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12.8cm Selbstfahrlafette L/61 (Panzerselbstfahrlafette V) [Sturer Emil]


2.8 cm Kanon 40 auf VK 3001 (H)  

249 members have voted

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    • Yes
    • No



I would like to see this ingame too,but many other german TD´s should be added first like the Nashorn,Panzerjäger I,Marder I,II,III Ausf. M,etc.

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Hell yes. It was really effective TD. It had over 140mm penetration at 2000m. :) Fits normal tree, no need to be premium. No armour, kinda slow. Perfect late era 3, with BR around 5.0-5.7 

Edited by Nefer666
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1 sturer emil please.

It would fit nicely after the hetzer as a late tier 4, yes it has a great gun but it has practically no armour so it balances out.
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Late tier 4? Are you mad?

Yes a little bit, 12.8 cm cannon can take out pretty much anything it wants
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Despite some successes combat that keeps their ability to fight at long distances, it still was a slow and clumsy monsters with, due to its weight, heavily under-banked drive unit.

No thank you, we already got plenty of that in the german tree.

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Yes a little bit, 12.8 cm cannon can take out pretty much anything it wants

it can also be destroyed by anything in the game including panzer 2

it's also slow and only carry 15 round that tank would be useless ( like all the legendary German tank ) at late tier 4


br should be 5.0 at most

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it can also be destroyed by anything in the game including panzer 2
it's also slow and only carry 15 round that tank would be useless ( like all the legendary German tank ) at late tier 4
br should be 5.0 at most

Fair enough I guess, didn't see the 15 ammo part so that's a big downside for it, then again it is a 12.8 cm gun, the rounds are probably 2 piece rounds.
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Fair enough I guess, didn't see the 15 ammo part so that's a big downside for it, then again it is a 12.8 cm gun, the rounds are probably 2 piece rounds.

no it's a one piece round use by flak 40 it also get ( a little ) better penetration than the jagdtiger L55


this tank is like the Zis-5 or the marder

play it right and you're invincible play it wrong and you're already dead

Edited by II_RED_II
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no it's a one piece round use by flak 40 it also get ( a little ) better penetration than the jagdtiger L55

this tank is like the Zis-5 or the marder
play it right and you're invincible play it wrong and you're already dead

Dam 1 piece round, that thing must be heavy as f....

And true, play it wrong and you'll be dead in seconds, play it right and use it like a sniper, keeping the biggest distance between you and your target, you would wreak the enemy team Edited by Valkyrian0
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What do you people want with another camper tank? 20km/h speed - tops! Super slow loading, fragile as hell, open topped (yes! Those stupid AB GF kamikaze fighters will finally have something to shoot at), this thing is USELESS!


As big as a Ferdi:




With that huge gun a snap shot won't work, the chassis will rock back and forth when you stop, just like the Tiger II KwK 10,5.


The gun could traverse 7° to each side, elevate 10° and depress -15°. Such wow...



And: flat surfaces all around, 50mm armor MAX!! (gun mantlet) Any tier I will rip you apart...




Good luck trying to get into cover after a shot - 1 reverse gear! It's just another exotic hangar queen to collect dust in the furthest corner...

Edited by OpInfo
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Why do you vote Yes? what do you want this thing for? Was it produced? Did it see combat? round in one piece not less than 40kg. what is the reload time going to be, it should have at least 2 loaders? I could understand a nashorn, but this?

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Go away if you dont like it. It's awesome TD for patient people. It could Penetrate over 140mm armour at 2000m, while it trade mobility and armour for gun. Besides, more tanks in game is better for a) Players, b) Gaijin. 


And it wasnt produced, 2 protypes were used in combat were really effective.

Edited by Nefer666
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Why do you vote Yes? what do you want this thing for? Was it produced? Did it see combat? round in one piece not less than 40kg. what is the reload time going to be, it should have at least 2 loaders? I could understand a nashorn, but this?

Well I guess you can not read, or did not bother to read the OP. :facepalm:

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no it's a one piece round use by flak 40 it also get ( a little ) better penetration than the jagdtiger L55


this tank is like the Zis-5 or the marder

play it right and you're invincible play it wrong and you're already dead


Wrong. Jagtigers 128mm PaK 44 L/55 has higher muzzle velocity and higher penetration than 128mm Pak 40 L/61 on Sturer Emil. Because L/55 has bigger propellant charge.

Edited by Fmanfsbr
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