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Maps, Map design Feedback


the snow isnt deep on the maps - what is your point? 


My car can drive through that amount of snow. I just tried it a few weeks ago. All tanks have a clearing height that is greater than my cars.

Only if the vehicles bottom is able to touch the ground i would consider driving slower as sth could rip off. Tanks on the other hand shouldnt have sth that could rip off - dont you think?


And the light wheeled tanks need more time to accelerate.

Edited by The_Real_Shogun
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Some of the maps lack a sense of immersion.  They do not feel like they are even based on real locations.  For example, there are too many giant boulders/rocks everywhere (a lot of the older maps suffer from this).  Also, the layout of some of the maps feels like you are inside a moba game with finitely many lanes (i.e., Finland).   I also remember on Aral Sea all the trees were oriented in the same direction.  On the Alaska map, the "city" doesn't seem to have a residential area.  The town in Campania isn't oriented along the river.  Red desert is a giant pepe the frog with unnatural platforms you can conveniently drive onto to snipe or get sniped.


There are exceptions where the map kind of feels like a real place: Poland, Eastern Europe, Normandy, Fulda, Sweden and American desert feel like they could be at least based on real locations.

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Here's an idea on how to stop spawn camping.  In figure 1, we see the typical Gaijin design.  The objective is on a hill while the spawns are exposed in the valley with some comically big rocks or houses.  The objective is on the high ground.  After a sometimes long drive to the hill and a brawl, the winner of the brawl proceeds to shoot into the enemy spawn.  Sometimes the high ground that overlooks the opponent's spawn is close to the other spawn (like in Poland).  Figure 2 is my proposal.  Put the spawn in a defilade where you can remain hull down.  To prevent people from staying in the spawn, put another hill (hill 2 in the figure) to obscure the rest of the map.  The sides opposite of the spawn are steep enough to prevent potential spawn campers from being hull down and forcing them to go over the crest.


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Lets say, you've just gotten your first top tier vehicle, 10.0~. You get cued for this map, and at first, it seems normal. Since this issue is present with both variations of the map, I'll use a standard example of 3 cap arctic pier.

You and your team rush to A, while you've picked a spot to shoot people advancing to B. The game goes on, and your team dominates. And then you get hit by a Ka-50, from behind. But wait, my back isn't being shown to the enemy, how was I hit in the back by a Heli? This is because the map design department put zero thought into how the helicopter spawns are placed. Both teams, have the opportunity to spawn behind your tank spawn, contrary to literally any other map, where a helicopter must be behind their own lines to attack enemy tanks. 

The air spawns aren't great for this map either, once again, contrary to most other maps, the spawns for aircraft are perpendicular to the battlefield, where as most maps the friendly aircraft spawn is also behind your team's line.

My suggestions: Remove and reorient helicopter spawns so that they are not placed behind enemy tank spawns.
Reorient the aircraft spawns so that they are also parallel to the spawns.

crazed_feel (Posted )

Remove Arctic Pier/Arctic Polar Base for map redesign thread merged.

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How is this specific iteration of Mozdok spawns and caps even remotely a good configuration for high tier tanks...?  It's quite easy for one side or the other to get quickly pinned into their spawn... which is one of the main gripes that seems to have driven Gaijin to alter other perfectly good maps trying (unsuccessfully I might add) trying make them workable for high tier tanks (and correspondingly making them less interesting and fun for low and mid-tier tanks). 


One size does not fit all.  More maps designed for high tier tanks please AND correspondingly, stop adjusting maps that have worked well for years with low tier tanks.



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If this company is so lazy to doesn't even bother to make new maps but just repaint white the existent ones, i demand 5 more map bans for free.


Snow maps are garbage and hurt my eyes

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More or less copy paste of one of my previous posts about the new snow maps


these maps are overall eye burning and not fun to play.

I spend a ton of time forcing dark mode on a ton of app at work just to come get flashbanged in my favorite videogame...


If it could either stop being every patch that would be great.


Do spring or fall instead that could be an idea !

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On 19/03/2023 at 15:54, PzII_is_a_Crutch said:

How is this specific iteration of Mozdok spawns and caps even remotely a good configuration for high tier tanks...?  It's quite easy for one side or the other to get quickly pinned into their spawn... which is one of the main gripes that seems to have driven Gaijin to alter other perfectly good maps trying (unsuccessfully I might add) trying make them workable for high tier tanks (and correspondingly making them less interesting and fun for low and mid-tier tanks). 


One size does not fit all.  More maps designed for high tier tanks please AND correspondingly, stop adjusting maps that have worked well for years with low tier tanks.



I never spawn if my team is south on that trash called Mozdok.
Who was the braindead approved it at Gaijin? The left team starts on a hill and can overlook A and B. If they drive a few meters from their upper spawn they can shoot directly to the other teams spawn.
From their lower spawn they can flank around right to the other teams lower spawn being in cover all the way

The lower team spawn in a ditch and can do nothing.

The one who approved this mapo should be fired right away

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9 hours ago, MTom said:

I never spawn if my team is south on that trash called Mozdok.
Who was the braindead approved it at Gaijin? The left team starts on a hill and can overlook A and B. If they drive a few meters from their upper spawn they can shoot directly to the other teams spawn.
From their lower spawn they can flank around right to the other teams lower spawn being in cover all the way

The lower team spawn in a ditch and can do nothing.

