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  1. 1. Would you like to see faction trees (nations mixed) ingame?

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    • No, please state why
  2. 2. Do you think Visegrád Group is a great choice for that? Do you support the idea?

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    • No
    • No, I anwered "No" for the previous question

Visegrad Group - Ground tech tree suggestion


Flag of the town Visegrád



Soldiers with patches of V4 headquaters


Attention! This suggestion doesn’t contains sources, but I used a lot of them. It will be a huge work to add all of them, so, thats a later project…
There are still missing datas, but its a good base to build on in the future. Its possible that there are still mistakes in the suggestion, both mistakes and missing information can be corrected in the future.
Optimized for 1.95!

This tech tree suggestion is to introduce you the faction tree of Visegrád Group.
This is against „Minor Axis”, „Warsaw Pact” and other mixed trees with these nations (like the Italian mixed tree), but not against independent tech trees of these nations (
explanation lower).
I would like to see this tech tree as the first faction tree in the game, and one of the next additions.


First of all… What is Visegrád Group? Why this should come rather than other possibilities?


Visegrád Group (or V4) is the alliance between Czechoslovakia (later Czech Republic and Slovak Republic), Hungary and Poland.
Roots of Visegrád Group are around 700 years old. The name of the alliance came from 1335, when kings John I (Bohemia), Charles I (Hungary) and Casimir III (Poland) met in the hungarian town Visegrád (first Congress of Visegrád).
What history we interested about is from the end of WW1.
Treaties and the existence of Little Entente did not allowed good friendship between Czechoslovakia and Hungary.
Interwar Hungary was the odd one out of them as a loser of the war. Then Hungary wasnt able to operate (officially) tanks and planes, which could be ingame, due the Treaty of Trianon, so this doesnt really matters ingame. But later, when
the constraints began to ease and after the german occupation of Czechoslovakia one of the greatest partners of Hungary was the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia (Czechia) in military aspect. (You will see that later in the suggestion.) The other one was Sweden, where from the polish tank and anti-tank guns came from.
There was a little conflict between Hungary and Slovakia, known as Slovak-Hungarian Border War or “The Little War”. Only 81 were killed (30 soldiers only) and it was a part of the process of revision of the Treaty of Trianon.
But there is a bigger problem, Poland. Poland is in a unique situation, as they were the attacked ones at the start of WW2. Usually (mostly because the Anglo-Polish military alliance) the players want Poland on the side of UK. I accept it, but I will speak about it in the next “chapter”.
Later all of them were members of the Warsaw pact.
With the end of the Soviet Union, they formed the Visegrád Group.
In 2004 all became members of the EU.
Members of the Visegrád Group often had and have joint (military) projects and helped each other as they could.


Why Visegrád Group to WT?

To discuss this question, we need to separate the timeline in two parts, before and after the end WW2.
After the end of WW2:

Thats the easier part. Soviet influence, Eastern Bloc, later Warsaw Pact (1955), later Visegrád Group (1991), later additionally NATO (1999, Slovakia 2004) and EU (2004).

Before the end of WW2:
Hungary – axis
Czechoslovakia – Little Entente, became friendlier, later puppet states of the axis
Poland – unique situation, not axis, and only became „true” allied when they got attacked
Polish and Czechoslovakian soldiers – fought in some allied armies, like british, US, and soviet
You may almost started a message „Czechoslovakia wasn’t axis”. Czechoslovakians were against axis and thats why you think this, and thats why they fought in foreign armies in great numbers.
Should foreign vehicles only crewed by these soldiers be in the tech tree? The fact is most of these were never operated by the country itself. There wasn’t even a will to operate them, like Japan ordered a Tiger I (Heavy Tank No.6). Additionally, these would be researchables, not premiums. The other problem these makes these ranks fully copy paste or a
China-like mixed mess with copies.
I would rather have vehicles from “the side” where true development was made only, and left alone these duplications from allied tech trees and would like to see only the axis “side” of Czechoslovakia and its unique vehicles.

But still, what about Poland? Without its copy pastes their tanks (without paper projects) are 1.0, in aviation the highest number is around 2.0. Around 3-4 BR gap (same story, I don’t want to see duplications mixed), and post war stuff – copies, but at least these were officially operated by Poland. Firstly we don’t have a nation with a gap with this size in low BRs, secondly I don’t think these BR 1.0-2.0 vehicles makes Poland a clear allied nation (planned the next tank - 14TP - with German engine, several planes exported to axis nations, no, clearly not an allied nation before 1939).
Splitting Poland into two parts (pre-war vehicles into a mixed commonwealth tree, post war vehicles into a Warsaw Pact-like tree) doesn’t makes sense, they are one nation, they deserve a tree they are not just an interesting addition and they feel it as their own.

Hungary has some viable rank II-III vehicle to fill the gap, but has no good cold-war developments like Czechoslovakia and Poland have, so these nations fit together.

Additionally, Gaijin confirmed in a Q&A that nor Poland nor Hungary will make it into the game on their own. We all know they are lying sometimes, but I see their reasons. It makes sense to combine these nations under a historical group with Czechoslovakia, doesn’t it?


Why not Minor Axis/Warsaw Pact?

You will see in this tree, both Minor Axis and Warsaw Pact are so big. A lot of these nations would be viable, if there would be no lack of vehicles/unique vehicles in some ranks, like Czechoslovak and Polish rank II-III and Hungarian Rank IV+. In the other ranks, all of them are viable on their own. Even just with these nations the Rank I is full, and the other ranks are more than acceptable, too.
Only in this tree there is more equipment any of the nations have in the game currently, without the other nations like Romania and its big number of vehicles. If the community and Gaijin wants to add vehicles as much as possible then a huge tree like Minor Axis doesn’t makes sense.
Romania and Bulgaria could make another faction tree on their own, side-by-side.


How I built up the tech tree?


I did a lot of research on these vehicles, but some info still missing. With my knowledge I gave them proper battle ratings and sorted them into lines. I did everything Gaijin would do (including DeMarre penetration values, etc). The tree meets the requirements, like maximum 4 folders in a rank in the same line, minimum 3 vehicles in a rank (except top tier) and more.
Some copy paste vehicles commonly used aren’t in tree as I replaced a lot of them with unique variants or modifications. (An imported/foreign vehicle can be unique too, if it isn’t in the foreign nation’s tech tree and there is no place remained for it, or it’s unlikely Gaijin will add the foreign nation itself anytime)
There is a borderline around Rank III-IV and 5.3-5.7 where the tree changes its profile from an axis tree to a socialist, USSR friendly tree. I know, most of players don’t want to see German vehicles on the side of USSR, but actually Czechoslovakia used a lot of Panthers, Nashorns, Pz IVs, Stugs, Hetzers, Bf-109s and Me-262s after the war in the Eastern Bloc. The last vehicles of the axis ERA (end of rank III) both used before and after the end of the war, so there is no room for complaint if a Panther appears on the Soviet side. Actually the Nashorn was used only post-war, but I don’t think any of the players will complain about it, if it will fight side-by-side with German Nashorns.
I was thinking a lot how I could made this more player-, gameplay- and developer friendly and that’s the best form I could made in my opinion.


Which vehicles can be here?

Common vehicles – operated, produced by these nations, both in great or small numbers, copy pastes too, if were operated in a great number
Prototypes – built and tested, at least one example, the armament is not necessary – researchables or premiums
Started prototypes – almost ready (at least 70-80% readiness), not finished due external conditions, like the end of the war was close or the prototype was destroyed or captured by the enemy, and it was planned to take into service. – Premiums
Full-size mockups – similar to the started prototypes, if the only reason for the cancellation of the prototype/production was the end of the war, or an occupation, or another similar military/political reason, its acceptable – Premiums

Which vehicles cannot be here?

Huge amount of data missing – for examples mobility data, a big part of ammunition or armor values, or about the structure.
Worse than reserve or better than 10.3
Ground vehicles (mainly SPAAs) without anti-tank capability
ATGM carriers, IFVs, APCs without acceptable main gun and less than 4 missiles
Started prototypes couldn’t be able to finished, like 14TP (it was planned with a german engine, but Germany prevented the production, unlikely delivery and no possible replacement – plus missing data of the front hull)
Usually anything without pictures
Some others


The tech tree



No cell between two vehicles: they are in the same folder
Arrow ( ) between two vehicles: previous vehicle needs to be researched before you start the next
No arrow ( ) between two vehicles: previous vehicle not needed to be researched before you start the next




Tech tree of @Jacky95 and @DarthGergely:


The Ground Tech Tree Suggestion

5-lined ground tree:
- a light tank + tracked IFV line,
- a medium + heavy tank line,
- a TD line with possible self-propelled modern artillery,
- an SPAA line and
- a wheeled AFV/APC line


Ground vehicles


Light tank line


Rank I


Straussler V-4
light/medium tank, BR 1.0




Crew: 3 (driver, machine gunner, gunner/commander)


Weight: 10 t
Engine: Weiss-Mannfréd V-OHC (178-180 HP)
Max speed: 32 km/h (45 km/h without tracks)


Hull armor (front/side/back): 23/13/9 mm
Turret armor (front/side/back): 23/13/9 mm


40 mm 37.M cannon (? ammo, around 4-4.5 sec reload speed)
- APHEBC 36.M [730 m/s, 0,965 kg, ~15 g TNT)]: around 54 mm penetration at 10 m
- HE 39.M [730 m/s; ?(~0,86-1) kg; ?(~100) g TNT]: around 3 mm penetration

34/37M 8 mm twin MG in the hull (? ammo)


Straussler V-4 (1938)
light/medium tank, BR 1.3



Crew: 4 (driver, machine gunner, gunner, loader/commander)


Weight: 12 t
Engine: Weiss-Mannfréd V-OHC (178-180 HP)
Max speed: 32 km/h (45 km/h without tracks)


Hull armor (front/side/back): 23/13/9 mm
Turret armor (front/side/back): 23/13/9 mm


40 mm 37.M cannon (? ammo, around 4-4.5 sec reload speed)
- APHEBC 36.M [730 m/s, 0,965 kg, ~15 g TNT)]: around 54 mm penetration at 10 m
- HE 39.M [730 m/s; ?(~0,86-1) kg; ?(~100) g TNT]: around 3 mm penetration

2 x 34/37M 8 mm twin MG, one in the turret (not coaxially), one in the hull (6000 ammo)


Škoda HIM-6/III
light tank, BR 1.3



Often called MU-6


Crew: 4 (driver, radio operator, gunner, loader/commander)


Weight: 3 t
Engine: 55 HP at 2700 rpm
Max speed: 41 km/h


Hull armor (front/side/back): 5,5/5,5 or 4/5,5 or 4 mm
Turret armor (front/side/back): 5,5/5,5 or 4/5,5 or 4 mm


47 mm Škoda A2 cannon (? ammo, around 4.5 sec reload speed)
- APC vz. 36 [560 m/s, 1,65 kg, 15 g Fp.02]: around 54 mm penetration at 10 m
- HE vz. 36 [?(~470) m/s, 1,5 kg, ?(~120-130) g explosives]: around 3-4 mm penetration

3 x 7.9 mm machine gun vz. 26 (? ammo)



Separated from the ones before (a break in the line):


38.M Toldi I A.20
light tank, BR 1.0, reserve




Only possible due its low penetration values (but still better than M2A2 with HE filler and lower rate of fire)


Crew: 3 (driver, gunner, commander)


Weight: 8,5 t
Engine: Büssing NAG type L8 V36 Tr (155 HP)
Max speed: 50 km/h
Turning radius: 4,5 m (inside)




20 mm 36.M Solothurn S-18/100 heavy AT rilfe (208 ammo, 4 round clips, around 50-55 rpm and 5 sec clip reload)
- APHE 36.M [762 m/s, 0,148 kg; 1,4 g TNT]: around 34 mm penetration at 10 m
- HE 36.M [762 m/s, 0,134 kg; 6 g TNT]: around 2 mm penetration

34/37.AM Gebauer MG coaxially (2400 ammo, 25 round clips)


42.M Toldi II B.20
light tank, BR 1.0


Same as 38.M Toldi I A.20, but
- with stronger suspension,
- 100 round belts for MG instead of 25 round clips,
- machine gun 34/40.M instead of 34/37.AM (belt-fed mod.),
- the hole on the turret top and the cupola on it for the machine gun clip could be removed, but not always
- new radio antenna.


