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[Feedback] Economy Revision - Our Plan in Detail


I really love the changes to premium accounts.  I can get behind the changes to dynamic repair cost. I LOVE the changes to capture point rewards and this is long overdue.  The teamkill penalty we shall see how that works in practice as I have some reservations here based on the way some players act and missiles love to lock on friendlies mid flight. I dont mind the foldered vehicles but I like the sound of those changes.  Research costs are what they are and while it can take some time I rarely have the SL to purchase the vehicle when I unlock it anyway. I suck so dont see the skill bonus helping much but im sure some will be excited. I like the idea of bonuses for researching multiple nations.  I feel that making crew account bound and not per nation would help with this massively as having to start over again when you have already spent all the IRL money getting more crew slots is really frustrating. I feel this would encourage alt countries alot more kind of like heirloom gear encourages. Personally I would just like to see it in general if you research another tree and maybe a bonus per tree not just for the top vehicle of a tree. 

I also have an additional monetization suggestion which I am sure some will want to lynch me for suggesting ways for you to make money but I feel it would be a benefit.  How about offering a premium subscription plan of like $9.99 a month that made sure one had premium time and gave like 400 GE per month?  For many it would be easier and would also give an incentive to players and help give more regular funding to the game. 

Edited by Slaaneshgod

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I myself as a player with over a year of premium account would certainly selfishly want my stonks to go up infinitely, but this idea would not work as Gaijin's expectation.


2 hours ago, Stona said:

Improving Premium Accounts: Income Insurance

While we aim to ensure that vehicles break even for the average player across all ranks regardless of having a Premium account, it is important to consider scenarios where multiple vehicles are lost in a single battle without achieving any kills, or any other contribution to the team’s success.

In such cases, it is highly probable that the expenses for repairs will outweigh the earnings, even with a Premium account. Consequently, we have made the decision to enhance the Premium account feature in order to prevent players from accumulating a negative balance, even after an exceptionally unsuccessful battle. If your total repair cost exceeds your income, you will be compensated after the battle, ensuring that your SL tally for the match remains at zero, unless you have teamkilled.

This additional feature will be automatically included with every Premium account and will not require a separate purchase. It will also apply to all currently active Premium accounts without any additional action required.

We plan to add this mechanic in one of the updates during the summer of 2023.


This itself is a good thing by its own idea. But it is only a good idea as it would incentivize players to perform in less optimal fashions and working for their team.


2 hours ago, Stona said:

Dynamic Reduction of Repair Costs

In addition to a significant reduction in vehicle repair costs, we have an important and intriguing change planned regarding how these costs are calculated. Currently, repair costs are determined based on the average lifespan of a vehicle. However, it is evident that the actual lifespan of a vehicle can vary greatly in different scenarios.

Consider this: a player surviving for 10 minutes, eliminating 5 or 6 enemies, capturing a point, landing numerous hits, and providing several assists would render a repair cost of 6,000 to 7,000 SL quite insignificant. On the other hand, being taken out in the initial minutes of a battle without having taken a shot or captured a point would make that same repair cost appear significantly higher. The price is the same, but the consequences are a lot more negative.

Given this disparity, we have made the decision to refine the system and directly correlate repair costs to the actual lifespan of vehicles. In other words, the shorter time your vehicle remains operational in battle, the lower its repair cost will be (but in any case not higher than a certain limit). This information will be displayed on the stat card of each vehicle, indicating the repair cost per minute alongside the maximum possible repair cost. Furthermore, when voluntarily leaving a vehicle, the maximum repair cost will be applied as a default.

We hope this mechanic will make repairs more forgiving in the event of an unsuccessful battle.

We plan on adding this mechanic in one of the updates during the summer of 2023.


Combined with the second part, a player could perform extremely poorly and still break even and continuously make a negative impact on their team.


For example: A F-4S Phantom could be carrying 6 tonnes of bombs at min fuel to bomb a base. With the old economy model, it is hard to break even as the repair cost should out-weigh the SL gain from this action, which the player usually only performs to gain a boost in RP on the American air tree.


However, with this new model, not only would the player surely breakeven despite negatively impacting their team's odds against the other as few of their "fighters" suicide-dove into the base and left the match within 3 minutes. Also would they receive an exponentially lower repair cost, thus not only breakeven, gains a fortune by dying early.


For the first change, allow premium players to have an slightly adjusted income boost (aligned with the general income boost) instead of immunity from losing money (that makes no sense in a game with an economy model), so that players still have to act their due diligence to not go bankrupt despite having premium boosters and premium income bonus on their premium vehicle.


