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(Sd. Kfz. 142/2) Sturmhaubitze 42 G late (Sep 1944)


Add in the Sturmhaubitze 42 G late (Sep 1944)?  

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  1. 1. Add in the Sturmhaubitze 42 G late (Sep 1944)?

The Sturmhaubitze 42 G (Sd. Kfz. 142/2) assault howitzer was created to provide the infantry increased firepower support in order to offset the increasing diversion of the Stug III G to the anti-tank role. The StuH 42 G was equipped with a modified variant of the 10.5 cm leFH 18 howitzer, enabling it to be electrically fired. About 1,300 vehicles were produced between March 1943 until the end of the war. In War Thunder, the current StuH 42 G presently found in the game is an early April - May 1943 example, which you can clearly see below:




Instead of depicting a standard, common, mainstream example produced during the peak of StuH 42 G production, Gaijin instead has decided to provide the German faction player with an extremely early example based directly on the game's early Stug III G thus resulting in weaker features such as the appliqué bolted on frontal armor, no Nebelwurfgerät, no Zimmerit, no cupola shot deflector, no steel return rollers, no improved tracks, no Rundumsfeuer MG 34 machine gun, no Nahverteidigungswaffe, no external gun travel lock, no strengthened final drive, no co-axial MG 34, and no Pilze. This complete lack of late improvements of any kind is a noticeable detriment to the combat effectiveness of the StuH 42 G in the game. As a result, the German faction player has to make do with an early, single, rare, slow loading example of a mass produced armored vehicle in an early configuration that is completely out of place for late war maps & events/scenarios. Therefor, I am making this topic in order to introduce a proper StuH 42 G  example into this game, one produced during the peak of Sturmhaubitze production (Sep 1944):




This suggestion is specifically for a late war September 1944 Sturmhaubitze 42 G , featuring late war equipment & features such as one piece ammunition & Treibspiegel-Geschoss ammunition. Main improvements of this late StuH 42 G over the current early one present in this game would be:


Solid 80 mm frontal hull armor


Cupola protected by armored deflector

Steel rollers

Improved tracks with increased traction

Rundumsfeuer MG 34 (to shoot at soft targets)

Nahverteidigungswaffe (for smoke)

Solid 80 mm frontal superstructure armor

Muzzle break discontinued

One piece ammunition for faster reloading

Treibspiegel-Geschoss ammunition

Main weapon travel lock

Strengthened final drive

Co-axial MG 34 (to shoot at soft targets)

Pilze for 2 ton crane


Some more information:










































Sources used:

Panzer Tracts 23 Panzer Production from 1933 to 1945

Sturmgeschutz & Its Variants

Panzer Tracts No.8: Sturmgeschuetz - S.Pak to Sturmmoerser
Sturmgeschutz III and IV 1942-45 (New Vanguard, 37)

Stug III in action
Sturmartillerie: Spearhead of the infantry
Sturmgeschutz Part 2 StuG.III, Ausf.F-G and Sug StuG.IV
Sturmgeschütz III, Stug. IV & SIG. 33 = IIIgō Totsugeki-hō IVgō Totsugeki-hō 33shiki Totsugeki hohei-hō hen
Encyclopedia of German tanks of World War Two

Edited by Chomusuke1
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Most funny thing about that is, that with the 10,5/7,5 cm Pzgr Ts it will be stronger than L/43 guns with 765 m/s Pzgr 39. So perhaps then they will give L/43 the 770m/s and L/48 the 792 m/s or else it seems that Germany allready made the effective multy purpose gun with great he and AT performance at comparable low cost (cince for tank mount you dont need the normal wheel base the gun is cheaper to produce than the KwK 40 and lighter iirc.) Like MBTs have.

Edited by Ghostmaxi

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The current StuH 42's Gr.39 rot Hl/C round is incorrect in this game as:

1.) the 1943 early StuH with muzzle break in-game should not receive a future 1944 Hl/C round

2.) more importantly, the Hl/C round seems to be modeled as a two piece round in this game when it should be one piece:





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Would definitely be a neat premium at the very least. The new ammo could make it like a 4.0 (plus the removal of the muzzle break could definitely make it much harder to knockout the barrel).

