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1.97 Rumor Round-Up and Discussion


29 minutes ago, Tubby_Vermin said:



Any chance of some decent store bundles this patch, my wallets hungry lol


Also can you tell us if the top tier premiums are going to be extended this patch, with the introduction of a new tier maybe ???


There will be some new store packs as usual of course.

As for the new tier, you think we'll just release news like this in the random post on the forum? Also, why is there a need for it at all, current top ranks are barely filled. 

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So we are almost 3 weeks away from having this thread getting more activity since mid February is usually the devblog season of the first year . 
Unless the devs are planning to release the first update of the year quite later than we expect . 

So yeah , place your bets , guys . 

I have a feeling that the recently announced BR changes are telling us there will be another BR decompression . I don`t why but even tho in  previous posts , the devs denied the fact that there will be another BR decompression round but it seems things going the other way .

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8 minutes ago, sargeanthashhash said:

I have a feeling that the recently announced BR changes are telling us there will be another BR decompression . I don`t why but even tho in  previous posts , the devs denied the fact that there will be another BR decompression round but it seems things going the other way

I think it now too, with the mig 21s... maybe 10.7


It will be more fair for the « new » 60s jet that will come in game


You know probably one these 





but this is not rumor sorry 

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I understand that Gaijin has a lot of obligations right now, especially since there are well over a thousands vehicles in the game. Nonetheless, I am curious as to the current state of the Ki-102, and how Gaijin plans to develop it. I'm sure you are aware (as you participated in threads relating to it) that there were discussions regarding whether or not the Ho-401 cannon had AP shells. One community member found a document that you were satisfied with: 


Additionally, the in-game Ki-102 lacks the bombload options that it was otherwise capable of carrying in real life, in addition to being married to the Ki-148 rocket-propelled radio-controlled bomb.



Could you provide some words of insight? I wouldn't be angry or disappointed if work has not yet commenced on the Ki-102's further development. I just want to have some peace of mind :))


On another note, please don't add Kamikaze Bombs to the game. I know some players want it, but I am unwilling to trivialize loss of life in that manner. 



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On 26/01/2020 at 23:09, Stridswombat said:

The armour packs are the same for all Leo 2's that use them. It's still probably not on the level of a 2a7+ since the underlying armour is a B hull. It could be about on par with a regular 2a7 though.

It is a odd assumption because IBD makes all the armor for the Swedish tanks. I am unsure about the turret or hull packages for the 122 being the same as KMW. It is mostly an assumption, though gaijn could still make it that way. Most likely though, the wedges on the turrets and hull are KMW and just older.

Edited by WolfFang2003

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10 hours ago, Noveos_Republic said:

On another note, please don't add Kamikaze Bombs to the game. I know some players want it, but I am unwilling to trivialize loss of life in that manner. 

What would it will serve any way ? Take a p47 with bombs and do exactly like a good kamikaze will do, it’s the exact same thing, it’s existent in the game already 


the gameplay be like : im a bomb that goes N Y O O O M

plus the repair cost



there is no logic to add this to war thunder 

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3 hours ago, MERTRAL said:

What would it will serve any way ? Take a p47 with bombs and do exactly like a good kamikaze will do, it’s the exact same thing, it’s existent in the game already 


the gameplay be like : im a bomb that goes N Y O O O M

plus the repair cost



there is no logic to add this to war thunder 

Does make crashing plane any damage on the ground ?

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6 minutes ago, MakeTopSitec0m said:

Does make crashing plane any damage on the ground ?


No - it was removed ages ago IIRC - crashing a plane now does not damage to what it hits unless it is a collision in mid air.

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All I want is some more team variations, getting fed up in never ending WW2 or these SciFi teams in Tank RB. Just why I cant play alongside UK or USA in my Italian or German vehicles?

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28 minutes ago, FoxBetty said:

or "Apache patch"


The Apatche?


The MirApatche ! :D

Edited by Hyrikul
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3 hours ago, TheAntiAirGuy said:

Devblog season will start with something unexpected and surprising to all of us, an Apache Pre-Order :lol2:

And then be dominated by already known swedish vehicles. -_-

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Who wants to bet there is a lot of changes coming this update up-tiering of certain vehicles might mean big changes to some mechanics course we know that Swedish tech tree is coming soon maybe that's why the br changes commenced 

Edited by SasquatchFox360

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