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[Battle Pass] Meet Her Majesty's Hussar, the 11th season of Battle Pass


2 hours ago, SkySo1dier said:

For me Il-28 with her 3000kg bomb and Object 906 did it in ground RB. Took ~14 games.


Worked. But a hell of a ride, took me 10+ GFRB matches. Wiesel with that 20mm cannon and scouting, do the usual stuff, then spawn the IL-28. 


Took me 10+ matches. In 3 matches I managed to get kills with that 3000kg bomb from >4.000m.


1. Eastern Europe (Citymap with open surroundings)

Was going in at 4000m, the center cap point was recently taken by the enemy team. I decided its worth a drop (its a chokepoint as well, connecting both city parts). Two enemy tanks were still there and got destroyed.


2. Port Novorossiysk (Domination)

There are always corner campers at the town exit towards the C cap point, trying to snipe into the enemy map side and to deny them C. Always. So I flew in at 4000m an just dropped at this well known street corner. Got 2 kills.


3. Breslau. Same as 1. .... The only cap point was taken over by the enemy team a while back. I bombed the island with that cap and one Bradley was still around. The last kill.


This way you get an idea how to make your kills. All attempts to bomb blinking scout or target markers in like 10 other matches failed. The scouted vehicles always moved away from the killzone of the bomb or got taken out by others (no wounder it was scouted...). So don't do this, its a waste. Even if markers look tempting, it will most likely not work. Restrain yourself and bomb chokepoints, caps and well known sniper positions  and hope the best. Ofc best opportunity is to drop on a cap zone which is about to get taken by the enemy (if you're that lucky to be at the right place at the right time).


Edited by Thodin
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For Crazy Bravado, just a note that (now that it's fixed) it's any game and mode where you get 3+ kills. You just have to get the kills with a rank III strike aircraft (rank II strike aircraft in a rank III lineup will not work). Doesn't matter if you die in between. EDIT: info corrected.

Edited by Bruce_R1
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Things i discovered due to this suffer task:


Cannon armament nowadays is ineffective, most does nothing post pen even if it has HE filler. The only one that works very well is the Swedish dive bomber T18B(57).but thats only a dive bomber thanks to lazy gaijin
USA 5.7 with its bombs is dominated by Ostwind users who happen to be God tier in it...so you gonna get 2km sniped out of the air, broken in half. 

Edited by PacketlossRedux

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7 hours ago, Bruce_R1 said:

For Crazy Bravado, just a note that (now that it's fixed) it's any game and mode where you get 3+ kills. You just have to fly out a rank III strike aircraft from your lineup that game (rank II strike aircraft in a rank III lineup will not work). Doesn't matter if you die in between or what vehicle you get the kills with.


Its always like this when they task you to schieve something specific in a certain vehicle class, like kills while piloting a strike aircraft. It needs to be rank III and nothing can be done to bypass this.


When they task you with more general match goals (like achieving the Terror of the Sky medal for example), you just need to spawn 1 rank III, rest of the lineups can be of lower rank.

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17 hours ago, Bruce_R1 said:

For Crazy Bravado, just a note that (now that it's fixed) it's any game and mode where you get 3+ kills. You just have to fly out a rank III strike aircraft from your lineup that game (rank II strike aircraft in a rank III lineup will not work). Doesn't matter if you die in between or what vehicle you get the kills with.


I don't understand what you mean, the task says Destroy 3 player vehicles without losing your own while using a strike aircraft 10 times so I have been playing in a tank (get SP) > spawn into a rank III strike aircraft and then trying to kill 3 (tanks / planes) WITHOUT dying in the aircraft so the way I read it is you need to do this 10 times which means 30 kills in total.  

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2 hours ago, Mike Oxlong said:

I don't understand what you mean, the task says Destroy 3 player vehicles without losing your own while using a strike aircraft 10 times so I have been playing in a tank (get SP) > spawn into a rank III strike aircraft and then trying to kill 3 (tanks / planes) WITHOUT dying in the aircraft so the way I read it is you need to do this 10 times which means 30 kills in total.  

For 3 kills you get 1 progress point, for 4 kills 2, for 5 3 and so on.

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4 hours ago, Mike Oxlong said:


I don't understand what you mean, the task says Destroy 3 player vehicles without losing your own while using a strike aircraft 10 times so I have been playing in a tank (get SP) > spawn into a rank III strike aircraft and then trying to kill 3 (tanks / planes) WITHOUT dying in the aircraft so the way I read it is you need to do this 10 times which means 30 kills in total.  

Sorry, I did some testing and it turns out I wasn't quite accurate above.

The way they've set it up is only Rank III+ strike aircraft count. The good news is the "without dying" line is still irrelevant. It's just the total number of player kills you get with your rank III+ strike aircraft in a game. It can be over multiple aircraft, including backups. If you get 3 it's one point, 4 it's two points towards the 10 you need and so on, just like other "Professional" type tasks. I got 4 points against it in a game just now for 6 kills split across 2 aircraft.

Air AB is the obvious mode to do this in, so you can have a whole lineup of strike aircraft for some countries. Good mid-tier countries for this are:
Germany (BR 2.7-4.7)
USSR (BR 3-3.3)
UK (BR 3-4.3)

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On 25/05/2023 at 12:15, Thodin said:


Its always like this when they task you to schieve something specific in a certain vehicle class, like kills while piloting a strike aircraft. It needs to be rank III and nothing can be done to bypass this.


When they task you with more general match goals (like achieving the Terror of the Sky medal for example), you just need to spawn 1 rank III, rest of the lineups can be of lower rank.

its important, that you choose the RK III first before going to a lower Rank, at least this is the case with other tasks e.g. scout.

You even don't have to spawn at all the RK III, just choose the RK III before u spawn and if the countdown is still running you might cancel the RK III and spawn in any vehicle u like

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7 hours ago, ExoSt4lker said:

image.png.b9e61c21eb5b33e94a0848bcd2b2bf Just did it in naval. Tried with Il-28 with chinese lineup but naval was much better overall.

yep I plan to do it with the Pe-8.


but because of eventual missile boat next patch it may be difficult.


Also naval ARCADE for infinite reloads ;)

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I still wish, they would add daily tasks for SB...as it is now, the BP is a system that prevents players from playing the most immersive part of their game.


Also IMO they should revert the challenges system to the way it was done in the first BP, where there was no time limit.


At some point I just noticed that by playing casually, I actually unlocked the whole thing and that was when I decided to spend money to get all the rewards.

Edited by PointyPuffin
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I just finished Masterful Sabrage, first I wanted to take Ju-288 in naval AB, but it's too many bots (even got shot down by an ai SKR-1 when I was above 4.5 km altitude...), ended up just using my regular BR 5.7 naval lineup with Do 217M-1 for the challenge, worked quite well, and I even released at around 3.3-3.5km altitude, just turn sharp and climb steep after release, on impact you're over 4km away (in RB you'd probably rip your wings or something, also in-air bomb reload in AB helps greatly, I dropped like 4-5 times on nothing just to climb a little faster and get to 4km).


As for Crazy Bravado, I did some steps in naval AB, just because it was convenient for my daily, with Bf-110 and Wyvern, but easiest for that would be a russian BR 3.3 air AB lineup with a handful Il-2, I used that to finish the challenge.

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i finished,  i was wrong with pe8 - is great :D slow but 5000kg bomb is awesome :) I think ~8-10 battles.

Now im thinking about next chellenge starting after actual (10x professionalist - its easy) 10 vehicles and 10 ships kill by ungeided rocket, vehicles is no problem, but ships... low br and tim tim rockets? 

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