42.M Toldi II B.40
light tank, BR 1.7



Crew: 3 (driver, gunner, commander)


Weight: 9,3 t
Engine: Büssing NAG type L8 V36 Tr (155 HP)
Max speed: 47 km/h
Turning radius: 4,5 m (inside)





40 mm 37/42.M cannon (55 ammo, around 3,8-4 sec reload)
- APHEBC 36.M [800 m/s, 0,965 kg, ~15 g TNT]: around 62 mm penetration at 10 m
- HE 39.M [800 m/s; ?(~0,86-1) kg; ?(~100) g TNT]: around 3 mm penetration
- APBC 43.M [800 m/s, 1,05 kg, incendiary]: around 72 mm penetration at 10 m

34/40.M Gebauer MG coaxially (3200 ammo, 100-round belts)



Rank II


43.M Toldi III C.40
light tank, BR 2.0



Crew: 3 (driver, gunner, commander)


Weight: 9,45 t
Engine: Büssing NAG type L8 V36 Tr (155 HP)
Max speed: 45 km/h
Big turning radius reduced with new transmission





40 mm 37/42.M cannon (87 ammo, around 3,8-4 sec reload)
- APHEBC 36.M [800 m/s, 0,965 kg, ~15 g TNT]: around 62 mm penetration at 10 m
- HE 39.M [800 m/s; ?(~0,86-1) kg; ?(~100) g TNT]: around 3 mm penetration
- APBC 43.M [800 m/s, 1,05 kg, incendiary]: around 72 mm penetration at 10 m

34/40.M Gebauer MG coaxially (3200 ammo, 100-round belts)


Separated from the ones before (a break in the line):


light tank, BR 2.0



Crew: 4 (driver, radio operator, gunner, commander)


Weight: 10.8 t
Engine: Škoda V8 (245 HP)
Max speed: 50 km/h


Hull armor (front/side/back): 30/25/?(12-25) mm
Turret armor (front/side/back): 30/25/?(12-15) mm
Cupola and turret ring(?): 20 mm


37 mm Škoda A7 cannon (78 ammo, around 4.3 sec reload speed)
- APC průrazný vz. 34 [741 m/s, 0,85 kg, 13 g PETN]: around 62 mm penetration at 10 m
- APCR (vz. 40?) [1020 m/s, 0,37 kg]: around 86 mm penetration at 10 m

MG 34 (2100 ammo)


THN n.A.
light tank, BR 2.3



Crew: 4 (driver, radio operator, gunner, commander)


Weight: 11.8 t
Engine: Praga NR (265 HP)
Max speed: 64/70+ km/h


Hull armor (front/side/back): 30/20/20 mm
Turret armor (front/side/back): 30/20/20 mm


37 mm Škoda A19 cannon (90 ammo, around 4.3 sec reload speed)
- APC průrazný vz. 34 [741 m/s, 0,85 kg, 13 g PETN]: around 62 mm penetration at 10 m
- APCR (vz. 40?) [1020 m/s, 0,37 kg]: around 86 mm penetration at 10 m

MG 34 (2100 ammo)



Rank III


Rank IV


light tank, BR 5.3



Shares most of the characteristics with the PT-76B ingame, an additional 12,7 mm DShK on top, extra stovages on the engine cover (limited gun depression there), +100-200 kg due additional equipments.
There were “average” PT-76Bs too in service too, but this is a little bit unique.


tank destroyer, BR 5.3



Crew: 3 (driver, gunner, commander)


Weight: 15 t
PV-6 (300 HP)
Max speed: 58 km/h


Hull (front/side/back): 8-10/9-10/7-8 mm
Turret (front/side/back): 7?/7?/7? mm


82 mm T-21 Tarasnice recoilless gun (12 ammo, around 10 sec reload speed)
- HEAT NB-T21 [267 m/s, 2,13 kg, ? explosives]: around 228 mm penetration

7.62 mm M59T machine gun (1250 ammo)



tank destroyer, BR 6.0



Crew: 5 (driver, 2 x gunner, commander, loader)


Weight: ~16 t
PV-6 (300 HP)
Max speed: ~56 km/h


Hull (front/side/back): 8-10/9-10/7-8 mm
Turret (front/side/back): 7?/7?/7? mm


82 mm T-21 Tarasnice recoilless gun (12 ammo, around 10 sec reload speed)
- HEAT NB-T21 [267 m/s, 2,13 kg, ? explosives]: around 228 mm penetration
82 mm M59 recoilless gun (? ammo, around 10-12 sec reload speed)
- HEAT [745 m/s, ? kg, ? explosives]: around 253 mm penetration

7.62 mm M59T machine gun (1250 ammo)
12.7 mm ZH 59 ranging gun (?(150?) ammo)


tank destroyer, BR 6.3


Same as the one in the USSR tech tree




Rank V


BPzV "Svatava"
light tank, BR 7.3



Crew: 6 (driver, commander, gunner, 3 radio operators – for recce operations sitting in the passenger compartment)
Laser warning system, laser rangefinder, ground radar, IR light(s), almost 2 times the ammo and 2 times the crew the russian BMP-1 has


Weight: 13.8 t
Engine: UTD-20 (295-300 HP)
Max speed: 65 km/h

Armor: same as BMP-1


73 mm 2A28 cannon (76 ammo, around 6 sec reload speed)
- HEAT PG-9 (665 m/s, 2,6 kg, 735 g A-IX-1): around 300 mm penetration
- HE OG-9 (290 m/s, 3,7 kg, 735 g TNT): around 11 mm penetration
9M14 Maljutka (7 ammo) – more than original BMP-1 (4 missile), but no 9M113 modification

PKT machine gun (1000 ammo)

Additional recon equipment which prevent gun depression slightly left.


light tank, BR 7.3



Modernization of BMP-1s. New turret with a single 23 mm 2A14 gun (same characteristics as on Shilka, 46 mm penetration) and a single 73 mm SPG-9.

Increased weight by around 900 kg, but still amphibious due modifications of the transmission cover and/or skirts (?).


23 mm 2A14 cannon (? ammo)
- Same characteristics as on Shilka (46 mm penetration)
73 mm SPG-9 recoilless AT gun (? ammo)
- same PG-9 round as in BMP-1, just 435 m/s velocity: 300 mm pen
- various rounds with 400 mm (PG-9N, m.v.: 435 m/s) and 550/400 mm tandem (PG-9VNT, m.v.: 400 m/s) penetration


Armor: same as original BMP-1, plus
CERAWA-1 ERA – around 300 mm against HEAT and around 10 mm against kinetic ammo




Rank VI


BWP-1M Puma RCWS-30
light tank, BR 8.3



Only a possible addition, because it has only 2 missiles, but I have to mention it, because it can hide its hull well, has good missiles and a quite powerful autocannon with around 140-145 mm penetration (APDS). Might be useful at 8.3 where it faces early, lightly armored MBTs and other IFVs.

30 mm Bushmaster (200 rounds ready – 60 AP, 120 HE – , and probably more in the hull) with two Spike LR missiles.



Rank VII


light tank, BR 9.3



Crew: 3 (driver, gunner, commander)


Weight: 30 t
V-46-6 (780 HP)
Max speed: 70 km/h


Hull armor (front/side/back): ?(~50-70*)/ ?(~25*)/ ?(~25*) mm
Turret armor (front/side/back): ?(~40-110*)/ ?(~25*)/?(~25*) mm
*against 35 mm APFSDS from the front and against 12,7 mm from 100 m from the side


60 mm Oto Melara autocannon (? ammo – at least 32 in the autoloader, probably more –, 30 rpm)
- we know the characteristics from AUBL/74 HVG: 249 mm penetration with APFSDS

7,62 mm PKT/MG3A1/UKM-2000 machine gun (? ammo)
2 x TOW-2: 900 mm penetration




Medium + Heavy tank line


Rank I


7TP jw.
light tank, BR 1.0



Crew: 3 (driver, gunner, commander)


Weight: 9.9 t
PZInż.235 (110 HP)
Max speed: 37 km/h


Hull armor (front/side/back): 17/17-9/9 mm
Turret armor (front/side/back): 15/15/15 mm


37 mm Bofors wz. 37 cannon (? (70?) ammo, around 3,7 sec reload speed)
- APHE Nabój Pancerny z zapalnikiem wz.36 [800 m/s, 0,74 kg, 15 g TNT]: around 55 mm pen at 10 m
- AP Nabój Pancerny wz.36 [785 m/s, 0,735 kg]: around 59 mm pen at 10 m
- HE Nabój Kruszący wz.36 [? m/s, ? kg, 48 g (TNT?)]: around 3 mm pen

7.92mm Ckm wz.30 machine gun (? ammo)


medium/light tank, BR 1.3



Crew: 4 (driver, gunner, machine gunner, commander)


Weight: 12.8 t
American LaFrance (210 HP at 1800 rpm)
Max speed: 50 km/h


Hull armor (front/side/back): 20/20/20 mm
Turret armor (front/side/back): 16-18/16/16 mm
Fully armored rear (there were grids for the radiators on the original 7TP, picture)


37 mm Bofors wz. 37 cannon (? ammo, around 3,7 sec reload speed)
- APHE Nabój Pancerny z zapalnikiem wz.36 [800 m/s, 0,74 kg, 15 g TNT]: around 55 mm pen at 10 m
- AP Nabój Pancerny wz.36 [785 m/s, 0,735 kg]: around 59 mm pen at 10 m
- HE Nabój Kruszący wz.36 [? m/s, ? kg, 48 g (TNT?)]: around 3 mm pen

2 x 7.92mm Ckm wz.30 machine gun (? ammo)



Separated from the ones before (a break in the line):


LT vz. 34
light tank, BR 1.0, reserve



Crew: 3 (driver, gunner/commander, radio operator)


Weight: 7.5 t
Praga N-67 (67 HP)
Max speed: 30 km/h


Hull armor (front/side/back): 15/15-12/?(10-12?) mm
Turret armor (front/side/back): 15/15/?(10-12?) mm


37 mm ÚV vz. 34 (Škoda A3) cannon (? ammo, around 4.3 sec reload speed)
- APC průrazný vz. 34 [675 m/s, 0,85 kg, 13 g PETN]: around 55 mm penetration at 10 m
- APCR (vz. 40?) [980 m/s, 0,37 kg]: around 81 mm penetration at 10 m

2 x 7.92mm ZB wz.35 machine gun (? ammo)



LT vz. 35
light tank, BR 1.0



Crew: 4 (driver, gunner/commander, loader, machine gunner)


Weight: 10.5 t
Škoda T11/0 (120 HP at 1800 rpm)
Max speed: 34 km/h


Hull armor (front/side/back): 25/16/15-19 mm
Turret armor (front/side/back): 25/15/15 mm
Ingame the Pz. 35(t) has different armor layout


37 mm ÚV vz. 34 (Škoda A3) cannon (72 ammo, around 4.3 sec reload speed)
- APC průrazný vz. 34 [675 m/s, 0,85 kg, 13 g PETN]: around 55 mm penetration at 10 m
- APCR (vz. 40?) [980 m/s, 0,37 kg]: around 81 mm penetration at 10 m

2 x 7.92mm ZB wz.37 machine gun (1800 ammo)


LT vz. 38
light tank, BR 1.3



Slightly different or the same as Panzer 38(t) A ingame.