The one who approved this mapo should be fired right away


Yes, but far less of an issue with low tier tanks.  High velocity APDSFS makes a huge difference.  And that's the point.  It's not that the maps don't work, it's that they aren't suitable for certain tiers.  Red Desert doesn't work for low tier tanks, and isn't in their rotation.  Why would this version of Mozdok be in a high tier rotation? 

The frustrating thing about it is that so much of this is simply common sense.

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If you are interested in Air RB for props (warning long text):




Extremely unbalanced map: [Operation] Kuban. Stanitsa of Krymskaya


Short text:

Depending on which side you were allocated - very late (after 20+ mintes) spawning Hs 129s kill tickets like hell and decide matches - in fact you lose even if you have a clear ticket lead of 5-700 points after 22 minutes. Your own bot planes (Il2s) inflict (of course) zero ticket damage and flew out of the map after 15-18 minutes..... 


Bothered me for years now, invested some time for a bug report. Valid up to BR 5.0.


Edited by Uncle J Wick@live
added BR range

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I only saw this thread now, I hope this is the right place to post this.


The Middle East map has been updated recently. The change was to remove the sniper spot in the lower left corner of the screen by blocking it with large rocks. Since then, the team on the right side wins the vast majority of battles, at least in the BR8.0 level I play, where I would estimate the ratio is around 70 to 80%


Previously, both sides had a fairly protected sniper spot, the left side in the lower left corner around H3, and the right side on the hill on the mid-upper right about at C-D/7-8. Both spots had the ability to fire into one of the enemy's spawns, and both could also fire on the opposing sniper spot - which led to some very intense long-distance snapshot duels. There was some asymmetry, as the right-side could protect A cap to a degree, while the left did not have a LOS into any cap. Nevertheless, it was relatively balanced.


With this change, the side on the left retained its sniper spot and can pick off anything on the entire upper side of the map with impunity. There is no longer any protected spot on the left that can fire obliquely onto the hill. So while the right-side team murders anything spawning on one half of the map, and utterly closes down A, the left-side team has nothing offsetting this, and no way to counter.


I understand the issue with firing into spawn and a desire to fix this, but in this map that can be addressed on both sides by placing a rock or building at the spawn to block the LOS. This would be preferable to simply blocking all of these locations, as some of us drive AT vehicles and need these locations.


In any event, leaving one spot open and closing the other has completely unbalanced this map.

Edited by RealMajorHavok
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On 19/03/2023 at 11:54, PzII_is_a_Crutch said:

On this map, I find that the upper team, red in this case, has a very distinct advantage.


There is a hill around C/2-3 that you can snipe large areas of the map from, and in particular, can completely shut down any attempt for the south team, blue here, to move down the numbers along the G row, or any move on A.


I have had some success with a RktPzr from the hill around F5, but it has a much more limited field of view and is only really useful countering that one spot and the road leading to B. In contrast, the northern hill commands the entire area from columns 1 to 4, and with a little tree trimming, can also catch anyone moving up along the B road from the upper spawn around E6.


Once again, at least at BR 8.0, the red side wins the majority of match-ups, although perhaps not as much as Middle East. I'd still estimate it to be 60 to 70% of the time.


It is interesting to compare this to the more typical Mozdok spawn on the "small map" with A through C running along the road. In this case I find it to be VERY evenly matched. Although the right side has a commanding position at C, left side has the ability to flank on the south which often makes up for this.

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Worst map ever made. Remove this insanely mindless map mozdok. You know what, im not playing this game anyway, do whatever u want. Yesmen will just keep you going.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Talking about bad maps here? Why? They are littlerly all bad. I don't like a single one of them in ground or air matches. You don't even need to play the game to know why the gameplay on them should be horrible.

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Ground Battles Maps need adjustments

Getting stuck on tiny rocks, roof tiles, snow piles, building corners is seriously absurd. Small machinery yes absolutely it should, but heavy tanks, should most certainly plough though almost everything.

I even spawned on a tiny rock and there was my doom, from the ground point maps should allow creativity and turret combat. Tank suspension? non-existent! Rolling on small rocks shouldn’t  feel like hooking and anchoring your tracks. Preferably introduce mud..


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Just played GRB, Domination #2, Ardennes.


If you start from the Southern spawn, then the other team can use their helicopters to camp your spawn while staying out of sight of your SPAA due to trees….


I don’t expect this to be changed, so I rather quit the round if I get that one again.

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poderiam aumentar as bases alvo de bombardeio, são muito défices de ver em modo simulador, poderia ser algo maior e mais detalhado pra dar pra enxergar melhor 

they could increase the bombing target bases, they are very deficits to see in simulator mode, it could be something bigger and more detailed to give a better view

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Good morning,


why was a map tampered with again? The hills previously used for sniping have been locked. On the opposite side, the hills were of course not blocked. There is now an imbalance during the game again, as with the Middle East map.



You either pull through these restricted zones for both sides or just leave it as it is.



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