For the second change, instead of lowering the repair cost just for short survival, reduce the repair cost to at most 50% if the player does not perform enough useful actions (such as bombing the base or capping a point), so that base-rushers will not always make a net benefit despite having little to none positive effects on their own team's outcome.


Finally, do not over-do the economy (top-tier jets are overly cheapened...? maybe that is only personal opinion though) as it would cause negative competition (players farming brainlessly and earning more than players that actually try), or lead to a surge of air RB bots like how it happened in naval. Hope this change is not of typical Gaijin fashion and instantly implodes within a month of implementation.

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Wow guys, these changes are awesome and are wanting me to play the game more. This will change the game forever and seem a very balanced change between gamers satisfaction and Gaijin monetary interests. I would like to suggest a Premium+ account where more benefits are included at the cost of paying more, or even a monthly subscription where research progress and earnings are higher than in a normal premium account. This would bring more money to Gaijin at the same time as easing people´s progress that are willing to invest more money into the game at the same time as supporting the dev team. I am so happy for these changes, that I am going to buy a new pack just to support the team and as a form of congratulations.

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My one and only request is to make convertible research points cheaper, instead of 1 GE = 45 RP it should be 1 GE = 90 RP at the least. I have millions unused and I last used them in 2016; the tech trees are much bigger than before.

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Not my full Text I sent in the vote but I thought I should post parts of it here too:

"Improving Premium Accounts: Income Insurance" : Instead of adding income insurance to premium, add vehicle insurance, something like your first vehicle has no repair costs, or your first 2 or something like that, the community complained that the game focuses on needing premium to even make it to neutral, so why add something that does exactly that? When only your first or first 2 vehicles have no repair cost on destruction (with no kills?), maybe not even every game like just every 2 hours or so, then it would be way more of a bonus and less of a bypass.

"Dynamic Reduction of Repair Costs" : Lowering the repair costs with shorter lifespan is a bad idea I think bc it makes players rush in bc they would then pay less, the game needs a way slower pace in a lot of maps and doing that change would make it worse.

"Improvements for Premium Vehicles" : that would be a great bonus for premium accounts, to have free backups daily (maybe with premium vehicles only?) or maybe have premium vehicles get 10 backups a month or something. Not just once on buying a premium.

"Revising Teamkill Penalties" Why not add an armament restriction for the first 3 km travelled from spawn on match start? might make people not shoot down others on the runway.

"Improving Capture Point Rewards" This is a great change! maybe even take it further and rework cap zones, like make them not be a circle anymore, make them have the edges of the buildings around it, so you cant hide behind solid walls anymore while still being in the cap circle, while being in the open but still having cover from at least one side mostly.

One big Issue missing I think is gameplay of not PVP focused vehicles, like Bombers and early helicopters which mostly play PVE or can only really do something against AI in Ground and Air Battles, maybe rework how bombing works next, there are a ton of good suggestions like being able to destroy single units in a big area like a random building with 1 bomb instead of having the tonnage on several small points system, and then 2 or 3 bombers can work together in formation to bomb a big area instead of needing to each focus on one point on their own and if enough is destroyed or even if enough tonnage is delivered then a new city or base can be bombed.

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To be honest, I am pleasantly surprised. These are good changes and beyond "minor tweaking" that I was expecting.


If this all comes to the live server, it will be a HUGE shot in the arm for this game. (That's a good saying, in the US)


The change to Premium status is excellent. Because honestly it really hasn't been worth the money in quite a while.

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2 hours ago, Stona said:


Revising Teamkill Penalties

Teamkilling has always been a continuous talking point in War Thunder, and we understand the frustration that comes with being intentionally damaged or destroyed by malicious teammates. Based on the feedback you've provided, we will implement several changes to address your concerns. That being said, we do believe that the concept of "friendly fire", as in the accidental or irresponsible harm to allied players, has its place in the more realistic game modes of War Thunder, so our priorities are focused on minimising the damage and frustration teamkills cause.

Firstly, we will completely remove having to pay for repairs if your vehicle is destroyed by an ally - regardless of the reason that leads to your destruction by a teammate.

Additionally, we'll add an apology mechanic - if you’re teamkilled, you’ll be able to accept an apology from the player that destroyed you. This allows you to judge on a case-by-case basis whether you deem the destruction by a teammate an unfortunate, but forgivable, situation of "friendly fire" that requires no further action against the offender.

In this case, all players in the match will be informed of this via the battle chat and the killer will not be kicked out of the session for this teamkill.

We plan on adding this mechanic in the next major update in September 2023.


I think this is one of the best planned changes to improve teamplay!

