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Object 279; The FINAL Soviet Heavy Tank



619 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you want this in game?

    • Of course
    • No.
  2. 2. Would you want this vehicle EVEN IF it meant the Kpz-70 and MBT-70 variants would be put in to combat it?

    • Yes
    • No, keep your silly designs out of my game.
  3. 3. Would you want this if we had more vehicles in between them, and had at least one equal match for each nation?

    • Of course.
    • No
  4. 4. how about as a tournament vehicle, like the E-100?

    • Yes, it's well deserved.
    • no.

I dont think this one would be op. It can be detracked really easily and we all know how fuel tanks works in this game. What is the frontal armor down at the tracks?


Like nothing xD

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More likely it would suffer a fuel fire or a fuel leak if the track got shot off. It rides on fuel tanks.


That's what I found hilarious. it's also succeptible to bombs, HE, and.... well anything that explodes near there or hits it. Even if they angle their front towards you. HE to the lower hull which blows up their gun, then shoot their gas. 


I always use the trick on every soviet heavy i meet. Always works. Maybe not the gas, but shooting the gun. That's what sucks about sloped armor!


don't know about armor on them though... but it can't be enough, seeing their position they're probably thinking "hah, the tracks and wheels will protect us."


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That's what I found hilarious. it's also succeptible to bombs, HE, and.... well anything that explodes near there or hits it. Even if they angle their front towards you. HE to the lower hull which blows up their gun, then shoot their gas. 


I always use the trick on every soviet heavy i meet. Always works. Maybe not the gas, but shooting the gun. That's what sucks about sloped armor!


don't know about armor on them though... but it can't be enough, seeing their position they're probably thinking "hah, the tracks and wheels will protect us."


(I repeat) Can you please add a poll option for putting this in-game as a premium/gift (like the E-100)?

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(I repeat) Can you please add a poll option for putting this in-game as a premium/gift (like the E-100)?


NO god damn, no events like that one, we don't need a paywall behind this.

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NO god damn, no events like that one, we don't need a paywall behind this.


Thunder League is already a thing so might as well use it to attract revenue from extremely OP & rare vehicles (Gaijin needs the funds anyway as it's based in a tanking Russian economy).



Other things you might call "paywalls":


--- Incentivised Premium account (with added benefits and abilities)

--- Premium vehicles

--- War Thunder Mobile (50 cents download fee --- F2P after)

--- Game packs

--- RP conversion

--- Purchased GE 

Edited by Results45
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Other things you might call "paywalls":


--- Incentivised Premium account (with added benefits and abilities)

--- Premium vehicles

--- War Thunder Mobile (50 cents download fee --- F2P after)

--- Game packs

--- RP conversion

--- Purchased GE 


You're so dense you don't see the difference between the E100 event and just any other premium vehicle? Where did I call any of these paywalls? Why are you drawing conclusions out of nowhere?.


I'll put it in a nutshell for you, you pay for let's say a Fw190 D13, you get it, anyone who does gets it instantly. You pay for Thunder League, to get the E100, no guarantee you're getting it.


If gaijin needs funds so desperately, they could just make this like the La-174 event, a limited time research, basing on how misserably slow tank research is compared to planes, they'll get alot of money from RP conversions.

Edited by SirToast
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You're so dense you don't see the difference between the E100 event and just any other premium vehicle? Where did I call any of these paywalls? Why are you drawing conclusions out of nowhere?.


I'll put it in a nutshell for you, you pay for let's say a Fw190 D13, you get it, anyone who does gets it instantly. You pay for Thunder League, to get the E100, no guarantee you're getting it.


If gaijin needs funds so desperately, they could just make this like the La-174 event, a limited time research, basing on how misserably slow tank research is compared to planes, they'll get alot of money from RP conversions.



Oh, I'm sorry is the two free tournaments/events to get the E-100 not enough for you? 





Tasks to get tickets and trophies containing tickets for the players without a “Dog Tag”


Edited by Choogleblitz
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The almighty armor layout itself. It's less shocking than I thought. Still, let me break it down for you guys.




Front: 400mm LoS or so for the UFP is really ridiculous. Seriously. There's also the higher end that's 460mm LoS. Honestly, HEAT-FS could go through this, but it will be very RNG. However, anything else will not. The LFP is even scarier. That thing has no real weaknesses in the front hull.