Crew: 4 (driver, gunner/commander, loader, machine gunner)


Weight: 9.7 t
Praga EPA TZJ (125 HP)
Max speed: 42 km/h


Hull armor (front/side/back): 25/15/15 mm
Turret armor (front/side/back): 25/15/15 mm


37 mm Škoda A7 cannon (90 ammo, around 4.3 sec reload speed)
- APC průrazný vz. 34 [741 m/s, 0,85 kg, 13 g PETN]: around 62 mm penetration at 10 m
- APCR (vz. 40?) [1020 m/s, 0,37 kg]: around 86 mm penetration at 10 m

2 x 7.92mm ZB wz. 37 machine gun (2700/5500 ammo)


LT vz. 40
light tank, BR 1.3



Crew: 3 (driver, gunner/commander, loader/machine gunner)


Weight: 8.8 t
Praga TNH (126 HP)
Max speed: 47 km/h


Hull armor (front/side/back): 25/15/15 mm
Turret armor (front/side/back): 25/15/15 mm


37 mm Škoda A7 cannon (? ammo, around 4.3 sec reload speed)
- APC průrazný vz. 34 [741 m/s, 0,85 kg, 13 g PETN]: around 62 mm penetration at 10 m
- APCR (vz. 40?) [1020 m/s, 0,37 kg]: around 86 mm penetration at 10 m

2 x 7.92mm ZB wz. 37 machine gun (? ammo)


light tank, BR 2.0



Same as Panzer 38(t) F ingame



Škoda Š-IIc
medium tank, BR 2.3



Crew: 4 (driver, loader, gunner/commander, radio operator/machine gunner)


Weight: 16,7 t
Škoda V8 (240 HP at 2200 rpm)
Max speed: 50 km/h


Hull armor (front/side/back): 30/10/10 mm
Turret armor (front/side/back): 30/10/10 mm


47 mm Škoda A11 cannon (? ammo, around 4.5 sec reload speed)
- APC vz. 36 [775 m/s, 1,65 kg, 15 g Fp.02]: around 87 mm penetration at 10 m
- HE vz. 36 [660 m/s, 1,5 kg, ? g explosives]: around 3-4 mm penetration

2 x 7.92mm ZB wz. 37 machine gun (? ammo)



Rank II


Separated from the ones before (a break in the line):


40.M Turán I
medium tank, BR 2.0



Crew: 5 (driver, loader, gunner, commander, radio operator/machine gunner)


Weight: 18,2 t
Weiss Manfréd V-8 H4 (260 HP at 2200 rpm)
Max speed: 47 km/h




40 mm 41.M cannon (101 ammo, around 4.4 sec reload speed)
- APHEBC 36.M [812 m/s, 0,965 kg, ~15 g TNT]: around 63 mm penetration at 10 m
- HE 39.M [812 m/s, ?(~0,86-1) kg; ?(~100) g TNT]: around 3 mm penetration

2 x 34/40.AM Gebauer machine gun (3000 ammo)


40.M Turán I (1944)
medium tank, BR 2.3



Crew: 5 (driver, loader, gunner, commander, radio operator/machine gunner)


Weight: 18,7 t
Weiss Manfréd V-8 H4 (260 HP at 2200 rpm)
Max speed: 46 km/h


Additional 6,28 mm skirts (perforated)


40 mm 41.M cannon (101 ammo, around 4.4 sec reload speed)
- APHEBC 36.M [812 m/s, 0,965 kg, ~15 g TNT]: around 63 mm penetration at 10 m
- APBC 43.M – new – [812 m/s, 1,05 kg]: around 73 mm penetration at 10 m
- HE 39.M [812 m/s, ?(~0,86-1) kg; ?(~100) g TNT]: around 3 mm penetration

2 x 34/40.AM Gebauer machine gun (3000 ammo)


41.M Turán II
medium tank, BR 2.3



Crew: 5 (driver, loader, gunner, commander, radio operator/machine gunner)


Weight: 19,2 t
Weiss Manfréd V-8 H4 (260 HP at 2200 rpm)
Max speed: 45 km/h


Hull: same as 40.M Turán I


75 mm 41.M cannon (55 ammo, around 5 sec reload speed)
- APHEBC 42/36.M [450 m/s, ~6,8 kg, ~30 g TNT]: around 60 mm penetration at 10 m
- HEAT 42.M PR [?(~450) m/s, ?(~6-6,5) kg, ? g TNT]: around 90 mm penetration
- HE 42/38.M [
~450 m/s, 6-6,6 kg, ~660 g TNT]: around 10 mm penetration
2 x 34/40.AM Gebauer machine gun (3000 ammo)


41.M Turán II (1944)
medium tank, BR 2.3



Crew: 5 (driver, loader, gunner, commander, radio operator/machine gunner)


Weight: 19,8 t
Weiss Manfréd V-8 H4 (260 HP at 2200 rpm)
Max speed: 43 km/h


Hull: same as 40.M Turán I

Additional 6,28 mm skirts (perforated)


75 mm 41.M cannon (55 ammo, around 5 sec reload speed)
- APHEBC 42/36.M [450 m/s, ~6,8 kg, ~30 g TNT]: around 60 mm penetration at 10 m
- HEAT 42.M PR [? (~450) m/s, ~6,7 kg, ? g TNT]: around 90 mm penetration
- HE 42/38.M [
~450 m/s, 6-6,6 kg, ~660 g TNT]: around 10 mm penetration
2 x 34/40.AM Gebauer machine gun (3000 ammo)



Pz IV F1
medium tank, BR 2.3



Same as ingame.


Pz IV G (early)
medium tank, BR 3.3



A very close relative to the Pz IV F2:
Same gun, same armor, some vision port removed, road wheels on the left side of the hull, different add-on track layout



Rank III


Separated from the ones before (a break in the line):


medium tank, BR 4.3




Mostly used without hull side skirts (both in Hungarian army and in the Czechoslovakian army later under the designation T-40/75N)
Everything else is same as ingame (with weight loss, of course).
Mostly with German markings in Hungarian service, on the second picture there is a Hungarian insignia on the turret back.


43.M Turán III
medium/heavy tank, BR 4.3



Crew: 5 (driver, loader, gunner, commander, radio operator/machine gunner)


Weight: 23,3 t
Weiss Manfréd V-8 H4 (260 HP at 2200 rpm)
Max speed: 39 km/h


Hull armor (front/side/back): 75/35/35 mm
Turret armor (front/side/back): 75/35/55 mm
Additional 8 mm skirts (perforated)


75 mm 43.M cannon (? ammo, around 7.6 sec reload speed)
- APCBC 43.M [770 m/s, 6,8 kg; 17 g TNT]: around 145 mm penetration at 10 m
- HEAT 43.M PR [445 m/s; 4,8 kg; 515 g H.5]: around 100 mm penetration
- APCR 40.M [970 m/s; 4,15 kg]: around 177 mm penetration at 10 m
- HE 43.M [540 m/s; 5,74 kg; 686 g TNT]: around 10 mm penetration

2 x 34/40.AM Gebauer machine gun (3000 ammo)



44.M Tas Production
heavy tank, BR 5.3



The prototype was under construction, but was destroyed in allied bombings. On the picture there is the original mockup. The prototype and the production variant only differed in term of the cannon, the prototype was made for a 75 mm 43.M L/46 cannon, the production was planned with 80 mm Bofors cannon, first with L/48 caliber length but later during the tank development a longer L/58 came into existence. Then probably the longer barreled variant became the standard then for the Tas.

Crew: 5 (driver, loader, gunner, commander, radio operator/machine gunner)


Weight: 36,6-38 t
Weiss Manfréd W-16 (520 HP at 2200 rpm)
Max speed: 45-47 km/h



80 mm 44.M Bofors L/58 cannon (? (50-80) ammo, around 9 sec reload speed)
- APHEBC 29/35.M [872 m/s, 8 kg; ?(~60) g Pentolite 50/50]: around 158 mm penetration at 10 m
- HEAT 29/42.M PR [~450-550 m/s, ~5-5,8 kg, ~500 g TNT/Pentolite/Pentritol]: around 105 mm penetration
- HE 29/35.M [910 m/s; 8 kg; 700 g TNT]: around 11 mm penetration

2 x 34/40.AM Gebauer machine gun (3000 ammo)



Pz V D “Párduc”
medium/heavy tank, BR 5.3


Panther D (Same as ingame)
T-42/75N in Czechoslovakian service




Rank IV


Separated from the ones before (a break in the line):


heavy tank, BR 5.7


Same as ingame.



IS-2 (1944)
heavy tank, BR 6.3


Same as ingame.



Separated from the ones before (a break in the line):


medium tank, BR 5.7



Almost the same as ingame, Polish production variant, a little bit modified turret and old roadwheels.
Upper and lower plates were welded together with a joiner plate.
Note the headlight on the hull side.



medium tank, BR 6.0



With new “skeleton” roadwheels and T-54/55 like headlights on the upper front plate. Different hatch on the cupola. Upper and lower plates were welded together directly.


Crew: 4 (no radio operator/machine gunner)

Inside layout is like in T-44 (ammo on the place of radio operator/machine gunner)
Ammo: 55 or 57 pieces

Got the ammo of the ingame T-44, too (BR-367 and BR-367P)

Faster turret rotation speed (~25°/sec)?

Passive night vision for driver


medium tank, BR 6.7



Improved T-34-85M1
Additionally external stowages, fuel tanks and fording equipments (including cloth mantlet sheet).

New HEAT 3BK2M: around 300 mm penetration



Rank V


medium tank, BR 8.0


Almost the same as Type 59 (China) in the game – T-54 with vertical stabilizer – , with Russian ammo.



medium tank, BR 8.3


T-54A with 2-plane stabilizer (Russian designation: T-54B)




Rank VI


medium tank/MBT, BR 8.7



Hungarian usage of T-55AM-2 (Czechoslovakian) without engine upgrade (bad mobility)

No ATGM and roof MG

No access for APFSDS (basic 3BM8 APDS ingame with 299 mm penetration at 10 m and 3BK5/8 HEAT with 380 mm penetration)


T-55AM “Merida”
medium tank/MBT, BR 9.0



Roof MG, additional smoke dischargers, Merida FCS

Still no ATGM, but gets the 3BM20 APFSDS (1430 m/s, 3.3 kg) with around 295-310 mm penetration at 10 m (worse than the 3BM25 ingame now in the T-55AM-1)

613 hp W-55UWAx engine


medium tank/MBT, BR 9.3



Several different types, probably the one on the picture (most commonly used and easiest to model from the T-72A (1983) modification).
Turret armor is worse than T-72A (by around 100 mm effective)


medium tank/MBT, BR 10.0



Development of T-72M1


Night vision + gunner thermal sight

New ammo: APFSDS-T PRONIT (1650 m/s, 3,7 kg (7,6 kg with SABOT), M711 Mk II rod): more than 500 mm penetration at 2000 m on paper, probably 420-430 mm pen ingame at 10 m (CL 3254 clone – 27 mm diameter, around 520 mm material lenght, ?(around 17900) kg/m^3 density, tungsten, L/D = 20/1) and good pen above 40-50°


Weight: 45,9 t

Engine: PZL-Wola S-12U (850 HP at 2300 rpm)
Max speed: 60 km/h


~300-400 mm against chemical energy munitions
~10-45 mm against KE

Base armor of T-72M1:
Turret: 380 mm vs KE, 490 mm vs HEAT
Hull: 400 mm vs KE, 490 mm vs HEAT


Modification: PT-91MA


Engine: PZL-Wola S-1000 (1000 HP)
Max speed and weight increased too? (How much? – Probably 1 km/h and some hundred kg)


ERAWA-2 (204 block) + ERAWA-1 (94 block)

~400-600+ mm against chemical
~100 mm against KE



Rank VII


medium tank/MBT, BR 10.3



New ammo 125/EPpSV-97 or PpSv97 VETRA (1650 m/s, 3,8 kg): 500+ mm pen at 2000 m on paper, probably around 430-440 mm at 10 m ingame (CL 3254 clone – 27 mm diameter, around 520 mm material lenght, ? (around 18400) kg/m^3 density, tungsten, L/D = 20/1) and good pen above 40-50°
Little bit better penetration values than the Polish PRONIT, because it’s 0,1 kg heavier.



Effective thickness of the T-72Ms armor increased by 30% against APFSDS (so around 110-120 mm on turret front, on the hull and turret top the weaker bricks probably around 30-50 mm effective)
and by 120-170% against chemical rounds (probably around 835 mm on turret front and around 590 mm on hull and turret top)
These numbers are very high compred for example Kontakt-5 (same agains KE, more against shaped charges), but easily possible as, because of the DYNAs structure, the shot has to go through at least two layers of ERA, which can be even 6-8 layers on the turret front. Its possible that the big number of ERA layers can give some protection against tandem warheads, too.

