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[Discussion] Balance, Bias, Matchmaking and Battle Ratings


no real such thing as "nerf" or "buffed" in War Thunder...

I guess thats why the devs deliberately chose a different engine from the one in real life for the A7M1, because the real life A7M1 was so bad. To me that is a total artificial buff. The real life one was terrible, sk they gave it an engine it never even used or was planned to use, just so it was good.
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I finally found a true case of Russian Bias, i.e.


New scenarios in Realistic Battles.


Dear Tankers!


Due to popular demand, we have decided to implement new scenarios for Realistic Battles. From now it is possible to participate in battles where the USSR will face an enemy team compiled from any other nation available in game or, in another case, allied forces of Germany and Britain will clash with USSR.


Why is the USSR singled out as the only nation to face a team of other nations?


Why isn't this option provided for all nations?


If anything, this bias will feed the unfounded mythical Russian Bias posts in the forum where people will surly claim the USSR tanks are the only tanks that could face a TEAM of other nations on a regular basis.


Mater of fact, it has already stated



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I finally found a true case of Russian Bias, i.e.


New scenarios in Realistic Battles.


Dear Tankers!


Due to popular demand, we have decided to implement new scenarios for Realistic Battles. From now it is possible to participate in battles where the USSR will face an enemy team compiled from any other nation available in game or, in another case, allied forces of Germany and Britain will clash with USSR.


Why is the USSR singled out as the only nation to face a team of other nations?


Why isn't this option provided for all nations?


If anything, this bias will feed the unfounded mythical Russian Bias posts in the forum where people will surly claim the USSR tanks are the only tanks that could face a TEAM of other nations on a regular basis.


Mater of fact, it has already stated




Realistic Battles.

It was already possible to met single nation German team facing all three remaining in RB.

So Soviets are second in this actually.


UK and US aren't yet strong enough (in WT) to this IHMO and I think they will lag behind even more in the future.

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Also the newish B29 superfortress is so easy to take down it is a joke it is like shooting at a biplane and the gunnery mode is so inaccurate as you aim at the lead indicator in arcade you fire at the lead indicator and the bullets fly over the plane you have to aim infront of the lead indicator to hit the plane and even then the b29 is most likely spinning out of control on fire as this happened to me against a spitfire mk vb trop it came up I aimed my gunners and fired to bullets missed even though I was aiming at the indicator and he fired a 4 second burst and it set my plane on fire making my plane explode after being shot at by 303 7.7mm and two 20mm the b29 should be way tougher than that as in the war it could actually take multiple 30mm canon rounds before it was shot down please buff the armour and make it harder to shoot down so it can actually be a good bomber and also increase the gunners accuracy on bombers in general  

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you have to be pretty naive to thin the t34s,especially the t34-85 isnt overpowered for it tier,lets face it,they always get down tiered,the shells have the best by far fragmentation,which all happily split into even groups heading for engine and every crew member.

dont get me started how they can be on fire,while in last man standing and still one shot 3 tanks.

this is why i will never spend a penny here,because i refuse to play any vehicle  thats Russian,its too easy.

my Churchill mkv only has 101 pen,yet the Armour of t34-85 with angle is 131mm,you basically have to shoot down ontop of the t34-85 to pen it,and lets face it,its so fast you have no chance anyway.

for 3 weeks i have yet to be up tiered,

Edited by patchedupdemon
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no real such thing as "nerf" or "buffed" in War Thunder... Machines maybe tweaked according to datasheets, there maybe conflicting data at times and so Developers will try and use the best official source and or as users hand in suggestions for official records as evidence where data maybe lacking   



Well said !


No mater what game, Developers will never please everyone... "the perfect game for you has a population of one." as a wise man once said ^^


Its not really about going with the popular crowd in War Thunder, not to say the Devs do not listen to the community concerns, BUT the Devs however do follow what the database is telling them as well, and so they may "Balance" the position of machines based on both point of views of the Community and what the Database is telling them... and unlike some other games, machines in War Thunder are not "nerfed or Buffed" or categorized entirely by the weapons that they carry, and or such weapons are not buffed or nerfed to keep in line with other machines in that category...


Devs will balance the game based on historical data sheets, including ballistic/physic data as much as possible with the data that they have... so sources from the community maybe highly sort after since such data can be very very rare and or lost forever... 

devs will balance based on data,so where in the data does it say that russian shells fragment perfectly into even groups heading to engine and all members,yet the equivalent shell on another nation hardly fragments.

also could you show me the data that says any t34 can be onfire while in last man standing and still one shot 3 tanks,yet other nations are restricted to one action only while in the same situation.


you cant claim data as proof yet not submit any,the outcome kinder makes your claim mute really

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Is it just because of tier/br gaps, that the 3 Beaufighters are spread over 2 BR in RB, even though their flight performance is basically the same?

I really think I could do just as badly in a Mk.VIc if I was pared with someone in a 21! Edited by balderz002

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The M4A2 (75) is not the right battle rating for its performance. I am always getting uptiered against T-35-85s and i can hardly penatrate their front armor with my tiny 75mm potato cannon, while they kill me with one shot from across map. It should be dropped down to either a 4.0 or even 3.7 because of battle rating compression. If you took the time to read this i thank you and please make this tank enjoyable to play. Thanks.