Sides: OH SO YOU LIKE GLORIOUS IS-3 DA? WELL OBYEKT 279 SAME LAYOUT BUT BETTER! Nothing much else to be said really. This is not a good place to shoot unless flat to the sides.


Rear: Why bother




Front: 305mm isn't actually that bad... if it weren't for the angle. The cheeks are angled like this see:






Side: Nearly 350mm LoS. What the hell. There's a 200mm LoS area, but 350mm LoS turret sides. Why bother?


Rear: Why bother


What's with the terrible suggestions with zero research recently?

Edited by Nope
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The almighty armor layout itself. It's less shocking than I thought. Still, let me break it down for you guys.




Front: 400mm LoS or so for the UFP is really ridiculous. Seriously. There's also the higher end that's 460mm LoS. Honestly, HEAT-FS could go through this, but it will be very RNG. However, anything else will not. The LFP is even scarier. That thing has no real weaknesses in the front hull.


Sides: OH SO YOU LIKE GLORIOUS IS-3 DA? WELL OBYEKT 279 SAME LAYOUT BUT BETTER! Nothing much else to be said really. This is not a good place to shoot unless flat to the sides.


Rear: Why bother




Front: 305mm isn't actually that bad... if it weren't for the angle. The cheeks are angled like this see:






Side: Nearly 350mm LoS. What the hell. There's a 200mm LoS area, but 350mm LoS turret sides. Why bother?


Rear: Why bother


What's with the terrible suggestions with zero research recently?


you should read on earlier, i made it as a semi-troll thread.


Basically I've gotten real tired of their Sh*t when it comes to adding vehicles that are OP, and not giving us anything to counter them.


So, in my opinion; "Let's give them the best possible thing so they can quit whining and never get any new vehicles so they can see how it feels to just see a flood of vehicles destroying you as they get better and better."


So, that's exactly what I did. There will come a day when the soviets run out of vehicles, which will clear the way for things like the MBT-70, because by then they'll have something similar anyways. You already know even if the MBT does get added it'll have shittier gun specs and worse performance than IRL, just like the leo 1 did. They only recently buffed the gun but it's STILL wrong.


TL;DR, fuck everyone, let's make it as bad as it can get, and then it can only get better.


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it would be amazing if those just caused the tracks to explode off and leave it permanently and irreparably stranded for the entire match XD


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If gaijin needs funds so desperately, they could just make this like the La-174 event, a limited time research, basing on how misserably slow tank research is compared to planes, they'll get alot of money from RP conversions.


They really should do that just to get people to grind insanely hard for the hundreds of paper tanks/planes out there (much better than Thunder League IMO)


Better yet, a mobile app (not Assistant Thunder) for just 50 simple cents would bring in millions of dollars every year. 

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Sry, but I love this monster.


+1  :salute:



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it would be amazing if those just caused the tracks to explode off and leave it permanently and irreparably stranded for the entire match XD

Then helmut potato can bomb it from orbit.

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This thing is LITTERALLY invincible.

Its made to withstand NUKES for christ's sake!

no it's made to withstand the pressure wave... not the explosion itself afaik

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No tank can survive a nuke at ground zero,this thing though can survive a shockwave which would obliterate anything else.

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No tank can survive a nuke at ground zero,this thing though can survive a shockwave which would obliterate anything else.

That's not necessarily true, Ground Zero of a nuclear strike is quite large:


All circles represent part of the Ground zero, however, the further you are from the center of ground zero, the more chance you have of surviving, same goes with Buildings and vehicles. Ground Zero of Atomic and Nuclear weapons is determined somewhat differently compared to conventional weapons due to the size and yield of such a weapon.

Edited by SqnLdrAhsokaTano
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Even though I'm against the suggestion, at least add critical data like penetration to the original post.





Oh, that's using the Soviet penetration standard. Make sure to make a note of that. 

Edited by Choogleblitz
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Interesting. Using a US standard that gun would make a considerable jump to what 320-350? Something in that range?


What type of ammunition, APHE? APCBC? My guess is it isn't APDS due to the low velocity.

Edited by Blitzkrieguk
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Interesting. Using a US standard that gun would make a considerable jump to what 320-350? Something in that range?


What type of ammunition, APHE? APCBC? My guess is it isn't APDS due to the low velocity.


As for USN figure, dunno. Too lazy to convert it. I'm going to a fair bit though. It fires an APCBC-HE-T round: BR-482 developed for the S-70 (IS-7 cannon). 

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