Turret: base 380 mm vs KE, 490-510 mm with ERA, base 490 mm vs HEAT, 1325 mm with ERA (close to the middle, more on the cheeks)

Hull: base 400 mm vs KE, 430-440 mm with ERA, base 490 mm vs HEAT, 1080 mm with ERA


Weight: 46 t

Engine: upgraded V-46TC fitted with dual turbochargers (Around 800 HP?)
Max speed: ?(60?) km/h


Modification: T-72M4CZ


New powerpack, slightly lengthened hull

Weight: 48 t

Engine: Perkins Condor CV 12 (1000 HP)
Max speed: 61 km/h


T-72M2E “Moderna”
medium tank/MBT, BR 10.3



DYNAS ERA (same characteristics as DYNA)


Turret: base 380 mm vs KE, 490-510 mm with ERA, base 490 mm vs HEAT, 1325 mm with ERA (close to the middle, more on the cheeks)

Hull: base 400 mm vs KE, 430-440 mm with ERA, base 490 mm vs HEAT, 1080 mm with ERA


Gun: 2A46MS (less dispersion, 37 ammo)
- New ammo P99 TAPNA [1690 m/s, ?(3,8, the rod is very similar to PpSv97, front half seems to be a little bit weaker) kg]: 540 mm pen at 2500 m on paper, ingame probably 440-450 mm at 10 m (CL 3254 clone – ~27 mm diameter, around 520 mm length, ? (around 18400) kg/m^3 density, tungsten, L/D = 20/1) and probably good pen above 40-50°
Additionally 2x20 mm Oerlikon KAA (? ammo, probably 100-200 per gun)
- same characteristics like the KAD on the R3 T20 (Italy): around 53 mm penetration at 10 m


Weight: 43,5? t

Engine: PZL-Wola S-12U (850 HP at 2300 rpm)
Max speed: 60 km/h


Modification: T-72M2 “Moderna”


Slightly better armor (better shape and additional – rubber and/or steel? – cover for DYNAS ERA)


A single 30 mm 2A42 (250 ammo) instead Oerlikons

Weight: 46,25 t

Engine: PZL-Wola S-12U (850 HP at 2300 rpm)
Max speed: 60 km/h




Tank destroyer line


Rank I


TKS with Nkm wz.38 FK-A
tank destroyer, BR 1.0



Crew: 2 (driver, gunner/commander)


Weight: 2,6 t
Polski FIAT-122B (46 HP)
Max speed: ~45 km/h


Front/side/back: 8-10/8/6-8 mm


20 mm Nkm wz.38 FK-A (250? ammo, 5 round clips)
- Practice(AP) PC [856 m/s, 0,134 kg]: around 38 mm penetration at 10 m
- APHE PWS [856 m/s, 0,148 kg, 1 g PETN]: around 41 mm penetration at 10 m
- HE LW [856 m/s, 0,134 kg, 8-10 g explosives]: around 2 mm penetration (For AA desense, tracerless)
- HE-T LWS [856 m/s, 0,134 kg, 6 g explosives]: around 2 mm penetration


tank destroyer, BR 1.0



Crew: 2 (driver, gunner/commander)


Weight: 3 t
Ford A (40 HP)
Max speed: 40-43 km/h


Front/side/back: 6-10/8/5-8 mm


47 mm wz. 25 'Pocisk'
(55 ammo, around 3.8 sec reload)
- APHE [400 m/s, 2,08 kg, 30 g TNT+12 g picric acid (Explosive D)]: around 33 mm penetration at 10 m
- HE [365 m/s, 1,94 kg, 100 g TNT+28 g picric acid (Explosive D)]: around 5 mm penetration

Lack of penetration, low muzzle velocity, but big HE filler -> hard but possible to use…


TKS-D 2nd prototype
tank destroyer, BR 1.0



Crew: 4 (driver, gunner, commander, loader)


Weight: 2,75 t
Polski FIAT-122B (46 HP)
Max speed: 40 km/h


Front/side/back: 6/4-6/4-6 mm


37 mm Bofors wz. 36 cannon (60 ammo, around 3,7 sec reload speed)
- APHE Nabój Pancerny z zapalnikiem wz.36 [800 m/s, 0,74 kg, 15 g TNT]: around 55 mm pen at 10 m
- AP Nabój Pancerny wz.36 [785 m/s, 0,735 kg]: around 59 mm pen at 10 m
- HE Nabój Kruszący wz.36 [? m/s, ? kg, 48 g (TNT?)]: around 3 mm pen



tank destroyer, BR 1.0



Crew: 5 (driver, co-driver, gunner, loader, commander)


Weight: 6,8 t
Demark (76 HP at 2600 rpm)
Max speed: 40 km/h


Front/side/back: 12/10/10 mm


Gun in reverse position!
37 mm ÚV vz. 34 cannon (42 ammo, around 4.3 sec reload speed)
- APC průrazný vz. 34 [675 m/s, 0,85 kg, 13 g PETN]: around 55 mm penetration at 10 m
- APCR (vz. 40?) [980 m/s, 0,37 kg]: around 81 mm penetration at 10 m



tank destroyer, BR 1.3



Crew: 2 (driver, gunner/commander)


Weight: 4,8 t
Škoda (60 HP)
Max speed: 41 km/h


Front/side/back: 22/15/10 mm


37 mm Škoda A3J cannon (42 ammo, around 4.3 sec reload speed)
- APC průrazný vz. 34 [675 m/s, 0,85 kg, 13 g PETN]: around 55 mm penetration at 10 m
- APCR (vz. 40?) [980 m/s, 0,37 kg]: around 81 mm penetration at 10 m

7.92mm ZB wz.30J machine gun (1000 ammo)



tank destroyer, BR 1.7



Crew: 2 (driver, gunner/commander)


Weight: 5,8 t
unknown diesel (59 HP at 2700 rpm)
Max speed: 31 km/h


Front/side/back: 30/15/12 mm


47 mm Škoda A9J cannon (42 ammo, around 4.5 sec reload speed)
- APC vz. 36 [690 m/s, 1,65 kg, 15 g Fp.02]: around 73 mm penetration at 10 m
- HE vz. 36 [?(~585) m/s, 1,5 kg, ? g explosives]: around 3-4 mm penetration

7.92mm ZB wz.30J machine gun (1000 ammo)



Panzerjäger 35R
tank destroyer, BR 1.7



It’s a German vehicle above, but Hungary adopted the vehicles with the same German camoulflage.

Crew: 3 (driver, gunner/commander, loader)


Weight: 10,5 t
Renault (80 HP)
Max speed: 19 km/h


Hull (front/side/back): 32/40/40 mm
Turret (front/side/back): 20/10/- mm


47 mm Pak(t) cannon (? ammo, around 3.9 sec reload speed)
- APC Pzgr. 36(t) [775 m/s, 1,65 kg, 15 g Fp.02]: around 87 mm penetration at 10 m
- HE [660 m/s, 1,5 kg, ? g explosives]: around 3-4 mm penetration


Rank II


Toldi Páncélvadász
tank destroyer, BR 2.7



Crew: 4 (driver, gunner, commander, loader)


Weight: 10,5 t
Büssing NAG type L8 V36 Tr (155 HP)
Max speed: 45 km/h


Hull (front/side/back): 20-23-35/13/7 mm
Turret (front/side/back): 5+5/13/- mm


75 mm Pak 40/2 cannon (21 ammo, around 7,6 sec reload speed)
- APCBC 43.M [792 m/s, 6,8 kg; 17 g TNT]: around 151 mm penetration at 10 m
- HEAT 43.M PR [450 m/s; 4,8 kg; 515 g H.5]: around 100 mm penetration
- APCR 40.M [990 m/s; 4,15 kg]: around 182 mm penetration at 10 m
- HE 43.M [550 m/s; 5,74 kg; 686 g TNT]: around 10 mm penetration
8 mm 31.M Solothurn (?(~1000) ammo, 25-round clips)



43.M Zrínyi II
tank destroyer, BR 2.7



Crew: 4 (driver, gunner, commander, loader)


Weight: 21,6 t
Weiss Manfréd V-8 H4 (260 HP)
Max speed: 43 km/h



105 mm 40.M cannon (52 ammo, around 10 sec reload speed)
- HEAT 42.M PR [444 m/s; 17 kg; ? g TNT]: around 95 mm penetration
- HE 38/33.M [471 m/s; 15,04 kg; ? g TNT]: around 22-23 mm penetration
- Smoke 38/33.M [452 m/s; 16,28 kg, 161,5 g TNT]



43.M Zrínyi II (1944)
tank destroyer, BR 3.0



Crew: 4 (driver, gunner, commander, loader)


Weight: 22,6 t
Weiss Manfréd V-8 H4 (260 HP)
Max speed: 40 km/h



Additionally 5 mm perforated skirts on the sides.
Huge amount of add-on armor possible.


105 mm 40.M cannon (52 ammo, around 10 sec reload speed)
- HEAT 42.M PR [444 m/s; 17 kg; ? g TNT]: around 95 mm penetration
- HE 38/33.M [471 m/s; 15,04 kg; ? g TNT]: around 22-23 mm penetration
- Smoke 38/33.M [452 m/s; 16,28 kg, 161,5 g TNT]



tank destroyer, BR 4.0


Same as ingame

SD 40/75N in Czechoslovakian service



Rank III


43-44.M Zrínyi I
tank destroyer, BR 4.0



Crew: 4 (driver, gunner, commander, loader)


Weight: 22,4 t
Weiss Manfréd V-8 H4 (260 HP)
Max speed: 41 km/h


Hull (front/side/back): 75/25/25 mm
Turret (front/side/back): 75-75+25/25/13 mm


75 mm 43.M cannon (52 ammo, around 7.6 sec reload speed)
- APCBC 43.M [770 m/s, 6,8 kg; 17 g TNT]: around 145 mm penetration at 10 m
- HEAT 43.M PR [445 m/s; 4,8 kg; 515 g H.5]: around 100 mm penetration
- APCR 40.M [970 m/s; 4,15 kg]: around 177 mm penetration at 10 m
- HE 43.M [540 m/s; 5,74 kg; 686 g TNT]: around 10 mm penetration


tank destroyer, BR 4.3


Same as Jagdpanzer 38(t) Hetzer ingame, maybe roof MG removed to be more specific.


ShPTK vz.43N
tank destroyer, BR 5.3


Same as Nashorn ingame




Rank IV


tank destroyer, BR 5.3


Same as ingame


tank destroyer, BR 5.3


Same as ingame


tank destroyer, BR 5.7


Same as ISU-122S ingame


tank destroyer, BR 6.3



Similar to the SU-100 ingame (license produced, but with minor modifications)

Late type commander’s hatch, storage box on the right side (+4-5 mm armor?), no antenna next to the cupola and others.





Rank V


2S3 “Akatsiya”
tank destroyer, BR 7.0



Possible addition as there is no place in the USSR tech tree for it and it was used by Slovakia and Hungary, too.


Crew: 4 (driver, gunner, commander, loader)


Weight: 28 t
V-59 (520 HP at 2000 rpm)
Max speed: 63 km/h


Hull (front/side/back): 30/15/15 mm
Turret (front/side/back): 30/15/15 mm


152,4 mm D-22 gun-howitzer (46 ammo, around 25 sec reload speed)
Same ammo with the Object 268, but with 650 (HE, 49 mm pen, APHEBC, around 185 mm pen at 10 m) and 670 (HEAT, 250 mm pen) m/s velocity
7.62 mm PKT machine gun (1500 ammo)


ShKH vz. 77 "Dana"
tank destroyer, BR 7.0



Another possible self-propelled artillery addition


Crew: 5 (driver, gunner, commander, 2 x loader)


Weight: 29,25 t
Tatra T2-930-34 (340-345 HP)
Max speed: 80 km/h


Hull (front/side/back): 30/15/15 mm
Turret (front/side/back): 30/15/15 mm


152,4 mm L/37 gun-howitzer (60 ammo, around 25 sec reload speed)
- HE 152-EOF (49 mm pen, 693 m/s, OF-540 ingame)
- HEAT 152-EPrSv (250 mm pen, ~710 m/s, BP-540 ingame)
12,7 mm DShKM machine gun (2000 ammo)


ShKH M2000 "Zuzana"
tank destroyer, BR 7.3



This one is possible, too.

Modified version of the “Dana”


155 mm L/45 gun-howitzer (40 ammo, around 10 sec reload speed)
Ammo unknown for me (NATO standard), if we look at the Type 75 (Japan) in game, probably same ones.

Limited traverse (+- 60°)

Weight reduced to 28,45 t

Crew reduced to 4 due autoloader (driver, gunner, commander, loader?)

2S1M "Goździk"
tank destroyer, BR 7.7



That’s a little bit more than possible addition
Polish modified version of 2S1 Gvozdika
Improved swimming capability (can swim with full ammo load), two waterjet added (speed on water increased to 6-8 km/h)


Crew: 4 (driver, gunner, commander, loader)


Weight: 16 t
YaMZ-238N (300 HP)
Max speed: 60 km/h


Hull (front/side/back): 20/?/? mm
Turret (front/side/back): 20/?/? mm


122 mm gun-howitzer (40 ammo, around 12 sec reload speed)
- HE OF-462 [690 m/s, 21,76 kg, 3,675 kg TNT]: around 37 mm penetration
- HE 3OF56 [690 m/s, 21,76 kg, 4,05 kg A-IX-2]: around 51 mm penetration
- HEAT BK-6M [740 m/s, 17,47 kg, 1,6 kg A-IX-1]: around 460-580 mm penetration
- HEAT ? [740 m/s, 21,58 kg, ? kg explosives]: around 460 mm penetration
- Smoke D-462 [690 m/s, 22,3 kg]


Rank VI


AHS Krab
tank destroyer, BR 8.0



Another possible addition


Crew: 5 (driver, gunner, commander, 2 x loader)


Weight: 48 t
MTU MT 881 Ka-500 (1000 HP)
Max speed: 67 km/h


Armor: ? 25-50? mm


155 mm L/52 gun-howitzer (40 ammo, around 10 sec reload speed)
Maybe more modern ammo than Zuzana and Type 75 SPH. (40,3-43,55 kg, up to 10 kg TNT and 61-62 mm pen ingame)
12,7 mm WKM-B (? ammo)



SPAA line


Rank I


Opel Blitz AA
SPAA, BR 1.0



Visegrád Group lacks a low BR SPAA, this is an experimental design

On the bottom picture the vehicle can be seen.

