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E-100 Addition(updated)


unfortunately, the fact that it was passed to the development does not mean that they will be present in the game.
but having these two beauties in my hangar will be a pleasure!
one day they will go there.
i prey for this



Edited by _PabloSniper_
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well Gaijin will have to add  E series tank because Russia line up might look like this post 1.49.


IS10 T62 IS4 T54 1951 T54 1947 T54 1949 (all are most likely to get improved with much better ammo)


American line up.


M103, M60, M47, T95, M46, T32 (Maybe T30 will come)


Germany :


Maus, Leopard 1, M47, T54 (what will probably happen), KanonenJagdpanzer (maybe ?)


germany will need another vehicle to be able to bring the same line up than at least the russians. So will teh USA. The most serious candidate for the USA is trhe T30 with the big 155 mm FREEDOM gun. 


For germany, the E100 is the least fantasy tank.


But actually. Just give Maus 240 mm of armor and it's APDS and it's okay i can live with it.

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Maus, Leopard 1, M47, T54 (what will probably happen), KanonenJagdpanzer (maybe ?)

germany will need another vehicle to be able to bring the same line up than at least the russians. So will teh USA.


For germany, the E100 is the least fantasy tank.

Firstly, the whole Entwicklungsfahrzeug series passed to development ... will mean, E5, E10, E25, E50 and E75 also becomes possible ;)

And what's about the M48, M60 and the M42 who also was used by the Bundswehr or the T-55A who also was used by the NVA? ;)


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Dont need M60 as we get the Leopard. T55A ? yes thats what I mostly meant when saying T54 :) But since russians will have it too, Germany will always lack one tank medium or heavy to bring the lines up on par...  at least in the heavy tank department. So a Eserie tank will probably show up, it'll be tiered horribly with 15 + years other tanks design but ill be sexy xD

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From Hilary Doyle Himself:



 My drawings are based on the sketches attached.  Clearly, these first thoughts and proposals on future Panzer requirements were never given any priority and as the war situation deteriorated.  To me the “real“ engine/transmission package designers from Maybach never actively got involved and the armour designers certainly had not considered how a rear drive might be mounted.  What we see are proposals “that are the best ideas since sliced bread” being pushed by fringe companies and they certainly had no authority to  design the necessary new armoured hull.


Any additional information published on E50 or E 75 besides that in Panzer Tracts No.20-1 and Spielberger's  Band 8 Special-panzerfahrzeuge  is merely fantasy and should be labelled as such.


Its actually a really interesting article. If nothing else it should put to rest any argument about there being actual grounds to create an ESeries vehicle. It was an interesting concept and it is great for modeling and fantasy tank games. Can we now finally agree that there was no real effort by Germany to create the ESeries vehicles regardless of why. 


Actually germans had made some production blueprints for E-10 and E-25. But they did not get finished because the war ended.

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So I have been thinking alot recently about the E-100 being added to War Thunder. Even though the tank was only a chassis at the time, it was still a tank not to be taken lightly. The E-100 would be a tank that would usually tier up with the Maus'. 


The whole idea of the E-100 being in the game can change how users play in high tiers. The tank itself is much like the famous Maus, but with less armor and more speed. The gun I have in mind is the 15 cm Kw.K. L/38 gun mounted on the tank. but this may be just replaced with the maus' 12,8 cm Kw.K. 44 L/55. With the 15 cm gun can come with nasty reload speeds


The engine (Maybach Neues Projekt) (40 km/h (25 mph)) will be by means more powerful than the maus' (DB 603 A2).


The armor on the E-100 is less on the sides and rear making it more exposed to enemy flanking, although the front is as armored as the Maus.


Again the turret will be the Krupp turret and will have more at the front but still less in the sides and rear. I also expect the very anti-sloping of the armor on the turret to make it even weaker than the Maus' turret.


The traverse speed would be faster due to the E-100 being lighter than the Maus. 


