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E-100 Addition(updated)


The e100 has better side armor than the maus and much better frontal armor having 240mm sloped at 60 degrees that makes 480mm total thickness alot more than maus. and it has a better gun and much better speed. the maus has bad side armor cuz its all vertical and the side make a huge hard to miss target. 

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and it has a better gun

sane gun



The e100 has better side armor than the maus

until the Skirts are gone



maus has bad side armor cuz its all vertical and the side make a huge hard to miss target.

angle it... and if the skirts are gone the E-100 has worse side armour

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I don't feel insulted. I just don't understand why ANYONE would want such a bad fantasy tank in the game? (And I am a mostly german player)


Why don't those that want it play World of Tanks? Has EVERY game to be exactly the same. The reason many players are here with Warthunder and NOT world of tanks is that - despite slowly loosing it - the greater historical accuracy.



How the hell would you even implement ANY E-Series tank? There is no data whatsoever about them. There are only assumptions. If you think a E-100 would have a speed of 40km/h and would perform just like a King Tiger you are deluded.


The whole E-Series was just a big "WHAT IF" even back then, the few prototypes that were planned (and not even finished) were only technological test-beds, no way any of those would have EVER gone into series production.




Ok...that leaves game balance. But game balance is on it's way. We have the Maus...so heavies are covered and with the introduction we have now three strong vehicles we can take into 8.0 battles. Sure, they might be a bit outclassed again when M60 and T-62 start appearing...but still...it's nowhere NEAR as bad as it was until now.



Simply, the E-Series is complete fantasy with no real documentation and isn't n

We dont know that the e100 would have been bad if it was just a fantasy.

sane gun


until the Skirts are gone


angle it... and if the skirts are gone the E-100 has worse side armour

but the side still isnt nearly as big of a target as the maus. the maus is simply a inferior design.

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We dont know that the e100 would have been bad if it was just a fantasy.

Which is why there is no way to effectively implement it in game. They have pretty much turned the game into a farce.  


All tanks heavier than 50-60 tons are inferior designs. Hence the end of heavy tanks in favor of MBTs. Stop the nonsense give us the german M48. 

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Which is why there is no way to effectively implement it in game. They have pretty much turned the game into a farce.  


All tanks heavier than 50-60 tons are inferior designs. Hence the end of heavy tanks in favor of MBTs. Stop the nonsense give us the german M48. 

I wouldn't call the e100 a inferior design. its much better than the maus and would have caused a big problem for the allies. but I fully agree that it shouldn't be put into the game. the Germans just dont have any REAL tanks from the time period after ww2(not for heavier tanks anyway).

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I wouldn't call the e100 a inferior design. its much better than the maus and would have caused a big problem for the allies. but I fully agree that it shouldn't be put into the game. the Germans just dont have any REAL tanks from the time period after ww2(not for heavier tanks anyway).

There is absolutely nothing intelligent or well though out about designing a tank that will weight over 100 tons. Its the definition of an inferior design due to it being completely not practical. There were no bridges or railways that could have easily accommodated these vehicles. Read "The combat history of german heavy anti-tank unit 653" which fielded Ferdinands and Jadgtigers. This battalion needed to spend massive amounts of time scouting an area before it could even dream of operating. Large vehicles were only capable of operating for 6 days and then needed 3-4 weeks time to repair. Once there bridges needed to be reinforced to allow movement of the vehicles. Ferdinands could not even turn on a bridge, they had to go exactly straight. Remember we are in the 1940 long before the super highways of the present. E-100s would have been about as effective as the Maginot Line. Bypassed and left to run out of gas and be blown up by their own crews. 


There is a reason why the tank had no priority at all, it was stupid. I am not against the E100 just because it was never created. I am against it because the entire idea of it is complete non sense. 

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There is absolutely nothing intelligent or well though out about designing a tank that will weight over 100 tons. Its the definition of an inferior design due to it being completely not practical. There were no bridges or railways that could have easily accommodated these vehicles. Read "The combat history of german heavy anti-tank unit 653" which fielded Ferdinands and Jadgtigers. This battalion needed to spend massive amounts of time scouting an area before it could even dream of operating. Large vehicles were only capable of operating for 6 days and then needed 3-4 weeks time to repair. Once there bridges needed to be reinforced to allow movement of the vehicles. Ferdinands could not even turn on a bridge, they had to go exactly straight. Remember we are in the 1940 long before the super highways of the present. E-100s would have been about as effective as the Maginot Line. Bypassed and left to run out of gas and be blown up by their own crews. 


There is a reason why the tank had no priority at all, it was stupid. I am not against the E100 just because it was never created. I am against it because the entire idea of it is complete non sense

i agree the weight of the vehicle was insane and completely unnecessary. BUT its not really inferior and if the vehicle was used in the right away it could have been very lethal i mean so yes it couldn't cross rivers that well and bridges and whatnot but still it could eventually get across them. IF the Germans finished it and used it in the right way it have been pretty much unstoppable and YOU have to admit that it is MUCH better than the totally failed maus. ik im putting alot of hate on the maus but it deserves it lol.   

But anyway this entire discussion is pointless because the e100 wasn't finished therefore we will never know how it actually performed.

and the e100 had no priority because Hitler had ordered for the maus to be created(only because it was bigger) and then shortly after that Hitler ordered all production of prototype tanks to cease do to it being insanely expensive for the Germans.

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