Experimental 8 mm Gebauer (39.M wing MG) AA-mount on an Opel Blitz 3,6 36S
Limited traverse (~180° to the right)


Crew: 3-4 (driver, gunner, loader/commander or a commander next to the driver)


2 x 8 mm 39.M Gebauer wing machine gun (500 round belts – how many? –, 2038 rpm)
8x56 mmR cartridges with around 13 g weight and 730 m/s muzzle velocity: around 15 mm penetration at 10 m


Weight: 3 t
Engine: Opel (68 HP at 3000 rpm)
Max speed: 85 km/h


Rank II


Škoda HIM-6
tank destroyer/SPAA, BR 2.7



Better known as Škoda PÚV-6


Crew: 6 (driver, machine gunner, gunner, commander, 2 x loader)


Weight: 4,5 t
55 HP at 2700 rpm
Max speed: 41 km/h


Hull armor (front/side/back): 5,5/5,5 or 4/5,5 or 4 mm
Turret armor (front/side/back): 5,5/5,5 or 4/- mm


40 mm Škoda Z1 cannon (60 ammo, around 3 sec reload speed)
- HE "A.Z.Gr" (in a German data table) [950 m/s, 0,95 kg, ?(~65 g?) explosives]: around 3 mm penetration
- HE "Z.Z.Gr" (in a German data table) [945 m/s, 1 kg, ?(~70 g?) explosives]: around 3 mm penetration and time-fused
- AP [?(930?) m/s, ?(1,05?) kg]: around 89 mm penetration at 10 m
(2 x?) 7.92 mm vz. 26 machine gun (? ammo)



Rank III


40.M Nimród
SPAA, BR 4.7



Crew: 6 (driver, 2 x gunner – one will be loader ingame –, commander, 2 x loader)


Weight: 11 t
55 HP at 2700 rpm
Max speed: 41 km/h





40 mm 36.M Bofors cannon (160 ammo, 4 round clips, 120 rpm)
- APHEBC 36.M [850 m/s, 0,965 kg, ~15 g TNT]: around 67 mm penetration at 10 m
- APBC 43.M [850 m/s, 1,05 kg]: around 78 mm penetration at 10 m
- HE 39.M modified for AA defence (tracer added, but less explosives?) [850 m/s, ?(~0,86-1) kg; ?(~60) g TNT]: around 3 mm penetration
- possible HEAT 42/a.M PR [110 m/s; 10,5 kg; ? g TNT]: around 180 mm penetration and lengthened, ~20 sec reload speed

With the earlier 42.M PR – not the 42/a.M PR –, muzzle had to be removed for this type



Rank IV


Star 266 Hibneryt
SPAA, BR 6.0



ZU-23-2 on Star 266 truck.
Only added to have a cold war SPAA in the 5.3-6.0 BR range and give the possibility to not use a WW2 (axis) anti-air in the cold war era.


Weight: around 8 t
Engine: STAR 359/359M (150 HP)
Max speed: 90 km/h


23 mm ZU-23-2 (? ammo)
Same ammo and penetration datas as the Shilka.


PLDvK vz. 53/59
SPAA, BR 6.7



Crew: 6 (driver, machine gunner, gunner, commander, 2 x loader)


Weight: 10,3 t
Engine: Tatra T 912 (
96 HP) or Tatra T 912-2 (110 HP)
Max speed: 60 km/h


Hull armor (front/side/back): 10/6/6 mm
Turret armor (front/side/back): 6?/6?/6? mm


2 x 30 mm OBR. ZK 453 1953 cannon (800 ammo)
- API [1000 m/s, 0,54 kg]: around 84 mm penetration at 10 m
- HE [1000 m/s, 0,45 kg, ? g explosives]: around 3 mm penetration



Rank V


SPAA, BR 8.0



Optical guidance up to 10-12 km in clear weather (no radar).
Around 3 km range for the ammo in game.


Crew: 3 (driver, commander, gunner)

Weight: 15,17 t
Engine: (300 HP at 2880 rpm)
Max speed: 60-65 km/h


Hull armor (front/side/back): 19/18/16 mm


2 x 30 mm OBR. ZK 453 1953 cannon (? ammo)
- API [1000 m/s, 0,54 kg]: around 84 mm penetration at 10 m
- HE [1000 m/s, 0,45 kg, ? g explosives]: around 3 mm penetration

Very fast turret traverse and gun elevation (100 and 60 °/sec), faster than Sidam or Wirbelwind.




Rank VI


SPAA, BR 9.7



No guidance system for the guns!! (No radar. Only useable weapons against aircrafts are the missiles ingame, and these arent the best missiles, that’s why it is in this low BR)


Crew: 3 (driver, commander, gunner)


Weight: around 15-16 t
Engine: JaMZ-238WN (240 HP at 2100 rpm)
Max speed: around 55-60 km/h


Hull armor (front/side/back): 10-14?/9?/9? mm
Turret armor (front/side/back):7?/7?/7? mm


23 mm ZU-23-2 cannon (?(1200?) ammo)
- Same ammo characteristics as Shilka
2 x Strela-2(M) launcher (?(10?) ammo)
- Strela-2: 430 m/s, 3700 m range, 370 g TNT, ?(around 10-12) G force
- Strela-2M: 500 m/s, 4200 m range, 370 g TNT, ?(around 10-12) G force



Rank VII


LSPZRA Stalagmit
SPAA, BR 10.3



Optical guidance for the guns (still no radar!)


Crew: 3 (driver, commander, gunner)


Weight: 16,5 t
Engine: SWT 11/307/2 (320 HP at 2100 rpm)
Max speed: around 60 km/h


Hull armor (front/side/back): 10-14/9?/9? mm
Turret armor (front/side/back):7/7/7 mm


23 mm ZU-23-2 cannon (1200 ammo)
- Same ammo characteristics as Shilka
4 x PZR Grom launcher (12 ammo)
- 650 m/s, 5200-5600 m range, ? g explosives (1,27 kg warhead), around 15-18 G force




Armored car line


Rank I


39.M Csaba
light tank, BR 1.0



Crew: 3 (driver, gunner, commander, radio operator/reverse driver)


Weight: 8,4 t
Engine: Ford V8-91A (90 HP)
Max speed: 65 km/h



20 mm 36.M Solothurn S-18/100 heavy AT rilfe (200 ammo, 5 round clips (not 4 like in the Toldi), around 50-55 rpm and 5 sec clip reload)
- APHE 36.M [762 m/s, 0,148 kg; 1,4 g TNT]: around 34 mm penetration at 10 m
- HE 36.M [762 m/s, 0,134 kg; 6 g TNT]: around 2 mm penetration

34/37.AM Gebauer MG coaxially (3000 ammo, 25 round clips)



Rank II


Rank III


Rank IV


tank destroyer, BR 6.0




Modification: mantlet and side armor can be folded to get more traverse (like VFW), you can see it on the second picture


Crew: 4 (driver, gunner, commander, loader)


Weight: 9,25 t
Tatra T-928-3 (120 HP at 2000 rpm)
Max speed: 60 km/h


Hull (front/side/back): 15/12?/12? mm
Turret (front/side/back): 8-15?/8?/8? mm


82 mm M59 recoilless gun (18-22 ammo, around 9-10 sec reload speed)
- HEAT [745 m/s, ? kg, ? explosives]: around 253 mm penetration

12.7 mm ZH 59 ranging gun (150 ammo)

light tank, BR 6.0



Crew: 4 (driver, gunner, commander, radio operator?)


Weight: 6,9 t
Csepel D414.44 (101 HP at 2300 rpm)
Max speed: 87 km/h


Hull (front/side/back): 13/7/7? mm
Turret (front/side/back): 7?/7?/7? mm


82 mm T-21 Tarasnice recoilless gun (8 ammo, around 10 sec reload speed)
- HEAT NB-T21 [267 m/s, 2,13 kg, ? explosives]: around 228 mm penetration

7.62 mm M59T machine gun (? ammo)

OA-82 “Jarmila II”
light tank, BR 6.7



Crew: 4 (driver, gunner, commander, loader)


Weight: 3,1 t
Tatra 603 (93 or 120 HP at 4000 rpm)
Max speed: 80 km/h


Front/side/back: 12/6/6 mm


2 x 82 mm M59 recoilless gun (? ammo, around 10-12 sec reload speed)
- HEAT [745 m/s, ? kg, ? explosives]: around 253 mm penetration


Rank V


light tank, BR 7.0



Crew: 3 (driver, gunner, commander)
Loader(s) can be added to the passenger compartment


Weight: Around 14,5-15 t
Engine: Tatra
T-928-14 (177 HP at 2300 rpm)
Max speed: 94 km/h


Hull (front/side/back): 13/7?/7? mm
Turret (front/side/back): 10/7+7?/7 mm


14,5 mm KPVT machine gun (500 ammo)
- same characteristics as ingame: around 45 mm penetration at 10 m

7.62 mm PKT machine gun (4000 ammo)
2 x 9K11M Malyutka-M launchers on the turret sides (4 ammo): around 400 mm penetration, MCLOS (hand aiming)

anti-tank missile carrier, BR 7.7



Crew: 2 (driver, gunner/commander)


Weight: 7,2 t
GAZ-41 (140 HP)
Max speed: 100 km/h


Hull (front/side/back): 7-14/7/7 mm


6 x 9M14P Malyutka-P missile launchers (18 ammo): around 460 mm penetration, SACLOS (semi-automatic)
Possible 9M14P1 upgrade (around 520 mm penetration)




Rank VI


anti-tank missile carrier, BR 8.3



Crew: 2 (driver, gunner/commander)


Weight: around 8 t
GAZ-41 (140 HP)
Max speed: 90 km/h


Hull (front/side/back): 7-14/7/7 mm


5 x 9M111-2 Fagot missile launchers (10 ammo): around 460 mm penetration, SACLOS (semi-automatic)

5 x 9M113 Konkurs missile launchers (15 ammo): around 600 mm penetration, SACLOS (semi-automatic)
Possible 9M113M upgrade (around 750-800 mm - tandem HEAT - penetration), but there is a chance it wasnt used by Visegrád Group members


Pandur II 8x8 CZ KBVP
light tank, BR 8.3



Possible addition (the vehicle has only 2 ATGMs, but a viable autocannon)


Crew: 3 (driver, gunner, commander)
A loader can be added to the passenger compartment


Weight: 20,6-22 t
Cummins ISLe T450 HPCR (455 HP at 2000 rpm)
Max speed: 95-105 km/h


Hull (front/side/back): ?*/14-20?/14-20? mm
*lower plate probably against 14,5 mm caliber (~20 mm thickness), upper plate probably against 25 or 30 mm (~14-20+~20-30 mm thickness)


30 mm Mk44 Bushmaster II (120 HE + 60 AP(/APDS) ready + 350 rounds (? type) in the hull): around 140-145 mm pen with APDS
7,62 mm M240 machine gun (1750 ammo)
2 x Spike-LR missile launcher (2 ammo): around 700 mm penetration, SACLOS (semi-automatic)
(Spike is fire-and-forget and top-attack!)