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So , here goes . ive been playing since beta, i have 1400 hours. not to say im great , but ive enough exp to know that germany tiger 2s are absolutely btoken, been n t5 for 8 monnths because 75 percent the time 45 seconds into game half my teams been wiped out across the map with snipe shots, then you jsut spawn get spawn camped bye germany , i hear Russian bias all day and try playing t44 and going up against a entire team of tiger twos and see how well the bias is you wont make it out of spawn, i also get sick and tired people saying theirs no hax, which ill probably get banned for this . but there are when your 250 plus mm pen shell bounces of rears and sides of tigers what the hell do you call that , not once but three times plus . then because you couldnt pen the rear of a tank they turn around one shot you . now dont say get good like a douche , dont say theirs no german bias . im getting sick fucking tired being spawn camped owned bye germany for months and battles on end . is there anyone else who sees this ?

joszef (Posted )


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Wow, must be extremely disturbing, judging by this reaction, to finally come around a german tank that isnt crippled in one shot and can apply RNG to itself without many obvious huge weakspots.

Edited by Ulatersk
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I dont mind a good fire fire, i dotn mind knowign where to hit, what i do midn even with flanking teamwork side attacks and rear , they dont matter, every now and then ill get a kill , every 1-10 matches ill get a good shot, but hte other ten instant sniped spawn camp cant pen the sides bulshit , jsut had four matches where 25- 30 seconds in cause i wait before moving out, i get sniped across the map at spawn and half my team is dead , 15 seconds later auto lose its been like this for months. MONTHS . but it only works in t5 , and its only against tiger 2s.

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German bias, like Russian bias, is a myth. It's made up bull **** to help people pad their feefees. Just like saying "X nation has only one good tenk ((((((((((((". War Thunder forum: Feefees padding simulator. The only reason Germany is so powerful at top tier is because they have a tank that is perfectly conforming to the meta (and has its realistic opponents save the Brits missing).

Edited by Choogleblitz
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I will try to be civil as possible.


I would like to give an idea tahat all components of planes/tanks have BR value and as player upgrade them their BR increases to maximum the vehicle can achieve.


I suggest as well that all modules can be uninstalled because for instance I love driving Panthers but Panther cannot battle Konigstigers and JS-2 mod44 and I do not use sub caliber ammunitions and thus should have BR at lets say 5.7.


The Panther is just example but idea is general and may help to balance battles better.


Another idea is that MM mixes skilled players, good and not so good in balanced numbers so that you would have lets say: 3 very good players, 6 good players, 7 not so good players per team and would result in better balance and elimination of scenarios where one team nukes other.


Does any of this make sense ??


Ah and devs should make PVE like in Armored Warfare missions...

Edited by AnarchistOfChaos
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So , here goes . ive been playing since beta, i have 1400 hours. not to say im great , but ive enough exp to know that germany tiger 2s are absolutely btoken, been n t5 for 8 monnths because 75 percent the time 45 seconds into game half my teams been wiped out across the map with snipe shots, then you jsut spawn get spawn camped bye germany , i hear Russian bias all day and try playing t44 and going up against a entire team of tiger twos and see how well the bias is you wont make it out of spawn, i also get sick and tired people saying theirs no hax, which ill probably get banned for this . but there are when your 250 plus mm pen shell bounces of rears and sides of tigers what the hell do you call that , not once but three times plus . then because you couldnt pen the rear of a tank they turn around one shot you . now dont say get good like a douche , dont say theirs no german bias . im getting sick xxxx tired being spawn camped owned bye germany for months and battles on end . is there anyone else who sees this ?


Oh, you're butthurt because you couldn't be bothered to flank properly or use APCR, and are now getting it like you've been giving it between 3.3 and 6.3? Please, do tell me more about your realizations of how difficult it is to fight against vehicles that are immune or resistant to your weapon in their frontal 60 degree arc!

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Hold up a sec, If matchmaking and Battle Rating system is so fucked up, why don't you forget about the Auto Matchmaking and do some sort of Server list type-thing?


Here's how I think it could work:
Go into Servers,

In the menu the servers will automatically filter based on Tier and each server will show what vehicles can/will/are participating.

So it will basically be like Events but with a server browser.

Similar to Events, there could be a specification on which vehicles can go against each other (chosen by community/Devs) instead of relying on flawless BR System ))))

So, if the Community says "x" overpowers "y" then they can hold a vote to see whether or not it can play on a certain map with a certain vehicle selection.


Those are just my Ideas. Please, don't get too serious about this for it is only a simple suggestion rather than an argument.

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if that is happening in RB, then you are leaving an Aircraft in your lineup that is rated in the same range.  For RB it takes your BR's from both planes and tanks.

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So this is a serious question. Should a vehicles BR's change on what is unlocked. Especially at higher tiers in aircraft, and lower tiers on tanks.


Alot of tanks around tier 3 and up cannot pen other tanks (even at point blank) with stock ammo (sometimes needing 4-5 unlocks just to be able to compete), we were told we would get new vehicles with parts and fpe, to ease the whole early grind.


Aircraft, especially higher tier, are silly when there is speed deficits of up to 80kph, not to mention sparkle rounds, and a much reduced ability to turn.  


Just a thought.

_Catweazle_63 (Posted )

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