At this point the E-100 is looking alot better than the Maus gun wise and speed wise. But to balance it out I think that there should be less armor in the gun mantlet. Kind of exposing the ammunition.


This would greatly prepare Germany for more. Russian Post-War tanks and Post-War America.


The tank should be researched off of the Maus, The RP cost could be around 410,000 - 500,000. 1,300,000 should be the lion cost, being branched off of the Maus.But it's totally up to you how you put it into the branch, that is just my suggestion.



Fast mobility

Great gun

Good frontal-armor

Good traverse



Bad side armor

Bad gun mantlet armor

Bad reload


The E-100 is a force to be reckoned with and should not be taken lightly, it might even be better than the Maus. I just know it will be a kicker out there in battle ~FAT_COP<3




Less armor in the gun mantle? how about no. I already deal with turret pen in my tiger 2s. The maus has a slight similar problem too. You know what stops it from having it as bad as the tiger 2s? The gun mantle and its sloped turret. We all know what game fakes armor values to balance the game. I do not want to go there. Very few tanks can pen the maus frontally. I want to keep it that way and the E100 if it is implemented. That is the only thing that makes it good is its armor. They are already implementing a USA tank that is virtually invincible from the front. The Germans don't need a tier 5 heavy tank that can't fight head on against other tanks. That is what all heavy tanks are for.  

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I do not know, but I think the team of developers should devote more attention to it.

Agreed, E-75 and E-100 would be good top Tier 5 heavy tanks after the Maus, then the E-50 holding the top medium tank spot, and finally having the E-25 after the Jagdtiger or possibly a Tier 4 premium

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Once again the E75 and E50 already essentially are in game as the KT 105 and Panther II. The devs have already said that this game will focus on actual designs unless completely necessary to add a prototype. At release of ground forces it was necessary and we got the Panther II and KT105... move on. Only if you want to turn this game into world of want to be tanks and give the KT105 a 128mm and the Panther II a 105 would there be any reason to include tanks that were never even drawn by anyone other than Hilary Doyle and other Future modelers. German TDs are already excellent and do not need any additions. 

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Ok, you shoot me with your picture in paper/screen, I shoot you with the real tank:

I thought this was about German tree, why are you posting American tanks?
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Here is topic about "Passed to development(http://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/195276-entwicklung-series/)  I think many players wait it

I think we can create topic about this here:(http://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/forum/428-general-questions/)

but i cant do it  :(s

Edited by ismirm98b1

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Here is topic about "Passed to development(http://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/195276-entwicklung-series/)  I think many players wait it

I think we can create topic about this here:(http://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/forum/428-general-questions/)

but i cant do it  :(s

i did one topic there


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I thought this was about German tree, why are you posting American tanks?


That's what the germans used in case T-54s decided to cross the border to play :)


0VH4IiN.png Its german as its carrying the mighty Schwarzes Kreuz :salute:


Also, M48 >>> any WW2 design, project, paper, fairy tale, etc. :lol2:

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That's what the germans used in case T-54s decided to cross the border to play :)
0VH4IiN.png Its german as its carrying the mighty Schwarzes Kreuz :salute:
Also, M48 >>> any WW2 design, project, paper, fairy tale, etc. :lol2:

You can put balkenkreuz onto any American tank in the game right now, nothing's stopping you.

That doesn't make it into a German tank.
Any indigenous design >>>>>>> zero effort copy pasta that doesn't belong to the nation.
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You can put balkenkreuz onto any American tank in the game right now, nothing's stopping you.

That doesn't make it into a German tank.
Any indigenous design >>>>>>> zero effort copy pasta that doesn't belong to the nation.


Ze official serving tank in Die Bundeswehr! You can't have a more real german tank than that for facing Cold War vehicles (pre 1965).


And it wouldn't be zero effort copy pasta. Could be a different variant than the US one, with different 3D features, etc. And it isn't cool if it didn't exist, for much indigenous brain who thought the idea. We already have fictional things... please lets try to keep them to a minimum (if gaijing negates to remove them).

Edited by SuperEtendard
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