Rosomak Scipio
light tank, BR 8.7



Rosomak Scipio | Łukasz Pacholski | Flickr


Rosomak (Patria AMV) with Turra 30 turret


Crew: 3 (driver, gunner, commander)


Weight: 28 t
DI 12 Scania (543 HP)
Max speed: 100 km/h


STANAG 4569 Annex A Level 3 (optionally up to 5) – around 15-20 mm on the sides and rear, around the same for front but with good angles, optionally against 25 mm APDS from the front


30 mm 2A42 autocannon (330 ammo – 175 HE + 155 AP)
- same characteristics as ingame
2 x 9M113 Konkurs missile launchers (4 ammo): around 600 mm penetration, SACLOS


Modification: BOV 8x8 Vydra
Slovakian service with Spike LR launchers (700 mm pen, fire and forget, top attack)


Rank VII


Rosomak Wilk CT-CV 105HP
light tank, BR 9.0



Crew: 3 (driver, gunner, commander)


Weight: around 25-27 t
DI 12 Scania Diesel (480-543 HP)
Max speed: 90-100 km/h


Up to
STANAG 4569 Level 5 (against 25 mm APDS on frontal arc), around 20-25 mm on sides and rear


105 mm Cockerill CV (16 ammo + some in the hull?)
- NATO rounds, 550-600 mm tandem HEAT-FS penetration or around 350+ mm with APFSDS
7,62 mm machine gun (? type, ? ammo)




Premium line


Rank I


light tank, BR 1.0, possible gift tank



Crew: 3 (driver, gunner/commander, radio operator)


Weight: 8.5 t
Praga SV (93 HP)
Max speed: 36 km/h


Hull armor (front/side/back): 16/16-12/?(10-12?) mm
Turret armor (front/side/back): 16/16/?(10-12?) mm


37 mm ÚV vz. 34 (Škoda A3) cannon (? ammo, around 4.3 sec reload speed)
- APC průrazný vz. 34 [675 m/s, 0,85 kg, 13 g PETN]: around 55 mm penetration at 10 m
- APCR (vz. 40?) [980 m/s, 0,37 kg]: around 81 mm penetration at 10 m

2 x 7.92mm ZB wz.35 machine gun (? ammo)


Škoda Š.U.
light/medium tank, BR 1.0



Often called Š-II, too


Crew: 3 (driver, gunner/commander, radio operator/machine gunner)


Weight: 7,57 t
Škoda (109 HP at 1800 rpm)
Max speed: 30,8 km/h


Hull armor (front/side/back): 15/12/10 mm
Turret armor (front/side/back): 15/12/10 mm


47 mm Škoda A2 cannon (60 ammo, around 4.5 sec reload speed)
- APC vz. 36 [560 m/s, 1,65 kg, 15 g Fp.02]: around 54 mm penetration at 10 m
- HE vz. 36 [~470 m/s, 1,5 kg, ? g explosives]: around 3-4 mm penetration

2 x 7.92mm vz.07/24 Schwarzlose machine gun (2500 or 3000 ammo)


Škoda Š-III
heavy tank, BR 1.7



Š-III-8 prototype


Crew: 4 (driver, gunner/commander, loader, radio operator/machine gunner)


Weight: 19,5 t
Škoda (222 HP at 1800 rpm)
Max speed: 25 km/h


Hull armor (front/side/back): 32/30/24 mm
Turret armor (front/side/back): 32/30/24 mm


47 mm Škoda A9a cannon (80 ammo, around 4.5 sec reload speed)
- APC vz. 36 [690 m/s, 1,65 kg, 15 g Fp.02]: around 73 mm penetration at 10 m
- HE vz. 36 [~585 m/s, 1,5 kg, ? g explosives]: around 3-4 mm penetration

2 x 7.92mm ZB vz. 35 machine gun (4000 ammo)


Toldi Buzogányvető
tank destroyer, BR 1.0



Probably a battlefield conversion of a Toldi II B.20
Turret in fixed position 7° left
Elevated engine cover, 215 mm 44.M Buzogányvető AT rocket launcher on it with elevation between +5 and +25°.

Rocket specifications:
HEAT 44.M Buzogány: (200 m/s*, 27 kg, 1,75 kg TNT+2,32 kg pentolite 50/50+0,142 kg PETN): around 280 mm penetration
HE 44.M Zápor (200 m/s*, 27 kg, same filler as HEAT or 4,2 kg TNT/PETN?): around 43-38 mm penetration
*A lot of sources says 200 km/h(56 m/s), but it’s too slow for its range (up to 2000 m), so it is probably a fault and its in fact 200 m/s (not km/h)

Main gun (20 mm) removed, machine gun left in place (10-10° traverse – 17-3° as the turret was rotated left –, -10° depression, +10° elevation possible with opening the cover plate), machine gun has around 15 mm penetration (8 mm, 13 g, 730 m/s)
Probably there weren’t reloadable rockets in the hull


light tank, BR 1.0



Crew: 2 (driver, gunner/commander)


Weight: 4,33 t
PZInz 425 (95 HP)
Max speed: 55 km/h


Hull(front/side/back): 8-17/13/10-13 mm
Turret(front/side/back): 13/13/10-13? mm


20 mm Nkm wz.38 FK-A (200 ammo, 5 round clips)
- Practice(AP) PC [856 m/s, 0,134 kg]: around 38 mm penetration at 10 m
- APHE PWS [856 m/s, 0,148 kg, 1 g PETN]: around 41 mm penetration at 10 m
- HE LW [856 m/s, 0,134 kg, 8-10 g explosives]: around 2 mm penetration (For AA desense, tracerless)
- HE-T LWS [856 m/s, 0,134 kg, 6 g explosives]: around 2 mm penetration
7.92 mm CKM wz.30 (2500 ammo)


M3A1 Stuart
light tank, BR 1.3


Captured and used by Hungary
Same as ingame, but machine guns removed



light tank, BR 1.3



Crew: 4 (driver, gunner/commander, loader, machine gunner)


Weight: 9.4 t
Praga TN 100 (100 HP)
Max speed: 32 km/h


Hull armor (front/side/back): 30?/15?/15? mm
Turret armor (front/side/back): 30?/15?/15? mm


37 mm Škoda A4ß cannon (60? ammo, around 4.3 sec reload speed)
- APC (průrazný vz. 34 in czech service) [? m/s, 0,85 kg, 13 g PETN]: around 55-62 mm penetration at 10 m (higher velocity than A3 cannon, but not known, probably somewhere between A3 and A7)

2 x 7.92mm ZB wz. 35 machine gun (1600? ammo)


light tank, BR 1.0



Crew: 4 (driver, gunner/commander, loader, machine gunner)


Weight: 7,3 t
Scania-Vabis 1664 (125 HP)
Max speed: 40 km/h


Hull armor (front/side/back): 25/15?/15? mm

Turret armor (front/side/back): 25/15?/15? mm


37 mm Škoda A3 cannon (? ammo, around 4.3 sec reload speed)
- APC průrazný vz. 34 [675 m/s, 0,85 kg, 13 g PETN]: around 55 mm penetration at 10 m

2 x 7.92mm ZB wz.35 machine gun (? ammo)


light tank, BR 1.0



Crew: 4 (driver, gunner/commander, loader, machine gunner)


Weight: 7,2 t
Praga F4 (120-125 HP)
Max speed: 54-55 km/h


Hull armor (front/side/back): 25/15/15 mm
Turret armor (front/side/back): 25/15/15 mm


20 mm Oerlikon autocannon (? ammo)
Needs more research what this gun is, probably Oerlikon 1S and it has similar characteristics as early (L/70) Oerlikons ingame: around 42 mm penetration at 10 mw

2 x 7.85 mm Maxim M08 machine gun (? ammo)

light tank, BR 1.7



Crew: 4 (driver, gunner/commander, loader, machine gunner)


Weight: 16,6 t
Praga NR V8 (200 HP)
Max speed: 45,8 km/h


Hull armor (front/side/back): 30/20/20 mm
Turret armor (front/side/back): 30/20/20 mm


47 mm Škoda A9 cannon (80 ammo, around 4.5 sec reload speed)
- APC vz. 36 [690 m/s, 1,65 kg, 15 g Fp.02]: around 73 mm penetration at 10 m
- HE vz. 36 [?(~585) m/s, 1,5 kg, ? g explosives]: around 3-4 mm penetration

2 x 7.92mm ZB wz.30J machine gun (1000 ammo)


Rank II


Marder II
tank destroyer, BR 2.7



Second version with 5 roadwheels.
No place in the German tech tree, as Hungary operated it, it became possible to add this to this tree.


Crew: 4 (driver, gunner/commander, loader, machine gunner)


Weight: 10,8 t
Maybach HL 62 TRM (138 HP)
Max speed: 40 km/h


Hull armor (front/side/back): 35/15-20?/15 mm
Turret armor (front/side/back): 14?/14?/- mm


75 mm Pak 40 cannon (37 ammo, around 7,6 sec reload speed)
- APCBC 43.M [792 m/s, 6,8 kg; 17 g TNT]: around 151 mm penetration at 10 m
- HEAT 43.M PR [450 m/s; 4,8 kg; 515 g H.5]: around 100 mm penetration
- APCR 40.M [990 m/s; 4,15 kg]: around 182 mm penetration at 10 m
- HE 43.M [550 m/s; 5,74 kg; 686 g TNT]: around 10 mm penetration


42.M Toldi IIAK B.40
light tank, BR 2.0



Crew: 3 (driver, gunner, commander)


Weight: 9,85 t
Engine: Büssing NAG type L8 V36 Tr (155 HP)
Max speed: 43 km/h
Turning radius: 4,5 m (inside)


Same as 42.M Toldi II B.40
Plus 5 mm thick side skirts (both turret and hull, look at the top picture)


40 mm 37/42.M cannon (55 ammo, around 3,8-4 sec reload)
- APHEBC 36.M [800 m/s, 0,965 kg, ~15 g TNT]: around 62 mm penetration at 10 m
- HE 39.M [800 m/s; ?(~0,86-1) kg; ?(~100) g TNT]: around 3 mm penetration
- APBC 43.M [800 m/s, 1,05 kg, incendiary]: around 72 mm penetration at 10 m

34/40.M Gebauer MG coaxially (3200 ammo, 100-round belts)

Škoda T-22
medium tank, BR 2.3



Improved variant of the Š-IIc (Škoda T-21) with more engine power (260 HP), weight of 17,5 t, 48 km/h top speed, and with a new hull.


ST vz. 39
medium tank, BR 2.7



Crew: 4 (driver, gunner, commander, machine gunner)

Weight: 16,2 t
Praga NR (241 HP at 2200 rpm)
Max speed: 43,5 km/h

Hull armor (front/side/back): 32/25/20 mm
Turret armor (front/side/back): 32/25/20 mm

47 mm Škoda A11 cannon (80 ammo, around 4.5 sec reload speed)
- APC vz. 36 [775 m/s, 1,65 kg, 15 g Fp.02]: around 87 mm penetration at 10 m
- APCR (vz. 40?) [1080 m/s, 0,83 kg]: around 119 mm penetration at 10 m
- HE vz. 36 [660 m/s, 1,5 kg, ? g explosives]: around 3-4 mm penetration

2 x 7.92mm ZB-53 machine gun (3000 ammo)


Nimród Prototype
SPAA, BR 4.3



With Landsverk L-62 type turret (5 crew) and without some armor parts.


medium tank, BR 3.0


Same as ingame, but without side skirts




Rank III


Zrínyi Sorozatvető
tank destroyer, BR 4.0



6 x 150 mm Nebelwerfer rockets on a Zrínyi (not sure, which type, probably the one which were converted to Zrínyi I, but it is not known before or after that conversion)
If on Zrínyi I, BR 4.0
If on Zrínyi II, BR 3.0

Rocket characteristics ingame (Panzerwerfer)


44.M Tas Prototype
heavy tank, BR 5.3



The prototype was under construction (hull ready, turret under raw construction, waiting for the gun), but was destroyed in allied bombings. On the picture there is the original mockup. The prototype and the production variant only differed in term of the cannon, the prototype was made for a 75 mm 43.M L/46 cannon, the production was planned with 80 mm Bofors cannon, first with L/48 caliber length but later during the tank development a longer L/58 came into existence. Then probably the longer barreled variant became the standard for the Tas.


Crew: 5 (driver, loader, gunner, commander, radio operator/machine gunner)


Weight: 36,6 t
Weiss Manfréd W-16 (520 HP at 2200 rpm)
Max speed: 45-47 km/h





75 mm 43.M L/46 cannon (50-80 ammo, around 7.6 sec reload speed)
- APCBC 43.M [792 m/s, 6,8 kg; 17 g TNT]: around 151 mm penetration at 10 m
- HEAT 43.M PR [450 m/s; 4,8 kg; 515 g H.5]: around 100 mm penetration
- APCR 40.M [990 m/s; 4,15 kg]: around 182 mm penetration at 10 m
- HE 43.M [550 m/s; 5,74 kg; 686 g TNT]: around 10 mm penetration

2 x 34/40.AM Gebauer machine gun (3000 ammo)



medium tank, BR 4.0


Same as ingame



medium tank, BR 4.0


Same as ingame



Pz V A "Párduc"
medium tank, BR 5.7



Same as ingame (Panther A), both Hungary and Czechoslovakia used



Pz VI E "Tigris"
heavy tank, BR 5.7


Same as ingame (Tiger E), Hungary officially operated 13 of them.




Rank IV


OA Š971 "Jarmila"
tank destroyer, BR 6.3



Crew: 3(?) (driver, gunner/commander, radio operator)


Weight: 4,1 t
Tatra T-603 (75 HP at 4200 rpm)
Max speed: 78 km/h


Front/side/back: 6/6/6 mm


2 x 82 mm M59 recoilless gun (? ammo, around 10-12 sec reload speed)
- HEAT [745 m/s, ? kg, ? explosives]: around 253 mm penetration


T-34-85 "Rudy"
medium tank, BR 5.7


A simple (Russian) T-34-85 from the series Four Tank-Man and a Dog (Czterej pancerni i pies). 5-crewed with only 4 crew.



Panther G "Pudel"
medium tank, BR 5.7


The vehicle is same as ingame, but with 6 crew (two commanders!)




Rank V


ShKH A40 "Himalaya"
tank destroyer, BR 7.3



Zuzana turret on T-72M1 chassis (+-60° limited traverse)
155 mm L/45 howitzer (40 ammo, around 10 sec reload speed)
Ammo unknown for me (NATO standard), if we look at the Type 75 (Japan) in game, probably same ones.