The best change you already done was adding the THANK YOU option for repairs.

Keep adding POSITIVE stuff like this and the community will improve to be a more relaxed/better group!

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Looks interesting I have to say. But I am said they increased the Repair cost of my beloved Thunderbolts and the Sturmtiger.


I will remain sceptically pessimistic, No Man's Sky and Cyberpunk 2077 looked great in the preview material too, but we all know how it turned out.

Edited by richthofen122
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2 hours ago, Stona said:


However, this new approach may lead to situations where certain individual vehicles are more effective at earning SL at a given Battle Rating than others. In such cases, we may use other methods, such as adjusting the vehicle's Battle Rating, modifying its technical and combat characteristics where possible, i.e. altering access to certain shell types or adjusting reload speeds, or applying general balancing factors to all vehicles in that class. To clarify, we will only be changing soft factors such as these, and won’t artificially alter any elements such as armour thickness or top speed etc to change a vehicle’s performance.




I dont like this added bit where it is straight up admitted that vehicles that earn SL well (not necessarily good vehicles) will be made worse on purpose. This while gaijin prides itself in following the real vehicles and not artificially balancing them like World of Tanks does. Let there be vehicles considered good grinders. The Br increase can be looked at in fairness because there is a solid chance that a strong vehicle also earns well since it performs good but still dont do it just because something is earning a bit more SL than the rest

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First of all, thank you for listening to feedback! I really hope that this will revive WarThunder and the fun I've had with the game for many years!

I have a suggestion for more fun gameplay that you've probably have seen before but I hope you will consider.

Having aircraft and ground vehicles split into pre and post ww2 would be a godsend! Just like naval with Bluewater and coastal, new players and veterans researching a new nation, can start out with what they find most fun or interesting! It could also be implemented in matchmaking instead of in the research tree but a combination would be much appreciated! I would love to meet Pershing's in my 10.5cm tiger 2 and not small fast atgm vehicles which is a completely different experience!


Thank you again! 

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i would like to give my opinion about the point "rewarding your skill" in regard of arcade battles

I mainly play arcade air battles and i notice that is not really rewarded not losing your plane.

I think the reward bonus should be based on the actual kills per game but also on the number of planes that you have lost.

scoring 5 kill, loosing 10 planes including backups is really not a good performance at all and incentivate players that just dive head on on the first plane they found and die 2 seconds after.

For that reasons i think it should be used additionally to the number of kills also the k/d ratio.


 I score usually 10/15 kills per game in low/mid ranks and 5/10 in high ranks game without losing a single plane. This should be massively rewarded. cause i depleted the enemy while having 5 to 10 respawns avaible. My average k/d with good planes is about 10 but i feel i get constantly outscored by reckless players that just spawn a plane after the other and die in 2 seconds.


This is  a problem because does not incentivate skill and smart playing, it incentivate reckless foolish play and just messing around in furballs.


So in my opion you should work in 3 ways in order to reward skill:

1- adding a progressive bonus based on numbers of kills and k/d ratio 

2-adding an extra bonus for doing that without losing planes 

3-adding  progressive penalty for negative k/d 



Thx for reading my opinion on that matter.


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3 minutes ago, NoobOnTheGo said:

First of all, thank you for listening to feedback! I really hope that this will revive WarThunder and the fun I've had with the game for many years!

I have a suggestion for more fun gameplay that you've probably have seen before but I hope you will consider.

Having aircraft and ground vehicles split into pre and post ww2 would be a godsend! Just like naval with Bluewater and coastal, new players and veterans researching a new nation, can start out with what they find most fun or interesting! It could also be implemented in matchmaking instead of in the research tree but a combination would be much appreciated! I would love to meet Pershing's in my 10.5cm tiger 2 and not small fast atgm vehicles which is a completely different experience!


Thank you again! 

Thats a great take lol
Maybe have it like in naval pre ww2 and post but still have requirements in both you need to reach to be able to continue? I personally think people should still start the game with biplanes to learn the mechanics and flight characteristics, also with ground forces, maybe have certain vehicles in like Rank 1, Rank 3 and Rank 5 as a requirement you need to at least play 50 matches in but you can skip everything else if you want to do post ww2 then?

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I just reviewed the repair cost per vehicle table and I'm not really convinced if the changes are such substantial. Previously (assuming those changes will hit the servers), my mantra was to NOT use ANY vehicle which has a stock repair cost of more than 10k SL.

Seeing the numbers, there are still tons of vehicles with way higher repair costs. Granted, those values should reflect spaded vehicles, but >15k spaded repair cost will most likely refer to >10k SL repair cost stock.


