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[Battle Pass] Meet Her Majesty's Hussar, the 11th season of Battle Pass


35 minutes ago, SzymonFca said:

i finished,  i was wrong with pe8 - is great :D slow but 5000kg bomb is awesome :) I think ~8-10 battles.

Now im thinking about next chellenge starting after actual (10x professionalist - its easy) 10 vehicles and 10 ships kill by ungeided rocket, vehicles is no problem, but ships... low br and tim tim rockets? 

If you go low enough BR even HVAR work.

I tried with F6F and in arcade it worked reasonably well.

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5 hours ago, SzymonFca said:

Now im thinking about next chellenge starting after actual (10x professionalist - its easy) 10 vehicles and 10 ships kill by ungeided rocket, vehicles is no problem, but ships... low br and tim tim rockets? 

My favorite will be the MPK Pr 204, (BR3.7) it can spawn from the boat spawn and even kill early DDs.. But the rocket boat from the last BP should also be ok.

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I'm not getting any professional award.

I played 2 arcade air, first with 7 kills, second with 5 kills, all players, not bots, and during the battle I did not get any "professional" (as I should have), so I did not advance the challenge either.

I did restard the game also before the second game ...


Did the requirement for the "professional" award did change recently ? Or is that a new bug ?


Update : now it seems to work, I get profesionnal during the battle and they are correctly counted for the challenge ... and I did not do anything since the previous battles

Edited by ineeh
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44 minutes ago, SzymonFca said:

"professional" is counted on one vehicle or all vehicles?

I'm pretty sure it was counted on all vehicles, but today it seems to have changed, it's only counting on one vehicle, I got my first professional with the sakeen and its 3 spawn in the same battle, and none for a battle with 9 kills on 4 different vehicles ... damn it

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Awards were "fixed" in the Drone Age update. Just most players don't read changelogs carefully, when updates are released:





  • A bug that caused the counter for tasks for a series of actions not to interrupt in some cases when player lost vehicles has been fixed. This fixed for example the battle awards like “Assists streak” and “Professional”, achievements “Cold-Blooded” and “Size Doesn’t Matter” and some other tasks.


With "some other tasks" they basically decreased huge amount of awards in battles. These awards were working fine since the beginning. But suddenly in September 2022 they decided to "fix" them. When they implemented this change, only a few players complained about this. Everyone else was happy to play the new vehicles added in the update I guess.


I keep saying this all the time: during updates, the devs keep nerfing everything slowly step by step for years now. Just most players don't notice this, because they don't pay much attention. And then some players don't understand why they gain less rewards nowadays. Well, if you didn't know, awards actually give you SL. Less awards in battles = less SL from awards. Players only lose with such changes.

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What’s with the Hussar Ballad challenge (7x awards of Hero of the Sky/Heavy Metal Hero/Terror of the Sea)?  Since the challenge opened for me, I’ve received Terror of the Sea in battles three times (rank IV cruisers) but there is no visible progress on the challenge.  Glitch?


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12 hours ago, _Poul_ said:

I keep saying this all the time: during updates, the devs keep nerfing everything slowly step by step for years now.

There are some challanges like "make some number of kills while in specific type of vehicle without loosing your own". They did not work well as they were probably based on the Professional task as it used to be - the streak continued till the end of battle. It appears that Gaijin fixed them by "fixing" the Professional task. So it looked for me like dev incompetence, but it fitted the the policy to cut players SL income, so I guess it was promoted from bug to a feature.

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On 26/05/2023 at 02:54, Bruce_R1 said:

Sorry, I did some testing and it turns out I wasn't quite accurate above.

The way they've set it up is only Rank III+ strike aircraft count. The good news is the "without dying" line is still irrelevant. It's just the total number of player kills you get with your rank III+ strike aircraft in a game. It can be over multiple aircraft, including backups. If you get 3 it's one point, 4 it's two points towards the 10 you need and so on, just like other "Professional" type tasks. I got 4 points against it in a game just now for 6 kills split across 2 aircraft.

Air AB is the obvious mode to do this in, so you can have a whole lineup of strike aircraft for some countries. Good mid-tier countries for this are:
Germany (BR 2.7-4.7)
USSR (BR 3-3.3)
UK (BR 3-4.3)

You can do it in ground battles aswell.

The A-1H with zunis shooting at soft targets its kinda fast.


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I think that climbing above 4km is the normal thing that people do to bomb ships safely. In naval AB once you are at that height you can do multiple attempts as you get infinite bomb reloads. You also get the enemy ships marked.

Other option is to try bombing landed planes air RB, but I think it would be much more frustrating then climbing to 4km in naval.

I have completed the chelange with me264 in naval AB.

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On 03/06/2023 at 15:15, Gruminator said:

Any tips besides IL-28..


Landcaster with 12 000lbs bombs and pray to not kill teamate in the same time. 



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On 03/06/2023 at 16:15, Gruminator said:

How on earth did Gaijin think "masterful sabrage" was a good idea?

Fair enough if you got late game bombers that can climb.

But 4 km is bloody high up for those poor souls at low and middle BRs .

Any tips besides IL-28..

Do 217 M-1 in naval AB worked quite well for me.

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