their repairs reduced, for example air RB when the US team is full of B-17 and the germans are full of fighters.

-Extra rewards for high kill numbers.
I can see its advantages. But what we need is a system to make multiple spawning in a game advantageous,
This does not fix the issue that, players in a team that is losing a battle, will not do many kills, but will spawn many times. Giving extra rewards for extra kills is pointless in such situation, yet, such situation is a core gameplay issue. Especially for premium, tank RB players, who can only respawn once.


-Air RB badly needs a serious update. Currently the bomber number per team is limited to 4. The issue is that there is a whole BR range, where games are very small, consisting of 6-7 players per team. Having 4 bombers in such a small team makes it extremely difficult to win, since bombers in air RB are put at a serious disadvantage: They cannot climb as well as fighters, and by the time they reach the bombing zones, enemy fighters are already above them.

This comes from a core issue that bombers used to drain tickets very fast by destroying bases. Now that this is no longer the case, bombers have little going in their way.

Heavy bombers also have to lose all their altitude in order to return to the airfield, where it would have been much better to have an air resupply point a bit further away at around 6000m altitude. (depends on BR)

Bombers should be hard to intercept by fighters, but their survival should not either drag games out. For example a B-29 climbing to 12'000m altitude should not force the entire enemy team to wait until the timer runs out.

What this shows, is that bombers and fighters share very different objectives. However fighters are put at a heavy advantage to decide the outcome of a battle.

Suggestion: Add different types of victory for air RB.
For example:

Pyrrhic victory: Enemy tickets depleted, most allied members are dead, an enemy player or more is still alive. (Rewards + 25%)

Strategic victory: Enemy tickets are depleted, and bomb targets were successfully destroyed, or the map's capture points are captured by ground forces. (Rewards + 50%)

Total victory: enemy tickets depleted or all enemy players dead, and bomb targets destroyed / map capture points captured by ground forces. (Rewards + 100%)

Honorable defeat: All allied players killed or allied tickets are empty, but enemy team suffered heavy losses. (Rewards + 0%)

Strategic defeat: All allied players killed or allied tickets are empty, but map capture points and bombing targets are not all captured/destroyed. (Rewards + 0%)

Total defeat: All allied players are killed or allied tickets are empty, and map ground forces, and/or bombing targets are all destroyed. (Rewards -25%)


Another suggestion:

Reduce repair cost if player sucessfully bailed out. A bomber or fighter crew that bailed out successfully should reduce repair cost by 20-30%. This would give players an incentive to bail out.


Yet another suggestion: Crash landing a plane and surviving, should not make the player pay the full repair cost. A full repair cost should be paid only when the entire plane is destroyed, for example by flying into a mountain at 1000kph. However, belly landing due to a destroyed engine, should only cost perhaps 50% of the repair cost, where an additional 20% are removed due to a surviving pilot.

Crash landing on a friendly airfield should reduce repair costs further more.


Other suggestion regarding foldering of aircrafts: This one is a bit more of a personnal preference.

But I would suggest that, aircrafts are foldered by airframe. This would make reaching higher tier faster, and also, if a player is interested in playing let's say the F4U corsairs, then he can research the "F4U" folder. There would no longer be, like currently, the F4U-1D followed by the F6F followed by the F4U-1C. There would only be a single, large F4U folder, before the F6F folder.
I am still very happy globally about what was mentionned in the post, and am thankful to see night battles essentially gone. I would not have hated night battles as much if they happened extremely rarely, let's say 1/200 games or less, and if only players with vehicles having NVG would see them. But having to research NVG as well as seeing constantly night battles, sometimes several times in a row, was terrible. And that's an understatement.


I would appreciate to see a small compensation for your "old guards" players like myself, or any players that went through all of this and kept playing war thunder.


Premium vehicles, in my opinion, should have infinite backups. I know that this implies that you will sell less backups, but at the same time, there would be a massive gain for gameplay, effectively eliminating one death leavers in tank RB, making for longer, more enjoyable games.

Adding a set of backups with newly acquired premium vehicles is great, don't get me wrong, but ideally they should not have to buy backups.

This would also be offset by selling a higher amount of premium vehicles since they would become a lot more relevant even to new players.

Edited by traeng
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2 hours ago, lipino5 said:

Great changes, or roadmap of changes. I especially like the helicopter research with tanks and free FPE, Parts (somewhat on that parts) and countermeasures. Premium account thing also looks solid.

When companies/devs do *good* things for their players and listen, seek to make effort to bring a project of love, it makes me want to support them. When they don't, I feel anger or un-cared for and don't want to waste my time or money. I was getting to a point again of just putting the game down until this.


I too am extremely pleased with this roadmap, but I look forward and anticipate this being the start of a new standard going forward.


10 more years baby let's go

Just now, traeng said:

Premium vehicles, in my opinion, should have infinite backups. I know that this implies that you will sell less backups, but at the same time, there would be a massive gain for gameplay, effectively eliminating one death leavers in tank RB, making for longer, more enjoyable games.

Adding a set of backups with newly acquired premium vehicles is great, don't get me wrong, but ideally they should not have to buy backups.

This would also be offset by selling a higher amount of premium vehicles since they would become a lot more relevant even to new players

I assume you still mean only a 2nd respawn is still allowed? It's an idea. I'm sixes about it

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