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Maps, Map design Feedback


4 minutes ago, N4CR_ said:

Well said, perfectly good maps are now being made into a tunnel shooting/close combat map, more and more like this. The back parts of Karelia were some of my favourite, you were almost always alone and could chill out a bit during a match there. Not anymore. 


Look how much of the map is now dead, it's almost a majority of it now.




So I did some 12,000 hour paintshopping this and look at what we have here when we gather the land that is now inaccessable on the map:




30-40% loss? What the hell Gaijin. This isn't improving the maps nor gameplay, its making it worse. 

wht is this map? is it new? havent seen this is so long

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8 hours ago, N4CR_ said:

Well said, perfectly good maps are now being made into a tunnel shooting/close combat map, more and more like this. The back parts of Karelia were some of my favourite, you were almost always alone and could chill out a bit during a match there. Not anymore. 


Look how much of the map is now dead, it's almost a majority of it now.




So I did some 12,000 hour paintshopping this and look at what we have here when we gather the land that is now inaccessable on the map:




30-40% loss? What the hell Gaijin. This isn't improving the maps nor gameplay, its making it worse. 

I did not notice any change when playing it?

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You can't now take positions on North or south part of the map, which has been downsized around 20-30%.

All this destruction job is obvious on many maps, from update to update, and without any explanation from the devs.

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Since the other thread where I posted this was locked I'll post it here again:

Advance to the Rhine:

This is the main street that heads to the only cap point (A) on this map, and now we can't properly get behind cover next to a building in the main street cause Gaijin was too lazy to drawn the out of bounds areas.

I'm sure they would prefer us to sit in the middle of the street without any cover to die faster.

Gaijin stop ruining maps and let us explore them!

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Hello all,


Until the update the map Karellilien was one of my favorite maps. Why did Gaijin lock the G-line on the map? 

In return, the A-line should also be blocked on the opposite side. The map area can be dominated by this as well as by the G-line.

This decision to change the map is unacceptable to me.

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18 hours ago, RedBullBF2 said:

A-line should also be blocked on the opposite side.

Don't give such idea to the crazy guys obsessed by map resizing; they are able to do it! 

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Instead of cutting more and more maps or even making them unusable, gaijin should take more care of the spawn points.
On 90% of all maps you can shoot from a great distance into the spawn, this is unacceptable, unprofessional and has been demanded by the community for years (maybe not by those who take advantage of it).
Maps are getting smaller instead of bigger,especially in mid/hightier a fatal decision,sometimes you get the impression gaijins map designers don't really play their own maps and that's very very sad


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Without going into any of the rights and wrongs, there is actual tank combat going on in Europe right now at insanely short ranges - 

BTR ambushes BMP (and wins):




MBT's again:


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Domination #1 for Fulda, Maginot Line, Vietnam are all terrible because making the maps smaller removed the flanking routes and long range engagements. Making Vietnam and Maginot Line smaller makes no sense because if you don't want long range engagements you could just fight in their towns. I think the small versions should be removed since they don't really work in my opinion

Edited by Kocant12
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  • Kocant12 changed the title to Smaller versions of large maps are terrible

The small version of the "Poland" map still needs serious rework or outright removal from the game.


There's nothing more frustrating than being in the team that spawns east.

Southeast? Camped from the rocks.

Northeast? Camped from the windmill.


Meanwhile the northwest spawn is very protected from the high ground a few meters from the strongest sniping positions of the map (the ones mentioned above).


Devs, just rework this ugly map already please.




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But, the east spawn has a much safer route to C, and you get the stupidly OP tree and ridgeline north of A to basically lock down that entire half of the map with a single light tank, plus a much quicker and safer route to get there. 

I actually prefer the east spawn for those reasons.

Edited by _Zekken
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About Pradesh.
You're not rewarded to do the objective instead the game force you to use ATGMs or APFSDS sniping, all cap zones were exposed.
It's neither beautiful because few interesting locations such as northernmost road tunnel rarely explored by 90% of the players, while all of the cap zones and places where player take position were just open field with nothing interesting in it.
In gameplay wise, Pradesh feels like "you wanna cap? here's uninteresting places with almost fully exposed flanks for you!", and if you try to make sense of the map layout, it's like "you're tasked to capture empty field with nothing in it".
Even Fulda makes more sense than Pradesh because the cap zone is quite interesting places that might be interpreted with something important for your team effort.
Perhaps Pradesh need more spawn and capture zone readjustment to make it more interesting to explore and fair to play.

Edited by MZHc
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Hello Warthunder,


I would like to thank you for the Map Pradesh its has been a Hot minute since i really liked any of the Ground maps in Game.

But Pradesh is one of the i just love to play on, not only is it visually very nice to look at but i just love the Gameplay around it.


Long Range shot are finally possible and at the same time you can sneak about sticking to cover.

Seen some people hate this map but thats their opinion.


Again thank you for the effort of making this map.

_Catweazle_63 (Posted )

merged with the pinned maps feedback thread
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To start with, I wouldn't exactly call myself a tank ace, so take this with a grain of salt

Having just playing the Battle game mode on the map I feel like Abandoned Factory could do with some changes, it has been unenjoyable to play for me recently and I attribute this to certain elements of the map design. It feels inconvenient to navigate and inconsistent for the teams in Battle mode.
Point A has a wide open space with limited cover - however, movement is still very limited thanks to the surrounding buildings. The only cover in the point itself seems to be these buildings, and it seems that in most cases the only option to defend it will be an ambush followed by quick relocation, however some vehicles are not able to do this so effectively. There seems to be essentially three primary routes to access it for the defending team, with what feels like too little cover on all but one.
Point B has a large amount of cover with which to fire and then retreat into as well as to hide from aircraft, and many convenient access points for the defending team thanks to the openings in the large building near it.
Would it be reasonable for extra cover to be added directly inside A and perhaps an additional entrance via an opening in the long building? Otherwise, does anyone have any tips for successfully recapturing & then defending A point when using less maneuverable vehicles? In my case, the Panther A with terrible reverse speed.

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On 24/10/2022 at 09:37, ducky12 said:

Having just playing the Battle game mode on the map I feel like Abandoned Factory could do with some changes

This map is basicaly an infantry map, not suitable for tanks.

This is the main default of lot of WT maps; to promote an unrealistic "tank dogfight" were luck provides 50% of the combat issue.

The only advantage of this map is to provide a good immersion in comparison to Commercial Harbour, Space center, or Alaska (among others!) that are totally out of subject.

Edited by Malko07
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Why are the new maps hardly or not at all in the rotation.
I got Pradesh once since the update "Drone Age" vom 14.September(and yes, I play WT daily most of the time),

so how can players figure out how to play these maps?


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The new Canyon map


Why are tier 3 props being forced onto this map it's huge. It takes a good 10 to 15 minutes just to fly to the middle of this map.


Players are just landing their planes and quitting matches. Including me.


This is a map for jets, not low br props.

_Catweazle_63 (Posted )

merged with the maps feedback thread

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Map rotation is very bad. Why for example offering the small Jungle map to high BR only? as this map is suitable only for lower BRs.

Also Japan or Frozen pass, already ridiculous at lower BRs are offered to high BRs, which is a complete nonsense.

Edited by Malko07
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