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E-100 Addition(updated)


WOW, could you shoot the gun? What's it like?

It looks like he used just the model, i doubt it would have functionality yet.

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Thats realy nicely made.


I jsut wish peopel would jsut stop with the ridiculous hype around the E serises.


An E 50 and E 75 would only be marginaly better AT BEST from the current Panther II and 105 KT.


The E-100 would NOT be faster than the Maus, not much much anyway. That 40 km/h top speed is pure fantasy. Not with a 850 hp engine propelling a 140 ton tank.

e75 would be  a tiger 2 with 40km/h max speed

better armor and the 88mm (which is better than the 105mm in my opinion)

e50 would have been like the tiger 2 (same size) but lighter (still stronge than the panther 2) with an 88mm and 60 km/h

e100 would have same turret as the maus (second version with 240mm armor) and a different chassis

originally intended with the 128mm it was later replaced by a 15cm gun

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I found a .blk file for it in my dev server folder, so I think this is how it will legitimately look in-game.

Wow, but where will it be? I'm hoping it's not an event vehicle as that would be extremely hard to obtain. It's mainly because the E-100 is Tier V- if they really want it to be an event only vehicle that challenge will have to be, well, challenging!

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Wow, but where will it be? I'm hoping it's not an event vehicle as that would be extremely hard to obtain. It's mainly because the E-100 is Tier V- if they really want it to be an event only vehicle that challenge will have to be, well, challenging!

It's in one of the texture folders in the dev server package. 


I hope it isn't a limited-time thing either, the la-174 was hard enough. If they did then it probably would be grind-able after the Maus, albeit extremely grindy in a short amount of time.

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It's in one of the texture folders in the dev server package. 


I hope it isn't a limited-time thing either, the la-174 was hard enough. If they did then it probably would be grind-able after the Maus, albeit extremely grindy in a short amount of time.

and im sitting here with my tiger 2 researching the KT 105 and crying in the corner to make myself ready if it is a limited time vehicle because ill never get it then

i never payed a cent on this game and i dont plan to but i fear that the e100 wil lmake me weak although it is weak itself

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That's beautiful, my suggestion finally went through. 

dont be happy to soon

people said it'll be limited time only (would kill me)

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dont be happy to soon

people said it'll be limited time only (would kill me)

I wouldn't necessarily say limited, but it could be a vehicle that can only be acquired through events. I'm hoping the devs changed their minds on making it this.

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wow event tank it is then

well ill search a roof to jump from

over a year of begging for this and now such a dissapointment

community is respected here? well yeah s long as they pay right?

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Right, well now that our dream is coming true, let's continue using this thread to suggest how to get it. We should create a fair special that all players can get. Not necessarily a Tier I player can get the E-100 quickly, more along the lines of a reasonable amount of time to get the required tier and the E-100.

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It's a limited tank.


Dammit Gaijin.

yes but lets first wait how the event will turn out just stay calm

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i hope getting this tank won't be like the m-8 and i-301 event and other events that have been like that event. shutters

was it that hard to get them?

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yes they were.

do you remember what you had to do?

another user found a document about the e 100: http://www.hobbyhavoc.com/oldhavoc/ebooks/Trojca%20German%20Secret%20Panzer%20Projects.pdf starting at page 64

and i highly recomment looking at page 67 (the armor is better than expected, good sloping and a lot of spaced armor at the sides)

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do you remember what you had to do?

another user found a document about the e 100: http://www.hobbyhavoc.com/oldhavoc/ebooks/Trojca%20German%20Secret%20Panzer%20Projects.pdf starting at page 64

and i highly recomment looking at page 67 (the armor is better than expected, good sloping and a lot of spaced armor at the sides)

Thanks for the link man.

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