If you really want to have more variety of vehicles in use, I guess you will still have to reduce repair costs even more.

Unless that being killed within 10 minutes of the match with little success (no kills, only some points by unlucky shots/misses, ...) results in close to 0 repair costs ("dynamic repair cost"), those vehicles will still be too expensive for me to play, even with a premium account!

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2 hours ago, Stona said:

Bonuses for researching new in-game nations

Maybe make convertible RP actually useful? I have 17 million convertible RP. But it would cost me $100+ to actually use that to unlock one rank 7 vehicle. I dont know who ever uses this considering a premium is cheaper and doesn't cost near a million SL to buy. Maybe just let people use convertible RP for free but divide the amount you get without paying by 10 or by 100. So if I have 1000 convertible RP I could either pay to get the full 1000, or convert it for free and get 100 or 10. If this is done

2 hours ago, Stona said:

Streamlining Research Trees and reducing the RP cost of foldered vehicles

And this is done. Then you could remove lines from the game and just have the variants of vehicles all be foldered at their respective tier. Once a player unlocks a tier in any tree then they can hop into any other tree at the same tier using convertible RP to get the vehicle(s) they want. Almost every time I have quit playing the game was because I wanted to play a contemporary vehicle to what I am playing in another tree, see that its going to take me a few months to get there, and then I just stop playing. 

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2 hours ago, Stona said:

Fewer players tend to utilise these foldered vehicles, which has a detrimental effect on the variety of vehicles in battles and leaves many interesting machines underappreciated.


2 hours ago, Stona said:

We will make the research requirement for these vehicles much more accessible. All vehicles within a folder, except for the initial vehicle, will have a 50% reduction in research cost. Our intention is to encourage regular gameplay with foldered vehicles while simultaneously enabling players to skip vehicles that don't pique their interest.


How about allow player to research any of the vehicle among those foldered vehicles? Those vehicles have similar BRs anyways. There is no point of research them in certain order.

So that players can pick which ever vehicles they want to research rather than only research the first one.



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I wrote it in another thread already, I would like to see a permanent small SL+RP bonus for every fully spaded Tech Tree vehicle, to encourage players to grind their way through instead of rushing through with premiums. So the more you spade, the more convenient your journey further down the tree.

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I'm happy about these changes. The bad research and economic situation had pushed me away from Warthunder, but thanks to these new changes I'll be back in the game from the time of their introduction. Once the majority of them will be rolled out WT will, almost certainly, be once again my main game.

GAIJILLA you are once again a good snail, thanks. :)



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All in all, these are good changes. What I can't understand is why so many vehicles get an increase in repair costs when the goal is to reduce everything. It should also be noted that the reward multiplier in AB for helicopters drops significantly. Which leads to half or even only a third of Silverlions that come out of heli battles.i would see this as a massive step in the wrong direction for Helikoptergrind.

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Pacifica (Posted )

Use of Red is for Staff only, you can use any other colours except for the reds and some of the orange colours
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- Level I : For destroying 3 enemies you’ll receive a 15% RP bonus

- Level II: For destroying 6 enemies you’ll receive a 30% RP bonus

- Level III: For destroying 9 enemies you’ll receive a 50% RP bonus

Please promote more teamplay rather than hunting for "frags"
Change to mission scores at the end of the battle.
Places in the table:
1-3  50% RP bonus

4-8  30% RP bonus

9-12 15% RP bonus
Your solution will be very not fair in naval battles when peaople start searching and hunting ships with the lowest % of crew.

Edited by Orfix
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You said you will lower needed RP for units in folded tech trees.  How about people who paid for a premium account and researched EVERY unit and spaded it before moving to the next BR?  Are you going to compensate them with extra credit RP?  It's already hard to respade everything when you find some new sekrit documents and change modifications of hundreds of spaded units without getting any RP back (you just give SLs back).  There are certain German units I had to like respade them 4+ times, for example.  Right now, I believe, I have around 60+ units that I need to respade at lower BRs and I will get punished for doing that, as I'm mostly researching tier V and VI in the first 5 nations.  As it is with the new changes, you are rewarding people for skipping units and rushing to the higher tier in the tech tree without learning the game (hello $70 premium packs and high tier squadron vehicles).

It's already hard to see units that it took you 380,000 RP to research that are something like 220,000 RP or even less now.  Where is the RP credit for them (even if it's partial)?  Why are you punishing more seasoned players without any compensation for their effort, money and time spent?  They had to endure all of your economy and feature mistakes and changes and supported you financially throughout the years.

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