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1.97 Rumor Round-Up and Discussion


Chill on the M word, the only M word allowed around here is magazine2. ;)

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2 minutes ago, Rambolf said:

Say whats expected in this next dev blog anyway?

Some news, history and pros/cons of an upcoming future vehicle to be introduced with the very next major update of War Thunder. 

Until then, happy hunting! 


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3 minutes ago, TheAntiAirGuy said:

Some news, history and pros/cons of an upcoming future vehicle to be introduced with the very next major update of War Thunder. 

Until then, happy hunting! 


Until then, clear skies pilots ! :D

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OK guys seriously now the alphabet wars are not for this thread, although it was humorous, it's not now, thanks!

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dev-server is updating with around 50MB, version .112 (I know it's probably just the next hotfix, but thought it's worth pointing out)

Edited by Stuhlfleisch

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5 hours ago, Firnen_ said:


Good thing quantity doesn't mater as much in the game as quality^^

Actually F-15 is best plane in combat with zero shoot downs in combat conditions according to multiple pages. Also this jet wasn’t made in tousands series

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Im looking forward to what we swedes might get (hopefully a top tier jet), they have the J35D in their roadmap so im just gonna pray to the great snail every night to bless us, Good things come to those who wait ;)

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3 minutes ago, Rambolf said:

I pray for the 3 udes prototypes the 06 the 19 and the xx 20


What is the UDES 06? I've never heard of it. The UDES 19 (yet another Marder hull while we don't have the Marder...) and XX20 would definitely be cool though.

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11 minutes ago, Rambolf said:

I pray for the 3 udes prototypes the 06 the 19 and the xx 20

I know it will more than probably not be in the game ever but the Bandkanon 1 would be so fun to use in the game, although it would break the game.

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1 minute ago, MERTRAL said:

I think the first devblog will be a tier 1 Swedish tonk 

Yeah it will start slow and not so interesting. Unless they go crazy and just show us the Apache.

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1 minute ago, Fireraid233 said:

Yeah it will start slow and not so interesting. Unless they go crazy and just show us the Apache.

Probably the L-60 or the m/31.

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4 minutes ago, MERTRAL said:

Not only the Apache...

Ah yes that too i would be hyped.

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