4 crew

60 km/h


BRDM-2B M-97 "Żbik-B"
light tank, BR 7.0



Modified BRDM-2


Weight: around 7 t
Engine: probably
GAZ-41 (140 HP at 3400 rpm)
Max speed: 100 km/h


Hull armor (front/side/back): 5-14/7/7 mm
Turret armor (front/side/back): 7-10?/7-10?/7-10? mm


12,7 mm NSVK (460 round): around 29 mm penetration at 10 m
4 x 9M111 Fagot or 9M113 Konkurs: around 400 and 600 mm penetration


heavy tank, BR 7.3


Same as ingame



ShKH Ondava
tank destroyer, BR 7.0



Possible addition, ShKH vz. 77 "Dana" with L/47 caliber length barrel (increased muzzle velocity, too)



Rank VI


BWP-2000/I T-60/70A
light tank, BR 9.0



BWP-2000 with the Italian T-60/70 turret (first prototype)


Crew: 3 (driver, gunner, commander)


Weight: around 30 t
V-46-6 (780 HP)
Max speed: 70 km/h


Hull armor (front/side/back): ?(~50-70*)/ ?(~25*)/ ?(~25*) mm
Turret armor: Needs to be dig up in some Italian sources
*against 35 mm APFSDS from the front and against 12,7 mm from 100 m from the side


60 mm Oto Melara autocannon (? ammo – at least 32 in the autoloader, probably more –, 30 rpm)
- we know the characteristics from AUBL/74 HVG: 249 mm penetration with APFSDS

7,62 mm machine gun (700?* ammo)
*In the turret


medium tank, BR 9.0



Similar to the T-55AM-1 in the USSR tech tree.

It can shoot ATGMs (9M116-1 Bastion, 550 mm pen, max 5) and can get APFSDS (? type) rounds too.


Crew: 4 (driver, gunner, loader, commander)


Weight: 41,5 t
V-55U (620 HP at 2000 rpm)
Max speed: 50 km/h


Around the same as T-55AM-1


Possible modification/preoder bonus/for Xbox/separated vehicle/else: T-55AM-2 with DYNA ERA


- 70-150 mm vs KE (
~80-100 turret front block, ~40 turret top and hull front)
- 450-600 mm vs HEAT (450-500 turret top and hull front, 550-600 turret front)

If separated vehicle, probably without ATGM and roof MG




If you liked it, visit our aviation tech tree, too:




Special thanks for image.png.cfae58ae81d3560ee34d870c6896e6 members and other players, who helped me. You guys were great!





Edited by Miltaccfd
Updating to Raining Fire (not ready yet)
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Personally I'm not for a mixed tree unless there is no way for there to be individual trees, even if it means copy+paste. Trees for countries like Yugoslavia would be another mixed tree though, adding Slovenian armor as just a bonus, for example.


Either way, I'd like to see these vehicles, but not like this. Sorry :(

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I voted yes.


The flag in the OP is the flag of the town called Visegrád, but it's not used by the organization.


I think that this is the flag of the Visegrád Group. It would be better than using the flag of the town of Visegrád.



Edited by Borotovas
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On 24/02/2020 at 11:06, Borotovas said:

The flag in the OP is the flag of the town called Visegrád, but it's not used by the organization.


I think that this is the flag of the Visegrád Group. It would be better than using the flag of the town of Visegrád.

Yes, we are aware. The alliance is named after the town and it has historical significance to the alliance as it is the site of the Congress of Visegrád of 1335 and 1339.

We thought about using the EU Battlegroup Visegrad badge as a Flag, but it (and the Visegrád group flag) isn't very aesthetically pleasing imho.

That's why we went with the town flag.

Thanks for the affirmative vote though.

Edited by QeDpln
forgot a word. added it to correct the syntax.
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21 hours ago, QeDpln said:

Even the widest definition of Balkans doesn't includes any of the Visegrád countries. If you want Balkans, a Yugo tree and a Romania tree is what you are looking for.

Thanks for the vote though.

My bad, I've got confused with Czech flag (with Yugo glag, thanks Hearts of Iron hahaha). Anyway, that's a great way to unite all these vehicles.


Outstanding researches work.

Edited by Sternjager
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A very good idea.
Politically/historically sensible, because these counties fought together most of the times. Even now one of the closest 'relationship' is between these countries.

The tech-tree just matches, the nations just complement each other. There are no gaps, what would inevitably happen with just one nation.
But like these they are just so snug.  

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I would love this see this especially the air force.



Edited by JanCheIIini
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On 06/03/2020 at 12:21, NiszczycielxD said:

This agreement as alliance of 4 nations sounds like the most reasonable way to get some cool vechicles to game. Now Air and we shall be happy all :)

I would look forward to having Polish aircraft, presumably the PZL P.11 in the game. I am someone who's playing War Thunder mainly for the early war birds, and the P.11 is surely missing.

Additionally, the Polish pilots during the invasion of Poland that were flying the PZL Ps were surprisingly quite successful against the German Luftwaffe. Thus, I see no reason why it shouldn't be added.


I have great respect and a lot love towards the Poles.


Love from an Italian-Canadian :salute:

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54 minutes ago, JanCheIIini said:

I would look forward to having Polish aircraft, presumably the PZL P.11 in the game. I am someone who's playing War Thunder mainly for the early war birds, and the P.11 is surely missing.

Additionally, the Polish pilots during the invasion of Poland that were flying the PZL Ps were surprisingly quite successful against the German Luftwaffe. Thus, I see no reason why it shouldn't be added.


I have great respect and a lot love towards the Poles.


Love from an Italian-Canadian :salute:

Have a look at the Google Sheets link, you will find a lot of planes you are looking for :) There are PZL P.11s too ;)

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This looks good, although I do have a few suggestions both for altered placement of vehicles and potential additions not yet included.


First of all, your light tank line has nothing at Rank III, despite having two 5.3 BR vehicles among the four in your Rank IV box. I know the USSR tree has its PT-76B in Rank IV, but the Chinese one at the same BR is Rank III and most 5.3 vehicles are also Rank III, so I don't really see the point of having the V4 PT-76 and OT-64B a rank higher than nearly everything in the game at their BR. A vehicle's Rank, after all, is mainly a way of structuring progression through a tree, not for matchmaking, which is done by BR. Because of how Rank works, players would be unable to research either of these 5.3 vehicles until they had already researched several Rank IIIs, and on top of that their research and SL costs would be higher than the Rank IIIs thanks to being at Rank IV instead. It also delays the research of the 6.0+ vehicles after them -- for example, to research the OT-64D you'd need to have researched at least 5 vehicles already: 3 from Rank III, then both the PT-76B and OT-64B. If the 5.3s were Rank III instead, you'd be able to research the OT-64D after the two 5.3s and just one Rank III, rapidly speeding up access to this vehicle to match most other 6.0 TDs in other trees. Some trees require 5 or 6 Rank IIIs to be researched before the first Rank IV can be researched, which would make things even worse.


Secondly, I'd rather see the Toldi IIAK B.40 in the tree and one of the Straussler V-4s as a Premium, since although both tanks are prototypes, the Toldi was intended for mass production whereas the Straussler was rejected. While I'm sure it would be a popular seller, I think it would be better to have the more heavily armoured Toldi in the tree for everyone to play, rather than having such an iconic tank locked behind a paywall. 


Thirdly, onto the vehicles you seem to be missing. I've noticed that while you've put a lot of copy-paste Soviet and German vehicles in the tree, you've got absolutely none of the British and American tanks operated by the Polish and Czech forces in exile, many of which would be at the very least slightly unique rather than absolute clones of tanks already in the game. Since the majority of Polish armoured forces in particular were fighting alongside the Allies after the German invasion, it seems an odd choice to completely omit every tank they used during that period. Here are some of the more interesting or unique ones I researched for my own attempt at a V4 tree a while back:


A13 Mk.III Covenanter (suggested BR 2.3)


Image result for 1st Polish Armoured Division covenanter tank

Crusader and Covenanter tanks of the Polish 1st A.D. The tank to the left of the one closest to the camera is a Covenanter, with the distinctive radiator raised above the rest of the hull. The Crusader I or II the photo focuses on is also unusual because it lacks the hull MG turret.


The predecessor to the Crusader tanks, it's pretty similar in overall armour and armament to the Mk.II, though there are some noticeable differences. The Crusader II has a machine gun turret on the front left side of its hull, whereas the Covenanter has a large radiator; this is a disadvantage in that the Cov has one less crewman (4 vs 5) and its radiator can be hit by incoming fire. The radiator would provide some extra sloped armour for the front, since it is in an armoured shell, but if it was broken the tank should be affected like medium (orange) engine damage would. Basically, it's a little bit tougher there than the Crusader is, but if it gets pierced rather than bouncing a round, it will suffer more than the Crusader would if it were shot in the same place. Because it's based on the A13 hull, it's slightly narrower than the Crusader is and has an earlier steering system, which is harder to control but can provide sharper turns if you know how to use it well. The other major difference is that it has a top speed of 30 mph, whereas the Crusader II can only reach 26.5 mph. The reason the Polish had so many of these is that they were used as training tanks (the early Covenanters overheated a lot, so couldn't go to Africa, while the later ones were obsolete) and so lots of the Polish tankers trained on these and regular Crusaders before moving on to the Cromwells and Shermans they'd use in the field. This could fit in the Light Tank line after the TNH n.A., which is faster but has a worse gun (the 2-Pdr pens a little more than the TNH's APCR with normal AP shells)


Valentine Mk.III (suggested BR 2.3-2.7)


Image result for 1st Polish Armoured Division valentine iii tank

Valentine Mk.IIIs of the 1st Polish A.D.


A Valentine model produced between the Mk.I and Mk.IX currently in the British tree, it kept the same 40mm 2-Pdr gun of the Mk.I but placed it into a larger 3-man turret that was later reused for the later 57mm and 75mm-armed variants, though the bigger guns on those models meant it went back to two. Though its armour, mobility and armament is basically the same as the British one, it has an extra crewman, increasing survivability, and because of the 3-man turret its rate of fire will be faster than the already-good reload on the Mk.I. This could fit in the Medium / Heavy line after most of the 2.3s, since you've got a big gap between the 2.3s and the next tank, the BR 3.3 Pz.IV F2. 


Crusader AA Mk.III (suggested BR 3.7)


Image result for 1st Polish Armoured Division churchill tank

A Polish Crusader AA Mk.III somewhere in Europe.


Mostly the same as the Mk.II in the British tree, it moved the radio to the hull, giving slightly more room for ammo in the turret. Naturally, this would go in the AA line, and as it happens the nearly-identical Mk.II's BR of 3.7 would perfectly place this AA between the HIM-6 at 2.7 and the Nimrod at 4.7, also providing fast-firing AA for the lower ranks.


Churchill Mk.II (suggested BR 2.7-3.0)


Image result for 1st Polish Armoured Division Sherman V

These Churchill IIs are of the Polish 1st A.D. and feature the distinctive track guards and hull MG of this model.


Very similar to the Churchill Mk.I in the British tree, it has a machine gun in the hull instead of the 3-Inch howitzer of the Mk.I, removing the ability to fire HE and smoke shells but not really affecting its killing power that much. A lot of these had track skirts, slightly improving its side armour, and could also fit an AA machine gun above the loader's hatch, though they have a slight weak spot in the hull MG port where the Mk.I's howitzer would previously have blocked shots. Many of the Mk.IIs went to the Polish 1st Armoured Division, making them probably the single largest operator of the type, so as far as British tanks go this is one of the more notable ones. Like the Valentine, this could fit in the M/H line between the 2.3s and the Pz.IV F2, and would work well boxed in with the Valentine.


Sherman IB (suggested BR 2.7-3.0)


Image result for 1st Polish Armoured Division Sherman IB

A model of one of the Polish M4(105)s (aka Sherman IB), "Zadzior".


What the Americans called the M4(105), it's essentially the same as the M4A3(105) HVSS in the US tree but based on the slower and weaker M4 chassis and lacking the HVSS suspension upgrade. The big sloped plate on the front of the M4 is 51mm, whereas the M4A3's is 63.5mm thick, which lets more guns penetrate it at close range, while the weaker engine and suspension will also give it worse mobility, especially offroad. That said, the Shermans are still pretty tough overall in downtiers, especially the 105, and the angle of the front will still stop most things so it probably won't be too much worse than the M4A3 version. This could work in the M/H line, but it might be one tank too many in that BR range, so it could also go in the TD line as a turreted SPH, or even as a Premium. 


Centaur Mk.III (suggested BR 3.0)


maczek cromwell and fmn sign 1 pl armd div.jpg

This is what a Polish Centaur III would have looked like.