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9 hours ago, Chomusuke1 said:

The current StuH 42's Gr.39 rot Hl/C round is incorrect in this game as:

1.) the 1943 early StuH with muzzle break in-game should not receive a future 1944 Hl/C round

2.) more importantly, the Hl/C round seems to be modeled as a two piece round in this game when it should be one piece:





There can be retrofit, it even sayes on the picture:"Wird nur aus StuH 42 verschossen." -> Only fired out of StuH 42, which is the gun in game, just because the hull and other features are early.


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59 minutes ago, Ghostmaxi said:

There can be retrofit, it even sayes on the picture:"Wird nur aus StuH 42 verschossen."

Ok I guess but then why is the C round incorrectly a two piece round in this game?


9 hours ago, G1label said:

Would definitely be a neat premium at the very least

No...This would be a standard vehicle, not a premium. Just like I stated on my Stug III G late suggestion: https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/558680-sd-kfz-1421-sturmgeschtz-iii-g-late-dec-1944/&do=findComment&comment=9385779

Why on earth would this StuH 42 G be a premium vehicle? This is the definitive StuH 42 G produced during the peak of production, as such, it belongs in the standard tree...Nobody should have to grind, use eagles, use the marketplace or online store, do a battlepass, squadron vehicle, or do any other type of event stupidity to receive a standard vehicle like this one. If anything, the current, presently available early configuration/rare StuH 42 G that is already present in this game should be relegated to premium status...


Edited by Chomusuke1
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1 hour ago, Chomusuke1 said:

round incorrectly a two piece round in this game?

Because they looked at the LeFH 18 for the modeling, it doesnt even have the F.H. Gr F  which it could use with the muzzle break (and even without duo beeing mounted in a vehicle with a more reinforeced mount than on the field, like the Jagdpanzers L/48.)


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4 hours ago, Chomusuke1 said:

Ok I guess but then why is the C round incorrectly a two piece round in this game?


No...This would be a standard vehicle, not a premium. Just like I stated on my Stug III G late suggestion: https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/558680-sd-kfz-1421-sturmgeschtz-iii-g-late-dec-1944/&do=findComment&comment=9385779

Why on earth would this StuH 42 G be a premium vehicle? This is the definitive StuH 42 G produced during the peak of production, as such, it belongs in the standard tree...Nobody should have to grind, use eagles, use the marketplace or online store, do a battlepass, squadron vehicle, or do any other type of event stupidity to receive a standard vehicle like this one. If anything, the current, presently available early configuration/rare StuH 42 G that is already present in this game should be relegated to premium status...


The reason I said for it to be a premium is because I don't see where it could go in the tech tree. The casemate TD line is pretty filled out. I guess you could foldor it with the stug iii G.


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On 01/10/2022 at 09:09, G1label said:

The casemate TD line is pretty filled out

This vehicle is an assault howitzer though and other than this vehicle, we only get:

1.) a 15cm sIG 33 B Sfl

2.) a extremely rare Brummbar in Ausf. I or II configuration

3.) the unfortunate omitting of the SturmInfanteriegeschütz 33B15 cm sIG 33 L/11 auf Panzerkampfwagen III Ausf. H15 cm sIG 33 (Sf) auf Panzerkampfwagen I Ausf BSd.kfz. 124 Wespe15 cm Grille SPG seriesSd.kfz. 165 Hummel, & the 15 cm sIG 33/2(Sf) auf Jagdpanzer 38(t) from this game so its not too filled it seems...

Edited by Chomusuke1

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Imagine if this was rank 3 along with a Pz,4, Germany BR3-4 could be fun for events again.


EDIT: 160mm @60°? They certainly didn't give the 42 that much in game. Maybe flat pen.

Edited by N4CR_

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3 hours ago, Chomusuke1 said:

This is an assault howitzer though and other than this vehicle, we only get:

1.) a 15cm sIG 33 B Sfl

2.) a extremely rare Brummbar in Ausf. I or II configuration

3.) the unfortunate omitting of the SturmInfanteriegeschütz 33B15 cm sIG 33 L/11 auf Panzerkampfwagen III Ausf. H15 cm sIG 33 (Sf) auf Panzerkampfwagen I Ausf BSd.kfz. 124 Wespe15 cm Grille SPG series, & Sd.kfz. 165 Hummel from this game so its not too filled it seems...


It would definitely be cool to see the SturmInfanteriegeschütz 33b or the m113 stug.


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