The Centaurs were mainly the training version of the Cromwell, using a worse engine that gave them a lower top speed of 25 mph instead of the 33 mph of the Cromwells. The Mk.III, which was later re-engined to become the Cromwell III, is essentially a Cromwell I (the one with the 57mm 6-Pdr Mk.III) with a significantly lower top speed. Though the armour is still pretty strong, the Cromwells rely quite a lot on bouncing shots by moving quickly, whereas this tank is as slow as the later Panzer IVs and would, like the Panzers, have to rely on angling to take hits instead. The Cromwell I is 3.7, so I could see this being at a BR around 3.0, where it would have a good gun and armour but still be slower than most other tanks besides Britain's even slower infantry tanks like the Churchills. Although this is British and the Pz.IV F2 is German in origin, their playstyles wouldn't be too much different because of their similar speeds (25 mph vs 26.5 mph), decently thick but mostly flat armour, and high-penetration guns, so the Centaur would fit well before it in the Medium/Heavy line. 


Churchill Mk.IV (suggested BR 3.3-4.0 depending on the gun)


Image result for 1st Polish Armoured Division churchill tank

Polish Churchills in training. The one closest to the camera is probably a Mk.II, but many of the others are Mk.IVs.


There are two versions of this tank, which is essentially a Churchill Mk.III with a cast turret. The turret is slightly worse, because cast armour is weaker than the RHA used in welded plates, and one side is thinner than the Mk.III because it lacks an applique plate: the difference isn't much, maybe a few mm overall, but it's enough to make it vulnerable at close range to tanks that can't pierce the Mk.III. They were originally built with the 57mm 6-Pdr Mk.III, then received the slightly longer (+~10mm AP) Mk.V, and ended production with the QF 75mm also used on the Churchill Mk.VII and Cromwell V. Most Mk.IVs were rearmed with the 75mm in the field because despite being a bit worse than the Mk.III 6-Pdr for penetration, it was better for infantry support and the Churchill was, after all, an infantry tank. There's not too much difference between the individual guns (QF 75mm pens 90-103mm; 6-Pdr Mk.III pens 101-122mm; 6-Pdr Mk.V pens 115-131mm) so which guns the V4 one(s) would get is up for discussion, but even a Mk.IV with the same 6-Pdr Mk.V of the British and German Churchills would still have the difference of the weaker armour and might be worth be putting slightly lower at a BR of 3.7 instead of 4.0. Strictly speaking, the most common version of the Mk.IV was the 75mm version, so this would be both the most unique and most likely Polish variant, but any of them are a possibility. Obviously this would go in the Medium / Heavy line, but whether it would be best bracketed with the Centaur in Rank II or before the Pz.IV H in Rank III is up to you. One of the variants could also make a decent premium, since the range of guns leaves a lot of options.


Sherman V (BR 3.7)


Image result for 1st Polish Armoured Division Sherman V


An M4A4, the same as the one in the Chinese tree. Though not as unique as the tanks above, it's the Sherman most used by the British and as a result also the Sherman most used by the Polish 1st A.D. Like most British Shermans, the 1st A.D.'s Sherman Vs almost always lacked the AA machine gun, unlike the M4A4 in the Chinese tree; on the other hand, the Polish tankers often put a lot of track armour on their M4A4s, particularly on the weak hull and turret sides, making them tougher than the Chinese version. This could fit somewhere in the Medium / Heavy tank line, probably after the Pz.IV F2 as the last tank in Rank II. It's worth having in the tree in one form or another, since at the start of the European liberation in 1944 it formed the vast majority of their tank forces (139/164 tanks were 75mm M4A4s), but it is more of a copy-paste than some other options so I know it's not the most exciting vehicle in this list.


Sherman IC Firefly (BR 4.7)


Image result for 1st Polish Armoured Division Sherman V

One of the Polish 1st A.D. Firefly ICs, with the usual track armour that I mentioned.


A Firefly based on the basic M4 Sherman, essentially the same as the Premium British Firefly, which represents one particular IC Firefly of the 1st Polish Armoured Division. This would be pretty equivalent to their tree Sherman VC (based on the M4A4) and the Italian M4 Tipo IC Composito (based on the M4 "Hybrid" with an M4A1 hull front) but would be the only version of this particular Firefly to be researchable. Like the Sherman V, it's not as unique as some other options, but as with many Polish tanks after D-Day they tended to have an impressive amount of track armour on the sides which should make some difference at least, and as another of their most used vehicles it would be wrong not to have it in the tree. It could fit between Turan III and the first Tas in the Medium / Heavy line, or between the ST-1 and ShPTK in the TD line; the premium Sherman IC "Tryzniec" would ideally get moved across to the V4 tree too. 


Sherman IIA (Modified) (suggested BR 4.7-5.0)


Image result for 1st Polish Armoured Division M4 Sherman


This is an M4A1(76)W, but in Polish service they saw some incredibly heavy improvised armour, which is so extreme I think it should be stock to the tank (or at least mostly, with the last bits being researchable). Several of these tanks in Polish service had their 76mm guns painted like the Firefly's to look like the normal 75mm gun from a distance and had their entire hull front and both the turret and hull side totally covered in spare tracks, each one raising the tank's armour in that spot by 20mm. This takes the 76mm M4A1's hull front and turret sides from 63.5mm to 83.5mm, and the hull sides from 38.1mm to 58.1mm, which is a pretty major increase even if the tracks can be shot off, and combined with angling would make them quite tough against the average opponent, while the excellent 76mm gun will be able to kill nearly anything it's likely to face. I'd suggest grouping this and their Firefly together, whether that winds up being in the Medium / Heavy or TD lines. 


A30 Challenger (BR 5.3)



This is a Challenger of the Czechoslovakian independent armoured brigade, which looks like it might have the extra armour of late production Challengers.


Both the Polish and Czechoslovakian troops in exile received Challengers in 1945, and while neither country's tanks saw combat before the end of the war, they both used them for many years after the war. Later Challengers had 100mm more armour on the front, and the late delivery of the V4 countries' Challengers makes it likely they got some of these. This would fit well in the TD line in Rank III or IV, perhaps before the ISUs at the start of Rank IV.


Other vehicles they used: Valentine Mk.II (Mk.I with a slightly different engine); Crusader II/Late (Crusader II without the MG turret); Crusader III (same as British tree); Cromwell IV (Mk.V with some aesthetic changes); Sherman I & III (M4 and M4A2 Shermans like the US tree's, just without AA MGs); Sherman VC (same as the British tree Firefly); M4A2(76)W (identical to the US version, supplied directly to the 1st A.D. by the Americans to replace losses of other Shermans); Sherman IVBY (An M4A3(105) HVSS, just like the US one); 17-Pdr S.P. Archer (same as the British Archer); 17-Pdr S.P. Achilles (same as the British Achilles); Cromwell VI (a howitzer-armed Cromwell V, firing HEAT; I didn't put it in the list because I have no idea where it would go in the tree)


I noticed your AA line is also missing some options, particularly regarding radar and SAM-equipped AA:


PZA Loara-A (suggested BR 8.0)


Image result for PZA Loara-A


This is pretty much the equivalent of the Gepard or Type 87 AAs, with the same guns and basically the same turret. The prototype used the T-72M chassis, but the single production Loara, the Loara-A, used the better hull of the PT-91 Twardy. This is the radar AA your tree needs, and because of how much it has in common with other vehicles it should be easy for Gaijin to model too.


ZSU-23-4MP Biała (suggested BR 9.3-9.7)


Image result for zsu-23-4mp biała


The replacement for the Loara-A, this is a Polish modification of their existing ZSU-23-4 "Shilka" AAs. A new targeting computer and modern ammo has extended the guns' lethal range against planes by 1km compared to the standard Shilka in the Russian tree, and as a longer range backup has four Grom SAMs, which are infrared-homing fire-and-forget missiles with a max range of 5.5km. While it doesn't quite have the punch of a Tunguska or an ADATS, it's a pretty nice vehicle nonetheless and much better than nations like Japan are likely to get (they only have SAM trucks). 


I'd love to see a V4 tree come to the game and I hope this extra info helps!


Edited by Zombificus
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@Zombificus Thank you for all your help!

Usually players doesnt like the situations when a nation "swich sides" and they have the vehicles of different eras in the same BR. In arcade it doesnt matters, but in realistic it starts to be bad, in simulator its a nightmare. Just imagine a simulator battle with V4 in rank II-III with the British and American tanks and planes. Plus, with the addition of these, we must to add the Russian counterparts too, like T-70, SU-76, T-34-76s and others. I dont want to make a tree of this kind. The game doesnt need a second China.
The second problem is these tanks and planes were used by Czechoslovakians and Poles, and later the tanks had been returned to USA and Britain, but werent operated by Poland itself (as there was no Poland and Czechoslovakia when these were crewed with their former citizens). Of course there are some rare exception, like S-89 (Spitfire LF Mk.IXe) and I heard about one or a small number of Challangers in Czechoslovakian service after the war. I just added tanks and planes of Poland, Czechoslovakia, Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, Slovakia and Hungary.
However, I dont want to forbid the addition of these tanks as premiums, but I think these could be added to the British tree where the Polish Firefly is and the US tree.

Actually, Toldi IIAK was rejected too. The reason why both V-4 is in the tech tree is we already have 10+ possible Rank I premiums, so I dont want to put another one there. Toldi IIAK however can be Rank II, and there it can be added as a premium.

As the British and American tanks, a bad switch between axis and soviet era can increase the dissatisfaction of players. This switch is between rank III and IV. If you look at the third rank you can see 8 researchable vehicles. To unlock the Rank IV you need to research 5 of them. The worst possibility for us is someone doesnt research the Hetzer (ST-I), the Nashorn (ShPTK vz.43N) and the Panther D. Why? Because every other possibility these players unlock the Rank IV having a vehicle which was used post war, and that vehicle is their top BR (except Hetzer when Tas is researched, but then an average player goes for the Panther too). With Rank IV lineup matchmaker should put you on the soviet side.
Then when Rank IV unlocked players can start 4 other vehicles immediately (PT-76B, IS-2, T-34-85 and OT-810D if the 1.0 armored car Csaba is researched) plus two if the previous rank III is researched, so its easy to find a soviet-era first spawn. But what if you die, and you have only one Rank IV? You will go back to Rank III vehicles. And here would come some players: Panther/Nashorn/etc. on soviet side, fix the game, bad tree addition, and so on. Would come, if the Panther/Nashorn/Hetzer/etc wasnt used post-war. But they were. So these players cant really complain about it. Its a smooth switch of sides between rank III and IV. The Rank III lineup its a perfect axis lineup, the Rank IV lineup is usually a good soviet lineup (even if rank III vehicles used). Thats what I wanted.


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Oh and something I forget @Zombificus
I know there are a lot of SPAAs in the top tiers. From 8.0-10.3 there are the Strop I, the Strop II, its modification, the BRAMS, PZA Loara, there is a mockup of PZR Loara, there is the two LSPZRA, Sopel and Stalagmit, there is the Biala and later Hibneryts with Grom missiles and some only-missile SPAAs which cant really be ingame, because they cant shoot at tanks, like OSA-AKM, OSA IRIS, Żbik-P/R, KUBs, 9K31, Poprad and others. I wont overfill the tree. That means we need a 8.0, a 10.0-10.3 and maybe an other one. (None of the current trees has more.) So even if we have all of these, only 3 we can choose. In my tree there is the Strop I, which has no radar, just an optical guidance, has the iconic Czech 30 mms and perfect turret rotation speed. I know, its only a prototype, but I dont want to be change it to another Gepard-like thing. We have enough of those. Oh, and not to get NATO feeling in the middle of the soviet era.
For the 10.3 and the other I choosed the LSPZRA variants, because they are similar, so easy to model, but do not give us copy paste feelings like the Biala, these arent mockups like PZR Loara and are not that big monsters like Strop II and BRAMS. They have a good load of missiles, one Strelas, the other Groms, one has no gun aiming assistance (thats why it can be the lowest BR missile-SPAA, a reason to grind it) the other has optical assistance (again). Both are Polish, a way to compromise Poles for not using the Loara.
Of course, this SPAA lineup doesnt contains any radar, and that might be a problem, but it can be one of the unique features of this tree. ;)

Edited by Miltaccfd
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Love the idea of these smaller mixed-nation trees as opposed to larger continental trees. I'm pleasantly surprised by the number of new and unique vehicles you've got listed here so at the very least it's beaten the low-bar set by China. All it needs is a dose of Sherman. 


I certainly hope we see Visegrád Group tree added in the future. :good:

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1 hour ago, MajorFooFoo said:

All it needs is a dose of Sherman.

Aaah here it comes... No tech tree without Shermans... :016::D Then at least one of the Polish/Chechoslovak Battalions' Shermans will be added as a premium... But why? Doesnt this form look amazing? I think it does. I feel no need of a Sherman even if it is possible :D

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